What real life thing made you smile today?



  • princess7955
    princess7955 Posts: 1,277 Member
    good morning messages
  • chellycakes
    chellycakes Posts: 347 Member
    I passed my PT test and I got out of work a little early today
  • hud54014
    hud54014 Posts: 3,777 Member
    I got one of those fancy new scales that connects to an app... something tells me I will not be smiling later :|
  • beagletracks
    beagletracks Posts: 6,034 Member
    Lunch with an old friend, beagle faces, and a glass of nice red wine <3
  • Smilin40
    Smilin40 Posts: 1,828 Member
    I passed my PT test and I got out of work a little early today

    Noiccee feel free to help my dad bod
  • caco_ethes
    caco_ethes Posts: 11,962 Member
    Belly laughing at some posts here
  • go_cubs
    go_cubs Posts: 1,183 Member
    edited March 2018
    Not one but 2 clients said I looked pretty today
    It was kinda shocking had to look over my shoulder in case they were talking to someone behind me
  • AndOne8675
    AndOne8675 Posts: 151 Member
    My sister texted about going to the gym asap. I texted back ok, just gotta poop and put on my leotard. I loled the whole time getting ready and again while I type this. Dweebing out over a leotard...
  • My mom, who I was terrified of telling that I was trying to eat healthy, text me and asked me if she could buy me an egg poacher so my eggs are healthier. <3 Support is awesome.
  • princess7955
    princess7955 Posts: 1,277 Member
    One very adorable kitty
  • hud54014
    hud54014 Posts: 3,777 Member
    I'm still in bed and drinking coffee
  • projectsix
    projectsix Posts: 5,088 Member
    My baby girl was accepted to GSU, UGA and Georgia Tech. She has decided on UGA and we could not be more thrilled.

    That's awesome

    Could not be more proud of that little girl who saved my life 18 years ago.

    Errr, you have an 18 year old!? What the *kitten* what?

    Ohhhhh adopted. Look at you being such a good person.
  • KiwiLifter
    KiwiLifter Posts: 115 Member
    edited March 2018
    A client sent me a message telling me "thanks for explaining to me the right approach toward food". She had been set up for failure before by "nutritionists" putting her on 1000 calorie plans and leaving her starving. She then spiraled down into bulimia.

    I said to her "I'm not just here to make sure you look good for your wedding, I'm here to give you the tools you need to succeed in the long term".

    I love my job. I love it.
  • AlphaHowls
    AlphaHowls Posts: 1,974 Member
    My baby girl was accepted to GSU, UGA and Georgia Tech. She has decided on UGA and we could not be more thrilled.

    Go Dawgs!!!!!!
  • projectsix
    projectsix Posts: 5,088 Member
  • lunidevojka
    lunidevojka Posts: 9,048 Member

    My name was said three times in the pentagram circle and I have appeared. Lol so what did I do that was funny you say :o
  • projectsix
    projectsix Posts: 5,088 Member
    I just bust out laughing at http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/comment/41679659/#Comment_41679659

    I know I shouldn't. But I did and I'm not sorry.
  • projectsix
    projectsix Posts: 5,088 Member
    It's not her fault she looks like a Viking named Olga