How often do you work out a week?



  • Momepro
    Momepro Posts: 1,509 Member
    Generally 5 or 6. I do circuit machines and switch off between stronger resistsnce and fewer reps, and lower resistance and more reps.
  • Lean59man
    Lean59man Posts: 714 Member
    edited March 2018
    jlklem wrote: »
    Lean59man wrote: »
    jlklem wrote: »
    ~21 times per week

    I ride my bike every weekday morning for 30-60 minutes. I then ride in the evening for an hour. I will either ride 2-3 plus hours each weekend day if I can ride outside. I like to ride 100 miles as often as possible. If I am inside on the bike trainer due to winter I will ride 90 minutes twice both Saturday and Sunday. I do 150 push ups and 70 full sit ups every night right before bed....

    Yes, I am broken but I like being being super fit. And I know a lot of cyclists who do more...


    Your resting heart rate must be low with all that bike riding.

    Can you share what it is?

    Sure, right now it’s 42...will go a low as 39. Especially when I am working towards race weight. Body metabolism slows some.


    Wow! Amazing.

    You're a manimal!
  • jlklem
    jlklem Posts: 259 Member
    Lean59man wrote: »
    jlklem wrote: »
    Lean59man wrote: »
    jlklem wrote: »
    ~21 times per week

    I ride my bike every weekday morning for 30-60 minutes. I then ride in the evening for an hour. I will either ride 2-3 plus hours each weekend day if I can ride outside. I like to ride 100 miles as often as possible. If I am inside on the bike trainer due to winter I will ride 90 minutes twice both Saturday and Sunday. I do 150 push ups and 70 full sit ups every night right before bed....

    Yes, I am broken but I like being being super fit. And I know a lot of cyclists who do more...


    Your resting heart rate must be low with all that bike riding.

    Can you share what it is?

    Sure, right now it’s 42...will go a low as 39. Especially when I am working towards race weight. Body metabolism slows some.


    Wow! Amazing.

    You're a manimal!

    Thanks. It’s a cool journey.
  • Sarahlouise5A
    Sarahlouise5A Posts: 86 Member
    I go to the gym 5-6 days a week, some days I go twice a day.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    edited March 2018
    My goal is 5 days a week, 3 days of weights and 2 days of running(well walk/running I’m doing C25K) but I’ve not been doing that great with my little plan. Last few weeks I’ve only gone to the gym 2 or 3 times.

    My problem is I will plan on going on the weekends but my husband is always doing something and I’m “stuck” with our toddler and can’t go. (That sounds bad, I just don’t want to spend money to put him in the little childcare place at the gym) So this week I’ve decided I’m just going to go after work m-f and get it all done and then I don’t have to worry about it on the weekend.
  • gen724
    gen724 Posts: 43 Member
    rainbow198 wrote: »
    Everyday, sometimes twice a day at home (light to moderate workouts only)...but I stare at 3 computer screens all day.

    It sounds like you have an active job so I can see why you would be tired.

    What kind of workouts are you doing and do you try to go before or after work?

    Kudos to you for trying to be more active!

    Sometimes it takes me til almost 8pm to convince myself to go, if I go at all! I have no problem on weekends though. I even went twice this past weekend.

    I would struggle if I waited until 8pm too lol
    Can you go pack gym clothes and go straight there after work?

    I have a snack a few hours before I get off work, stop home quick to change (I live 2 miles from work) and get out the door as quick as I can.

    I have absolutely zero interest going straight after work. When I do actually go right after, I have zero strength and effort to push through the pain. Which is why I try to give myself a small rest period before I go. I’m sure I’d be more likely to go if I went straight there, but I feel I do better if I give myself some sitting time.

    I understand that you may have "zero interest" in going after work, but perhaps try it and see how you feel after? If you don't want to go earlier than 6:30 and struggle with going around 8pm and can't work out while you're at work, then there are little options left... If you have zero strength maybe have a healthy snack an hour or so before you work out and just take it easy while you're there. An hour of walking (which depending on your fitness level, should not cause you physical pain...) is better for you than 0 walking! Also, I agree with others that state that doing activities/classes that you enjoy will definitely make you more likely to go. I have been taking Zumba classes for years and it's become my favorite work out. I go each week religiously, I love it!

