Swat Walking Group - August - New Members welcome!



  • mbvenske
    mbvenske Posts: 239 Member
    Hi everyone, you mind if I drop back in? July was a tough month for me, exercise, weight loss, everything. I know I've gained, probably most of what I had lost, but at this point I'm not getting on the scale. Makes me sad,, so I"m gonna go with how I feel and how my clothes fit. But I am going to try very hard to get back into it. I went for a 3 mile walk this morning and hopefully that is just the beginning of many. Great to see the faithful regulars still here and looking forward to meeting the new ones. I want August to be a strong month for me, and the only way I can to that is with the support of all my friends here on MFP!!! Thanks everyone for being here and being a constant in my life even when I am not. :ohwell: Talk again soon, be strong all!
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I've got some catching up to do, with the posts and my exercising. I had a bad food weekend visiting my Aunt but I did get in a 1/2 hour walk on Saturday. My sister went with me so I didn't get to truck along as fast as I usually do but at least I got one in. Today I did 30 minutes with the WATP's. I think I need to do some more of them, it's been a while. Maybe alternate with the step workout.

    I'm glad to see more walkers joining us and some old friends back too! Hang in there AZ, I know you'll get that last pound gone. 99 lbs is just awesome. I've got to get back to logging my meals, I've really been slipping and it's showing on the scale. I refuse to change my weight because I am determined to get back to my lowest weight.

    Happy Monday everyone!
  • tobybear
    tobybear Posts: 109
    Happy Monday, did 20 on my gazelle.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Been lazy with this heat, Walked 2 miles tonight outside. Welcome back Mary!

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Beautiful weather with temps in the 70's, finally! I walked to and from work today at 2.25 miles round trip. Felt good to be out in the breeze!

    Hope you are all doing well!

  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Jenny, I'm jealous. Temps here are near 100. It was 102 this past weekend when I was in South Georgia. Too hot for any outside walking. Thank goodness I have my dvd's.

    I did my Jenny Ford step workout tonite! Still liking that one.

    Hope you all have a good hump day tomorrow. I may have an after work get together so not sure I'll get in a workout tomorrow. I'll be so glad when my husband gets home. It's too quiet around here. Somebody make some noise for me! :laugh:
  • Redneckgirl924
    Good morning, Everyone!

    I'm on vacation this week and trust me it's hard making the best food choices when you're around family and good food. I'm on day three and I don't know how much longer I will keep up those good choices, but I'm going to try. I'm looking forward to tomorrow I'm going to go walking and playing on the beach, going to a zoo, visit a lighthouse and shop. That should be a good change of pace and probably a good night rest after all that. I hope the weather is a little cooler, the 70's that Jenny had would be great, but if not at least it's by water. :smile:

    I hope everybody has a great day and keep up the good work!

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Good morning, all. I now have Wednesdays off so I did a little extra walking this morning and plan on doing more later. I am meeting a friend for coffee in a couple of hours and then will get a little grocery shopping done.

    I been struggling with staying away from the crap my DD buys when she shops so I am going to make sure I pick up some healthy snack items for me! I think I deserve it!

    I also plan on bringing my step downstairs so I can use it more than I do now. I think I will be more likely to use it in the morning as that is when I am most motivated to exercise so I want it where I can get to it easier.

    Well, need to get going. Have a wonderful day!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Was able to do a nice 25 minute walk at lunch yesterday with co-workers but nothing last night do to knitting group night. Hope to get out at lunch again today. So nice out...!

  • tobybear
    tobybear Posts: 109
    30 minutes closer to target.
  • Lesliet05
    Lesliet05 Posts: 148
    you know that sudden impact with the floor hurts. Still counting the bruises, I need a plastic bubble to live in, Or stay off the ladders.
    I need a giant sign that says "Watch out, klutz ahead"
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Goodness Leslie stay off the ladder. Did the same thing last winter, fell off the step ladder while painting, rolled right back on to my feet. Grandson thought it was a wonderful trick and asked me to " Do it again." Oh my.

