Plateau survivors - advice needed - very discouraged

I would like to hear from other people who have suffered a plateau many pounds before goal... I have lost 50 and have 35-40 more to go, and for the last month have been playing with the same 5 lbs.

Now, its partly my own fault for not doing what I should be doing for getting burned out on exercise, indulging in food and drinks too often... but still, I haven't lost and I am discouraged and need motivation and tips for getting the next 40 lbs off.


  • dittiepe
    dittiepe Posts: 557 Member
    Now, its partly my own fault for not doing what I should be doing for getting burned out on exercise, indulging in food and drinks too often... but still, I haven't lost and I am discouraged and need motivation and tips for getting the next 40 lbs off.

    You've actually answered your own question here. Hop back on track, be strict but not overly so, and get that exercise going. Change it up some so you don't get bored, but get it in.
  • LovingMe19
    LovingMe19 Posts: 380 Member
  • BobbyDaniel
    BobbyDaniel Posts: 1,460 Member
    You know what some of the problems are, so that is a good thing. Beyond that, shake things up a bit. Try new exercise regiments, change up your diet a little, take a good look at your micronutrients and see if there are some changes you need to make there.
    i hit a plateau for 3 months last year, so my heart goes out to you!
  • MarieNevada
    MarieNevada Posts: 395 Member
    you've answered your own question. you didnt do what you should have done. So make a note of that and move on and resolve that from now on you will do everything you need to do. This plateau is of your own making. Also if you're always eating the same amount of calories. try upping it by a few hundred once ever 3 days or so, and change up your exercise routine. If you're not strength training, start now. the more muscles, the better your metabolism runs, the more calories you burn.

    It doesn't sound so much like a real plateau as much as you might have lost your focus. I did too when i hit 45 lbs lost. It took about a month but I found my focus again by reminding myself of why it's important i lose weight. I read my list that i made when i first started of all the reasons I was doing it. And then i got right back at it, without beating myself up over my slip up.
  • fastbelly
    fastbelly Posts: 727 Member
    I don't see a plateau here. I see someone that is too discouraged to continue the journey and would rather indulge and skip exercise. It is up to you to get back on track. You're so close to your goal, keep pushing.
  • ambermichon
    ambermichon Posts: 404 Member
    I have one cheat meal a week...not a day or weekend and exercise 6 times a week. Once I truly focused on watching my cals I broke thru the plateau....8 lbs worth which for me was HUGE!!!! YOu can do it!
  • reneelee
    reneelee Posts: 877 Member
    Just keep at it daily trying to watch the calories and getting some exercise. If you keep it up it will pay off. I have been stuck for a year now and thats okay. The pounds didn't pack on over night and they are not shedding off overnight either.
  • SolidGoaled
    SolidGoaled Posts: 504 Member
    Yes - this is correct - this isn't a true plateau... I certainly have not been doing what I should be doing and I have lost focus. I should be grateful that I've stayed the same and not gained any back, actually!!

    How do you get focus back once you lose it so badly???
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    It's not a plateau. You see the problem and recognize the problem and yet do nothing to fix it.

    Change your work out routine to something exciting that will keep you interested. Cut down on sodium, sugar, and alcohol. Drink more water. Eat right. It's that simple.
  • MariPars
    MariPars Posts: 52
    Imagine being me.... I'm where you are EXCEPT Im still on track..exaughsting every positive option.... exercising.. still eating healthy.. Lost 50...still have that to go..havent lost in over a month. THATS frustration! Good luck though, I REALLY do understand.
  • loseatonlady
    Agree with trying to change things up - what is your diet like? Do you limit your carbs - meaning, do you try to eat mainly good carbs vs. limited bad ones? That has greatly helped me over plateau I had. I also go back to basics when I'm stuck - make sure I'm weighing, measuring,etc. We tend to get lax as we settle in & sometimes we're off on those ...
    Best wishes & friend me if you'd like!
  • stc74
    stc74 Posts: 297 Member
  • iwannashrink
    I am new to myfitnesspal and new to weightloss/fitness so I'm afraid that I can't offer anything of value on plateau survival, but can I just say that your progress so far is awesome and I hope someday I will have achieved what you have, My plan is to lose 75 pounds and I've just started, having lost five. I cannot visualize getting where you are yet. Don't get distracted by the plateau - remember where you came from and keep doing whatever it was that got you to this point!
  • MariPars
    MariPars Posts: 52
    hey you stc lol You know all about MY plateau!
  • Danahimself
    Danahimself Posts: 279 Member
    I actually took a week off of exercise and it seemed to do the trick for me
  • ewhitis
    ewhitis Posts: 132
    :flowerforyou: I'm kinda where you are at this point> Don't really have the answers but would like to be friends with someone who seems to be in the same boat as I am. I've had a few personal and physical issues lately but feel that they are under enough control that I can go forward with this! I seemed to hit a plateau about the same time for the triple whammy and am tired of making excuses for myself! It.s time to step it up and finish what we started, don't you think? feel free to add me as a friend!
  • fastbelly
    fastbelly Posts: 727 Member
    Yes - this is correct - this isn't a true plateau... I certainly have not been doing what I should be doing and I have lost focus. I should be grateful that I've stayed the same and not gained any back, actually!!

    How do you get focus back once you lose it so badly???

    That is something that is in your mind. You're here, so there's already some desire to get back on track. You need to make this journey a MUST. Don't look at it as a diet and exercise program, don't do a 30DS or P90 program only to not do anything else once the program is finished. Look at your life, and look at this journey as a lifestyle change. If you make it a lifestyle it will not be a diet or a restriction it will be your new life, a much better and healthier life.

    It's all up to you though!

    Good Luck!
  • sarahazelnut99
    sarahazelnut99 Posts: 307 Member
    Youve lost alot of weight so congratulations!!!!!! I would defiantly see a doctor for advice but think about it. your body needs to catch up from all that loss. I lost 8 pounds and i was very excited but ive been stuck for five months with not a pound lost...but i stay very positive and try my best but i know i cant always make the best choices :-/

    hold onto the fact that you lost 50 pounds! and remember your starting weight is someone else goal weight
  • thebunnies
    thebunnies Posts: 168
    i read this awesome blog earlier today, it's given me hope and motivation. check it out!
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    Just stick to your goals. You won't FIND motivation. You'll CREATE it. You CAN do it. If I can, you can.

    I'm 56 lbs. down with 44 to go and I'm in it for the long haul. I was stuck losing less than a pound/week for two months solid due to a database error (suspected sabotage) so double-check EVERYTHING.

    I don't work out yet, so your nutrition is key. Working out is important, but don't slack on calorie goals or you will never get anywhere.

    Hope this helps a bit. Good luck!