Lose some FATTY by ST. PATTY challenge



  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    I weighed in yesterday. I'm 165. So I want to be 160 by then. I've "plateaued" for the last two weeks...so I'm actually bumping my calories up this week to see what kind of results I get.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I'm in. I finally got below my plateau as of February 9. My weight was 146.8 (WOO HOO!!!) so I will aim for 141.8.
  • So after my Green Team weigh in today, I need to lose 8.3 pounds to get out of the 150's. So, that's my goal - 8.3 pounds.
  • jenbar
    jenbar Posts: 1,038 Member
    I just want to get back to where I was. So, 4-5 pounds?
    see Before, I'm here!:wink::wink: :wink:
  • I would like to lose 9 pounds by St. Patrick's Day. Current weight 144. So....135!
    When do we check in?
  • marisol7649
    marisol7649 Posts: 484 Member
    I would like to join, Newbie here. What do I do? Where do I go? I want to lose 10lbs.
  • I would like to join, Newbie here. What do I do? Where do I go? I want to lose 10lbs.

    You just did it:laugh: Just make sure to check back here periodically and let us know how you're doing.
  • I'm so in!
    Never done a challenge on here before.. but 5 lbs. by St. Patty would put me lower than ever! 137, here i come!!
    celebrating St Patty's Savannah style this year, what a great celebration it'll be if i've lost the weight!
  • I would like to lose 9 pounds by St. Patrick's Day. Current weight 144. So....135!
    When do we check in?

    I think we just post here whenever we want.
  • helkat922
    helkat922 Posts: 150 Member
    Count me in! I will set my goal for 6 pounds by St Pattys Day:smooched:
  • marisol7649
    marisol7649 Posts: 484 Member
    Thank you!!:flowerforyou:
  • marisol7649
    marisol7649 Posts: 484 Member
    I would like to join, Newbie here. What do I do? Where do I go? I want to lose 10lbs.

    You just did it:laugh: Just make sure to check back here periodically and let us know how you're doing.
  • I'll say 4 pounds by St Patty's. Thanks for the challange, hope it will keep me more modivated! :)
  • I'm in!

    Today's weight: 179.1
    Goal weight: 171.0

    I hope to lose 9lbs by St. Patty's day.

    Wish me luck!:glasses:
  • 1Corinthians13
    1Corinthians13 Posts: 5,296 Member
    Okay, you talked me into it! I'm in!

    Today: 115
    By St. Patty's day my goal is to be back at 110

    Good luck girls!
  • peachykate
    peachykate Posts: 29 Member
    I'm in also!
    Today: 147
    I would like to be 142 by St. Patty's Day
  • kwill23
    kwill23 Posts: 122 Member
    Checking in i lost 1 pound already.

    SW: 139.5
    CW: 138.5

    Gain/Loss -1
  • I'm in!
    Start weight 176
    Goal for St. Patty's day 169
  • Add me in...

    this is my first challenge.. so i dont know what to do.

    I say i will loose 5 lbs by st patty's day:smile:
  • wender
    wender Posts: 38
    I accept your challenge. I will lose 6 pounds by patty day......All those leprechauns can be green with envy!!!!!

    B4 you crack me up. Life with you must be hysterical. Thanks for allt he laughs.
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