How often do you work out a week?

I’ve tried to tell myself I should go every other day, but some days after standing on my feet for 8 hours at work, I just don’t wanna go! Then I end up feeling guilty that I broke the every other day rule. I always have a problem sticking to it. I usually try to do Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday.


  • jayemes
    jayemes Posts: 865 Member
    5 days a week if my work schedule allows (Tuesday and Saturday off) and I go twice on Wednesdays. I love going and I'm sad when I miss a day (like today, because I'm home with a sick kid)
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    Anywhere from 3-5x per week
  • not_a_runner
    not_a_runner Posts: 1,343 Member
    This is going to be highly individual. Pick whatever is sustainable/attainable for you right now.

    I started out lifting 3 days per week, MWF.
    After a few years, I've worked up to 4-6 days per week and found that I really enjoy going to the gym on the weekends. It's not hard for me to stick to this most days, because I really enjoy what I'm doing. Life happens though and I can't always stick to that schedule, so I just accept it and move on.

  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I’ve tried to tell myself I should go every other day, but some days after standing on my feet for 8 hours at work, I just don’t wanna go! Then I end up feeling guilty that I broke the every other day rule. I always have a problem sticking to it. I usually try to do Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday.

    I cycle 3-5 days per week depending on my schedule and other life obligations. I only go to the gym to lift, and I typically do that 2x per week on Friday afternoon and Sunday usually.

    I learned a long time ago that I wasn't going to be the type to hit the gym all of the time...I'd rather just open my garage and get on my bike.
  • lyssalosesit
    lyssalosesit Posts: 22 Member
    rainbow198 wrote: »
    Everyday, sometimes twice a day at home (light to moderate workouts only)...but I stare at 3 computer screens all day.

    It sounds like you have an active job so I can see why you would be tired.

    What kind of workouts are you doing and do you try to go before or after work?

    Kudos to you for trying to be more active!

    I am notttt a morning person and already get up for work around 6:30. So I’m really not willing to wake up even earlier lol. So I’m supposed to go after work MWF. Saturday I go with a friend at some point during the day. I definitely struggle to go after work. I get home at about 4:30. Sometimes it takes me til almost 8pm to convince myself to go, if I go at all! I have no problem on weekends though. I even went twice this past weekend.
  • AEC50
    AEC50 Posts: 124 Member
    I do weights MWF and cardio T Th. I just "discovered" aerial yoga and will add that in on Saturdays when I don't have other plans. My best advice is find workouts that are so fun you don't want to skip! For me, that's lifting and crazy tabata cardio a trainer plans for me....and aerial yoga for flexibility now, too, I guess.
  • h1udd
    h1udd Posts: 623 Member
    7 - lift 3 times a week I do cardio 4/5 times a week.

    If I need a rest day, I do a easy steady state ride on the bike or rower, just to rip through a few hundred calories rather than increase power.

    I also run/cycle to work, so a little extra cardio on top
  • runnermom419
    runnermom419 Posts: 366 Member
    6 days - varying intensities. Fridays are completely off.
    Mondays - Yoga (and I may add in elliptical or tabata class)
    Tuesday - Group Power
    Wednesday - Run
    Thursday - Speed work and either yoga or Group Power
    Friday - Rest
    Saturday - Run
    Sunday - Long run
  • not_a_runner
    not_a_runner Posts: 1,343 Member
    rainbow198 wrote: »
    Everyday, sometimes twice a day at home (light to moderate workouts only)...but I stare at 3 computer screens all day.

    It sounds like you have an active job so I can see why you would be tired.

    What kind of workouts are you doing and do you try to go before or after work?

    Kudos to you for trying to be more active!

    Sometimes it takes me til almost 8pm to convince myself to go, if I go at all! I have no problem on weekends though. I even went twice this past weekend.

    I would struggle if I waited until 8pm too lol
    Can you go pack gym clothes and go straight there after work?

    I have a snack a few hours before I get off work, stop home quick to change (I live 2 miles from work) and get out the door as quick as I can.
  • kstar0327
    kstar0327 Posts: 54 Member
    4-6 days a week i try to go early mornings if i can manage it
  • jessef593
    jessef593 Posts: 2,272 Member
    5 days a week. But if I get back from working in a town with no real gym I workout for 7 straight since my CNS has had a full week to recover.
  • jflongo
    jflongo Posts: 289 Member
    6 days a week, take Fridays off since I bowl on Friday nights.
  • Bellavita31
    Bellavita31 Posts: 1,556 Member
  • krystlestraughn
    krystlestraughn Posts: 1 Member
    I’ve tried to tell myself I should go every other day, but some days after standing on my feet for 8 hours at work, I just don’t wanna go! Then I end up feeling guilty that I broke the every other day rule. I always have a problem sticking to it. I usually try to do Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday.

    I got lucky and was blessed to get a detail with my job where I can use a work gym. I'm there 4 days a week and try to go to my regular gym the day I'm not using my work gym.

    For those days I also don't want to go, I try to do one of the classes that the gym offers to break up the monotony and try something different!
  • lyssalosesit
    lyssalosesit Posts: 22 Member
    rainbow198 wrote: »
    Everyday, sometimes twice a day at home (light to moderate workouts only)...but I stare at 3 computer screens all day.

    It sounds like you have an active job so I can see why you would be tired.

    What kind of workouts are you doing and do you try to go before or after work?

    Kudos to you for trying to be more active!

    Sometimes it takes me til almost 8pm to convince myself to go, if I go at all! I have no problem on weekends though. I even went twice this past weekend.

    I would struggle if I waited until 8pm too lol
    Can you go pack gym clothes and go straight there after work?

    I have a snack a few hours before I get off work, stop home quick to change (I live 2 miles from work) and get out the door as quick as I can.

    I have absolutely zero interest going straight after work. When I do actually go right after, I have zero strength and effort to push through the pain. Which is why I try to give myself a small rest period before I go. I’m sure I’d be more likely to go if I went straight there, but I feel I do better if I give myself some sitting time.

  • ChelzFit
    ChelzFit Posts: 292 Member
    I was going five days a week, but for me I just found it to exhausting with kids and work. I now do four days a week with the other three light walking for about 45 minutes. I also try to get in 10,000-12,000 steps a day so I consider myself fairly active. If my body would allow me to, I would live at the gym...I love it! I just know my body and it appreciates me more when I stick to four one hour hard workouts a week.
  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,988 Member
    I currently workout 7 days/wk, which sounds much more rigorous than it is.

    I currently row an hr/day on my Concept2 rower. I also lift and do body weight exercises for an hr on alternate days. But I never workout more than 2 hrs/day and there is at least 2-3 hrs of rest time between rowing and lifting (or body wt exercises) when I do them both on the same day.

    So, I guarantee you that I spend much more time sitting around doing absolutely nothing than I do exercising or engaged in any activity that requires any more physical effort than typing on a keyboard, pushing a button on a remote or boiling a pot of water on the stove.