    Ann glad to hear you have your cast off and are able to start moving.

    I have been fighting the same bug that took me down at the end of June. High temps, body aches, headaches, etc. Not really sick like I was but lots of joint pain and headaches which I just do not have as a rule. Dr.s finally ran some tests and this is Lymes related although perhaps not Lymes itself. Turns out there are a lot of similar bugs you can get one or more from the same tick. Who knew?

    I am still hard at it but making myself go rather than just doing it. On doxycycline for the next three weeks then back to the Drs.
    Hoping that is the end of that!

    Welcome to all the new walkers, runners, shakers, steppers and joggers.

    I will post my current miles and minutes tomorrow, :<} Alice
    ( no smileys, huh?)
  • Lesliet05
    Lesliet05 Posts: 148
    got in 2 miles this morning, not to bad, The arm and leg are bruised but not to painful.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Ann- I had similar symptoms I could not shake a few years back. Diagnosed with viral meningitis after a spinal tap. Did they do a spinal on you? Hope you get answers and feel better.

    Not walking today. Will do so tomorrow...Weekend, Yay!

  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Hi Everyone! I've been MIA the past few days. It's been a long week, lots of stuff at work trying to leave everything caught up. Today was my last day at the old job and it's hard leaving your friends. I'm a little nervous about next week but looking forward to new things. Now I've just got to get back on my exercise routine before it's too awful hard to get going again.

    OMG, my kitties were trying to get something under their water bowl so I picked it up and there was a big lizard under it. I don't know how they got it in the house. Can't wait till my husband comes home tomorrow night, he's been gone 10 days. I don't like playing critter catcher.
  • Redneckgirl924
    Good Morning, Everyone!

    I'm back from my mini vacation. The beach was so wonderful, pretty and very relaxing, had perfect temperatures. Couldn't have asked for more except to make the beach closer to my house. I ended up walking 5 miles and it didn't even feel like I walked that much. Just looking at the pretty scenery and listening to the water hit the shore makes it not feel like exercise. I now know why Teresa walked the beach everyday, she's one lucky girl to be able to do that.

    Leslie - I hope you feel better soon and you might want to stay away from ladders. I'm accident prone as well if you couldn't tell from the cast I just got off. I didn't fall off a ladder, but I did find the same hole twice in a 600 acre woods, how's that for being a klutz. I'm glad you didn't break anything. Maybe we could get a discount on buying bubbles in bulk.

    Alice - I hope you feel better soon. Who knew you could get all that from a little Tick.

    Sandy - Good luck on your new job. It's always hard leaving people you like, but you will soon begin a new and exciting chapter in your life. Plus, you can always hang out with the ones you liked at lunch or after work sometime.

    I'm off to do more school shopping for my kids. Not only am I getting exercise but so is my debit card. The only problem is it's losing digits and I'm not!

    Have a great weekend everyone!

  • mbvenske
    mbvenske Posts: 239 Member
    Hey all, been gone a few days again, but not in the giving up fashion. Just beeen busy! I have been walking, doing 2 miles yesterday and 4 miles today. not sure if I'll be able to hit my target since I didnt' domuch the first week but I'm gonna give it a good try.

    Stay strong all,
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Ok Sandy, do you have your lunch packed, pencils sharpened, shoes shined, clothes laid out for tomorrow????????????
    Have a great first day at your new job!!!!!!!! :<} Alice
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Beautiful day in Mpls.! We explored and bought veggies at a Farmer's Market we had not been to before. In the afternoon we walked a trail by the Mississippi River in St. Paul for 3 miles. Lots of boats on the river today.

    Hope you all had a nice weekend! Good luck at your first day on the new job Sandy!

  • abjedi
    abjedi Posts: 114 Member
    Hi all... I'm fairly new to MFP and would like to join this group if it's open..