Lose 5lbs + in March 2018



  • leni1us
    leni1us Posts: 837 Member
    I'm coming a little late to the party but I'd like to join in.

    Starting weight -169.8
    March starting weight - 172.5
    March goal -164.0
    Ultimate goal - 140.0

    Lbs lost in March -
  • Go_Deskercise
    Go_Deskercise Posts: 1,630 Member
    Height: 5'5"
    Heaviest Weight: 138 LBS
    Ultimate goal: 117-120 LBS
    Current Weight: 125
    March Goal: 122 LBS

    Mar 1: 125
    Mar 6: 124.6
    Mar 12: 126.2

    When your 2 year old niece makes you a birthday cake with chicken and eggs on it (peeps and whopper eggs) .... you eat it :smile:
  • holytricoli
    holytricoli Posts: 36 Member
    All right, let's do this!

    HW: 179 (1/1/2018)
    March SW: 169.4
    March GW: 164

    3/3 - 168.4
    3/10 - 167.8
    3/17 -
    3/24 -

    Weight lost so far this month: 1.6 lbs ... I need to put some extra work in!
  • ali3boys
    ali3boys Posts: 84 Member
    Starting a little late, but love the challenge.

    I'll try to lose 3# by the end of the month :)
  • jeandsouza
    jeandsouza Posts: 17 Member
    Ultimate Starting weight - 214.0
    Current weight - 207.8
    February goal - 199
    Ultimate goal - 160

    Mar 03 - 210.0
    Mar 10 - 207.8
    Mar 17 -
    Mar 24 -
    Mar 31 -
  • eminater
    eminater Posts: 2,477 Member
    edited March 2018
    I'm in:

    In March I will weigh in on Wednesdays.

    01/03 - 223.8 lbs
    07/03 - 221.6 lbs
    14/03 - 221.8 lbs I'm in it for the long term, move on move on ....
    21/03 -
    28/03 -

    long term goals:
    GOAL 1: 215 *Nearer this by the end of March challenge?*
    GOAL 2: 199 - 195
    GOAL 3: 175
    GOAL 4: 150
    GOAL 5: tbd
    1. February SW: 231.4 lbs
    01/02 231.4 lbs (Mondays)
    26/02 223.4 lbs (-8 lbs in Feb)
  • tdbernrd
    tdbernrd Posts: 510 Member
    @maddyyfaye Are you working out, too? You may not be eating enough. Not saying pig out but maybe eat back a portion of what you are working off.
  • tkief01
    tkief01 Posts: 4 Member
    I have 60 days to lose 15 lbs.
    Sw. 148.0
    3-13. 147.4
    3-14 147.2
    Gw 130.00

  • jeschields
    jeschields Posts: 90 Member
    Highest weight - 280
    Mfp starting weight - 260
    March starting weight - 217
    February goal - 212
    Ultimate goal - 145

    3/7: 215.1
    3/14: 213.9

    Total loss in March: 3.1
  • karynclarke
    karynclarke Posts: 184 Member
    Highest ever weight (July 2010) - 275ish
    Starting weight (July 2016) - 228.6 lbs
    March starting weight - 184.7 (Feb 28)
    March goal - 180.5 lbs
    Ultimate goal - 145 lbs

    March 1st - 184.4 lbs (-0.3)
    March 5th - 184.5 lbs (+0.1)
    March 14th - 185.0 lbs (+0.5)
    March 21st -
    March 28th -
    March 31st -

    Total loss gain for March: 0.3 / -4.2 lbs

    First week and a half of March I'm at maintenance calories while healing my poorly broken finger, so a slightly lower goal than 5 lbs

    Lose 5+ pounds a month 2018 progress
    Jan: 196.2 lbs start, 188.2 lbs end = -8 lbs
    Feb: 188.2 lbs start, 184.7 lbs end = -3.5 lbs
    Mar: 184.7 lbs start, ???.? lbs end = -?.? lbs
    2018 loss: 11.5 lbs

  • stella7x7
    stella7x7 Posts: 2,757 Member
    March1 - 258.2
    March7 - 261.0
    March14- 257.0
  • coralrosepink
    coralrosepink Posts: 5 Member
    Original starting weight - 197 lbs
    March starting weight - 192 lbs
    March goal - 187 lbs
    Ultimate goal - 160 lbs

    3/07: 192.1
    3/14: 190.0

    Total loss for March:
  • angelkiss7
    angelkiss7 Posts: 35 Member
    Starting weight - 248.4
    March starting weight - 199.2
    March goal - 192
    Ultimate goal - 140-160

    2/25: 199.2
    3/4: 197.2
    3/11: 194.8
    3/14: 193.8

    Lbs lost in March -

    At least I am back to where I was before I went away for February vacation (.4 above but much better than 5 up). I need to get 100% focused to get to my goal. The one satisfaction that I have to look forward to is my yearly check-in with my doctor and the look on his face when he sees I’m down 54 pounds since last year (I’ve only been going to him for 3.5 years-he’s my obgyn and last year he told me I should think about doing something to lose weight... not something to tell an emotional eater that you’ve known for all of 2 seconds. I know I needed the wake up call but bed side manner would have been appreciated in my case lol). I knew I had to lose weight but I had to do it when I was ready or it wasn’t going to work.

    To update I didn’t have the pleasure of seeing my doctor because of the blizzard we got, but it gives me an extra month before I go see him now so maybe I can drop another pound or 2. I’d love to drop 4 by then to be in the 180s!
  • maddyyfaye
    maddyyfaye Posts: 8 Member
    @tdbernrd I play competitive badminton 3 times per week roughly 1.5-2 hours each session
  • tdbernrd
    tdbernrd Posts: 510 Member
    edited March 2018
    maddyyfaye wrote: »
    @tdbernrd I play competitive badminton 3 times per week roughly 1.5-2 hours each session
    Oh wow! That’s awesome.

    You can do it @angelkiss7 !
  • Birder165
    Birder165 Posts: 484 Member
    angelkiss7 wrote: »
    Starting weight - 248.4
    March starting weight - 199.2
    March goal - 192
    Ultimate goal - 140-160

    2/25: 199.2

    That must've felt so good to get under the 200 lb mark. Congrats!
    How long did it take you to reach that milestone?
  • thiswillhappen
    thiswillhappen Posts: 634 Member
    Starting late but I am in for the next 2 weeks (losing 2.5 lbs)
    March 14/18 - 166.7 lbs

    Goal: 164 - 165
  • kafsha25
    kafsha25 Posts: 27 Member

    March here i come!
    Original starting weight: 225 December 2017
    February end weight: 212
    March goal: 205
    Ultimate goal: 160
    I weigh in on Wednesday’s
    3/14: 208