Less Alcohol - March 2018- One day at a Time



  • snoo61
    snoo61 Posts: 549 Member
    ehseeker wrote: »
    Cringeworthy memory: Last Easter Sunday, I celebrated with Jesus and my family way too much. At our Easter dinner, I drank a whole bottle of wine, ate very little, had a vodka or two, and guess what? I was worshipping at the porcelain alter by 8 p.m. That's how bad I was with alcohol. Even my husband was disgusted with me, and he tends to be quite patient. I felt like such a fool. After the guests left, I laid on that bathroom floor begging God to kill me. I was so upset that I couldnt handle my alcohol, but everyone else seems to be able to. It is a miserable feeling to be sick from alcohol. Just being honest with all of you. Xo

    This Easter, I will be sure to make a delicious AF cocktail for myself a few other family members who do not drink. I will be enjoying the celebration sober. Imagine how far we can come in a year. I know the alcohol demon is always looking for me, but this year I am way ahead of him.

    I'm wondering how many people would opt for something af if it were available. Maybe something to drink after having some booze. I decided I wanted inspiration so here are some recipes. If anyone tries them please post about it. https://www.tablespoon.com/posts/20-non-alcoholic-party-drinks-everyone-will-love

    I like the spritzer with the frozen grapes. Think I'll try that.

    Some of these sound delicious! I almost always have grapes, so I might try that one too.
  • snoo61
    snoo61 Posts: 549 Member
    donimfp wrote: »
    Hi everyone! Got back from Italy last night. One more flight today from BWI to Austin. What an incredible trip. I am beyond grateful for the opportunity I had.

    Now to the alcohol. . . . I enjoyed delicious drinks in Italy. Mainly cappuccino but also Chianti and the traditional “spritz.”

    Now that I’m home I’m confused. Going AF really changes me in so many ways for the better. I’ve never had an out of control experience like you describe of last Easter @JulieAL1969. (SO happy for your success and the promise of a gloriously happy Easter 2018). But alcohol has definitely been a big problem for me.

    Too jet lagged to think it through right now but is anyone else having trouble figuring out what your goal should really be? I suspect going completely AF would make the most sense, but after Italy I can’t help thinking that alcohol does have the potential to be a genuine pleasure in moderation. Wedding at Cana? That was real wine (not just grape juice) since the guests were surprised at the introduction of the “good stuff” so late in the party after everyone was already kind of drunk.

    I’m having trouble seeing alcohol as the foul-tasting poison Annie Grace describes but on the other hand it can really make me miserable.

    Glad this group is still going and I would welcome advice from anyone who gets where I’m coming from.

    I have been striving to cut back my alcohol consumption. I think in the long run I'd really like to enjoy a few drinks with family and friends, but not drink every day. I guess I'm working toward controlling my intake, so that its enjoyable instead of habit.
  • snoo61
    snoo61 Posts: 549 Member
    Welcome home by the way. Glad you had such a wonderful trip!
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,293 Member
    @Stac2004 Thanks for sharing! We love hearing from you. That timer app is awesome! I got up to 76 days and 13 hours being AF on my app, before I had to zero it. But it's all achievable. Best wishes for your 60 days. I know that after a few weeks, AF I felt so good like I won the lottery.
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,293 Member
    @dressagerider1020. These sounds delicious and so visually pleasing! I'm going grocery shopping later. I think I'll try the mint and cucumber one first in a beautiful carafe. Xo
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,293 Member
    @donimfp Welcome back! So happy you had a beautiful time!
  • MissMay
    MissMay Posts: 3,680 Member
    Fruit infused water

    Makes me thirsty for one. Thanks
  • NormInv
    NormInv Posts: 3,303 Member
    ehseeker wrote: »
    Well, I blew it this week. Instead of 3 drinks I went through the better part of a bottle of wine over a 4 day period, then had some Irish whiskey on Friday night, woke up feeling not so great on Saturday and then went out for lunch and drinks yesterday. Felt like crap (only word for it) before I went to bed last night. Woke up ok but disappointed. I, and my body, deserve better. Planning on the next 5 days being AF. Small goals. It is an eye opener for me how easy it is to blow it.

    no worries, that wasnt so bad.....back on the saddle
  • NormInv
    NormInv Posts: 3,303 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    Great ideas to circle back and share what has worked, as well as our own successes and failures in the last few months. I totally agree with the suggestion about accountability - posting your goals, your plans, and your results.

    I know a few are using an app to track the number of days AF, and then how many drinks on the days they do imbibe. I’m doing it the old fashioned way with a tally sheet next to my bed with three columns: AF, A, #. My Jan was an eye opener to me, I found this thread midway through the month and when I went back and tracked my intake I was embarrassed to post it at first. My Feb was purposeful and far more moderate with a couple of work related indulgences. March so far is about the same as Feb, but it’s about to go even higher as I leave tomorrow for an all inclusive trip to Mexico. What I still feel really good about is my goal to engage in Mindful Moderation. The days I drink, I’ve known ahead of time that I would, and I’ve had an idea of how much I would consume. Just this past week I ordered one extra glass of wine beyond my plan but I thought about it carefully before I did it and knew that it would stop there. An all inclusive will be a little tougher but I’m with my family, and my husband doesn’t drink, so I’m planning to space things out, try some of the virgin drinks that he and my kids will be enjoying, and not make it an all day and all night drink fest.

    love all-inclusive mexico vacations......i would totally give myself the room to indulge while there
  • Alzzi76
    Alzzi76 Posts: 504 Member
    Hello my AF friends :) ,

    Ive just been reading through here, someone mentioned having an af drink after a few alcoholics.. from my experience I have had a kombucha and felt little better it, like it had balanced the acid/alkaline levels. It defiantly helps with the morning after.. ;)

  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,293 Member
    edited March 2018
    Just grading papers here, and I'm listening to Annie Grace podcast on youtube. She has a good one for curing loneliness or boredom.
    I think we spoke about this a few weeks ago. She suggests volunteering and spending time helping others. I love that idea.
    One of the 6 pillars of happiness is kindness, helping others. Also, feeling a sense of community, which MFP aptly names this whole main thread, is important to wellbeing. We are here for you if you're struggling staying AF or moderating. Xoxo
  • Alzzi76
    Alzzi76 Posts: 504 Member
    Alzzi76 wrote: »
    Hello my AF friends :) ,

    Ive just been reading through here, someone mentioned having an af drink after a few alcoholics.. from my experience I have had a kombucha and felt little better it, like it had balanced the acid/alkaline levels. It defiantly helps with the morning after.. ;)

    :D sounds like I'm back on the booze, but that isn't happening!!.. not like I used to , I've learnt enough and feel million x better * flex*

    This also is great for other binges... ie chocolate ;);) , fatty or foods. ;):)

    Luv to you all , keep up the awesome work.. I'm bhind u too B):)