    One last thing: if it's important to you, you will find the time to make it happen. Whether at 5am, 9pm, after work, etc. Small changes make big changes but you have to first start with changing something!
  • aokoye
    aokoye Posts: 3,495 Member
    When I'm not sick or injured, 3-5 days a week. I ride my bike inside 3 days a week doing structured interval training and go to the gym twice a week to do weight training stuff as part of my physical therapy exercises for my knees. Come late April/early May I'll probably do 3 days of interval training inside and one long ride outside.

    I also do various other lower body stuff for knee related PT most days (it really should be every day) - split squats, squats on the underside of the bosu, heel raises, balance stuff on the bosu, monster walks, etc.
  • dutchandkiwi
    dutchandkiwi Posts: 1,389 Member
    6 days a week usually
    work week morning routine (weights fitness exercise with some yoga)
    3-4 week a run, during the work week a shorter one and over the weekend a longer one.
    Plus cycling to work (10 km distance so 20km a day) 4-5 a week.
    My evening runs are at times pretty hard to get into as I run straight after arriving home(so with 10km cycling in my legs) but I know I feel great afterward and so I just get into my gear and run.

    That is it at present, but has changed a fair few times due to life and a change of jobs. Once I have settled more into my new job (3 months there now) it probably will change again and I may return to a gym
  • bellaesprita000
    bellaesprita000 Posts: 384 Member
    4-5x a week doing strength training and cardio.
    6 days out of the week I try to do enough walking to hit my step goal of 10k steps.
  • angelarene626
    angelarene626 Posts: 32 Member
    I try to get in 5-6 days a week and I primarily attend group classes at my gym. I pack for the gym so I can go straight after work. Otherwise I would never make it if I went home first and I am not enough of a morning person to wake up earlier than I already do. I also double up on classes some days in order to allow me a cheat day and still see some weight loss each week.

    Monday: Spin and Bootcamp
    Tuesday: Pilates
    Wednesday: Spin and Bootcamp
    Thursday: Yoga
    Friday: Rest
    Saturday: Pilates and Spin
    Sunday: Rest or Weight class and/or Yoga
  • Carry_That_Weight
    Carry_That_Weight Posts: 27 Member
    I go twice a day. Morning are for lifting, evenings are for swimming, stretching, jogging, etc. But I have a sedentary desk job ... if I were standing all day I’d probably skip the evenings also =)

    What I tell myself when I don’t feel like going is that I’ll just go, do a light active warmup, do some foam rolling, and then if I reaaalllly don’t feel good I’ll leave. But usually I feel better after this and continue with planned workout.

    Plus, just going, regardless of what you do, will help you get into your every other day groove.
  • Jenna2315
    Jenna2315 Posts: 614 Member
    5 times a week but only 20 mins lol
  • HowUdish
    HowUdish Posts: 36 Member
    It's not how often you work out, it's the quality of the workout.

    Standing for 8 hours a day is also great exercise! Beats sitting for 8 hours.
  • franklin5280
    franklin5280 Posts: 80 Member
    Right now. I do Daily 45-90 minutes per day. Building up to get 20 mile rides 4 days/wk. What ever you decide commit to yourself. Write it down in a sentence. I love how I fee when I work out xx minutes per day x days per week. Write on a 3 x 5 card. Read it out loud every morning and every night. If you miss a day, add one back in on a off day. Find people to keep you accountable. This is bad place to find support.
  • bstanb01
    bstanb01 Posts: 30 Member
    I do something every day, and try for twice a day. I do yoga and Pilates though, so my exercises are actually the time when I relax, recenter, and focus on myself for a little bit of time. I'm also a stay at home mom, so even though I've got a lot to do in the day, I have a lot more flexibility as to when I can exercise, especially if I just do a quick 5 minute yoga session
  • ccruz985
    ccruz985 Posts: 646 Member
    Five days with one active rest day.
  • mamosh81
    mamosh81 Posts: 409 Member
    5 times a week. Monday-Friday then Saturday-Sunday are rest days but I still hike with my dogs daily 7 times a week between 2-4 hours. Saturday is also my cheat day and Sunday my fasting day :)
  • maineapple
    maineapple Posts: 133 Member
    5-6 days per week. M, W, & F Aerobics with weights DVDs, T, TH, Sat Walking workout DVDs. I don't go to a gym because it just takes too much time for me to get ready, drive there, and then get back home again. I work remotely so need to be as efficient as I can in the mornings. Doing these DVD workouts at home works very well for me.
  • AudreyJDuke
    AudreyJDuke Posts: 1,092 Member
    7 days a week, 60 min each day, combo of cardio, strength training and yoga