Water - why am I NEVER thirsty??



  • stanmann571
    stanmann571 Posts: 5,727 Member
    edited December 2017
    rosekittie wrote: »
    I am never thirsty. Ever. Which is not a good thing where I have lived, Texas, Montego Bay, and Thailand. I feel the same way when I try to drink a lot of water. My throat kind of swells and I can't drink much at a time. I find that drinking room temperature water sipping every few minutes is the easiest way to get water in me.

    I have no idea how much damage I've done to myself going years only drinking water every few days, but I find drinking really helps my skin, weight, and how I feel.

    Have you been checked for reflux? That sounds similar to the symptoms I dealt with for years.


    Oops, necro thread.

    oh well.
    ROBOTFOOD Posts: 5,527 Member
    I’d get that looked at man. Better safe than sorry. Good luck to you.
  • HopperGoLightly
    HopperGoLightly Posts: 4 Member
    Good to know there are others like me. I frequently go the whole day and forget to drink anything. I only drink water, but it never actually occurs to me to drink until I start getting headaches or feeling dizzy. I'm also a super active person and frequently engage in endurance activities and this means I'm basically chronically dehydrated. I know it's not good for me and I do try to remember, but it's so easy not to drink all day and then try to chug water at night to make up for lost time.

    Fortunately, during berry season, I eat every blueberry, cherry and raspberry I can get my hands on. At least I get water from fruit once in a while.
  • mortuseon_
    mortuseon_ Posts: 257 Member
    I don’t think your body can even process large quantities of water at once, so there’s no point downing a lot at a time, you’ll just get rid of it by urinating. Definitely try to sip across the course of the day, though. I also don’t really get thirsty, but my addiction to coffee and green tea presumably keeps me alive
  • crackpotbaby
    crackpotbaby Posts: 1,297 Member
    CameronCLC wrote: »
    Thirst is triggered by ADH, a hormone synthesized in the hypothalamus (control center of the brain) and excreted from the pituitary gland. A test can indicate whether there is an insufficient amount of this hormone. If your ADH levels are normal, take a look at your diet- foods have a lot of water in them, especially fruits and vegetables but meats as well. Remember, water is essential for life of plants and animals. The more of these things that you eat, the less you will crave water. Other posts suggest coffee, tea, and alcohol- these actually dehydrate you so they have nothing to do with the lack of thirst. If your ADH levels are normal and you tend to not eat many foods packed with water then your problem is merely psychological. Try adding flavor to your water (not caffeine) and instead of waiting for dehydration that leaves your brain literally bathing in dirty water (hence the headaches) drink water throughout the day or eat water rich foods to help you along. Many people walk around feeling tired, unable to concentrate, suffering from pains in their muscles and joints, daily headaches, and even nausea not knowing that all they need is more hydration. Habits are habits... some good; some bad. :wink:

    Interesting link ... in relation to the alcohol comments by OP, alcohol actually inhibits ADH (anti diuretic hormone).

    Love a bit of internet group diagnosis.
  • azbycx1
    azbycx1 Posts: 1 Member
    I am the exact same way! I rarely ever feel thirsty and never get any of the symptoms of dehydration, often drinking only one glass of water every couple of days.
    I found a link that perfectly describes the cause of this, as well as how to cure it.
  • stanmann571
    stanmann571 Posts: 5,727 Member
    azbycx1 wrote: »
    I am the exact same way! I rarely ever feel thirsty and never get any of the symptoms of dehydration, often drinking only one glass of water every couple of days.
    I found a link that perfectly describes the cause of this, as well as how to cure it.

    There's some interesting, and good information.. AND some really bad information in there. Electrolyte drinks allow more fluid to be processed into the body more efficiently and faster.


    Drink sips of water(half a coffee cup or so) 2-3 times an hour spread out all day. Guzzling water if you're severely and chronically dehydrated doesn't work.

    Break Break.

    This is basic common knowledge. A properly and fully hydrated person under stress can process about half a liter of water every 20-30 minutes.
  • Tesha231
    Tesha231 Posts: 381 Member
    I am the opposite...always thirsty. Get up in the middle of the night thirsty. Wake up thirsty. Drink water while working out thirsty. (Not diabetic). Can't imagine not being thirsty, ever.