Difference in satisfaction

This goes back to when I was doing the keto diet and dropping the most weight the quickest... although I've come to acknowedge carbs aren't necessarily the devil - they have place in every diet, I personally can't live without them.

Ever since I started reintroducing carbs into my diet, my breakfast has been very simple, ready in <2 minutes kinds of things, like bagels with peanut butter, jam, cookies.etc

This morning I woke up and convinced my lazy *** to actually put together a quality egg sandwich that took slightly longer to prepare... but it was totally worth it.

After my bagels I'm very often left craving another ~1000 calories before I'm considered even moderately satisfied. This morning, I had a ~400 calorie egg sandwich and I'm fuller than it I'd have stuffed my fat face with 1000+ calories of basic minute meals.

I find it strange and am interested in whether you have similar experiences.


  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited March 2018
    Higher carb breakfasts are not satisfying to me. A higher protein and moderate fat breakfast does satisfy me and has what I call 'staying power' where I am not hungry till my next meal.
  • jjpptt2
    jjpptt2 Posts: 5,650 Member
    Personally, satisfaction is almost entirely psychological. But it's an interesting topic/discussion, so can you give us some specifics?

    Typical breakfast is, what, exactly? A bagel with PB? Or a bagel with PB, jam AND some cookies?
    Breakfast sandwhich this morning was, what, exactly?
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    Nutrient dense fresh food wins hands down every time for flavour and satiety :smile:
  • endermako
    endermako Posts: 785 Member
    Protein and fat breakfast such as just two tiny egg cups will keep me fully until lunch at 12:30. But if I do my carb breakfast Overnight oats smoothie, I have to eat a snack before lunch in order to make it.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    edited March 2018
    Bagels and cookies don't have much fiber, and PB doesn't add much protein, so yeah I'd be hungry too.

    I eat old-fashioned oats with PB and fruit - lots of fiber, fills me up. Or an egg and cheese on a high fiber english muffin. Or cereal mixed into yogurt. Fiber and protein fill me up.

    Satiety is highly personal. Agood breakfast for me may leave someone else hungry.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    ps your brekkie today sounds delish :smiley:
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    I have toast with peanut butter and jam everyday, keeps me pretty full unless I use really low fibre bread. If I have an egg sandwich I want more, especially if there is cheese involved. It's good to experiment and see what works for you.
  • jefamer2017
    jefamer2017 Posts: 416 Member
    I experienced this yesterday. I had enough calories left to eat McDonald's. I felt so hungry after I ate I ended up going over my calories by eating a couple of handfuls of dry Cheerios. My friend told me it's probably because I didn't have enough protein. I take a look at my macros and that seems about right. I was below even the USDA recommend protein for the day. I have always know protein keeps me fuller longer but never paid attention to it until this morning when I realized what I had done.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,583 Member
    Different people are satiated by different things - we have to find our personal formulas by experimenting.

    Sounds like you may've discovered you're satiated by protein and/or fat. Useful info. ;)

    Me, I'm mostly satiated by protein and volume, the latter of which I prefer in the form of fruits and veggies.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,982 Member
    RoxieDawn wrote: »
    Higher carb breakfasts are not satisfying to me. A higher protein and moderate fat breakfast does satisfy me and has what I call 'staying power' where I am not hungry till my next meal.

    Ditto. Bring on the eggs!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    That sums up my issue with breakfast, lol. I'm hungry in the morning but most foods are totally unappealing to me, except carbs... and they definitely are not at satisfying as protein and fat.

    Some people get full on oatmeal and I'm still hungry after a bowl unless I add 300 calories of toppings (in milk and nuts), which totally defeats the purpose. And overnight oats is easy worse for some reason.

    When I started MFP, I used to have low carb tortillas with turkey sausage, egg, and a slice of cheese... was less than 300 calories and filling, and it took 5 minutes to put together. I miss that, but now eggs make me gag unless they're scrambled and runny... and I don't feel satisfied unless I have some carbs... so I typically need 400 calories for breakfast (usually some combination of bread/cheese/Greek yogurt/apple and sometimes a bagel with cream cheese, but that's closer to 600 calories!).
  • Leannep2201
    Leannep2201 Posts: 441 Member
    I have a ham, cheese and egg sandwich every morning for breakfast during the week. Fills me up and usually keeps me going until lunch- breakfast is at 7am and lunch at 12:30pm.

    I also have found that protein/ fat fill me up better than carbs.... although I do love my carbs! If I’m having a carb-y breakfast, for example on the weekend, I always try to ensure there’s some protein (and fat) up in there too.
  • Ninkasi
    Ninkasi Posts: 173 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Some people get full on oatmeal and I'm still hungry after a bowl unless I add 300 calories of toppings (in milk and nuts), which totally defeats the purpose. And overnight oats is easy worse for some reason.

    I thought I was the only person in the world with this problem. Fat is what does it for me. Give me my 6 oz of full-fat yogurt and a piece of fruit and I'm good until lunch. Smoothies and overnight oats and such leave me ravenous an hour later.
  • krebscabbage
    krebscabbage Posts: 16 Member
    RoxieDawn wrote: »
    Higher carb breakfasts are not satisfying to me. A higher protein and moderate fat breakfast does satisfy me and has what I call 'staying power' where I am not hungry till my next meal.

    I agree with this totally. I feel exactly the same
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    It's an individual thing. I personally feel better and perform better when I have more protein and less sugar at the beginning of the day and more carbs at night. I sleep really well after a nice bit of carbs before bed. That's not true for everyone, though. I also like to consume a good mix of carbs and protein after exercise. And fat is just one of those elements that gets spread throughout the day. :D
  • sedj241
    sedj241 Posts: 36 Member
    I just eat... 90% of the time I eat right and the other 10% I eat what I want and I'm still getting great results. For me it just all comes down to moderation. When I was doing a certain diet, at the end of it I would always say this is stupid! So I just figure out what I like to eat and made it work for me. I learn how to control my hunger with other things like good fats, coffee, and fasting! So I guess it all comes down to personal preference.
  • Pastaprincess1978
    Pastaprincess1978 Posts: 371 Member
    I used to find a tin of tuna more satisfying - in the sense it kept me fuller for longer than carbs