50lbs or more?



  • bl3ss3dmfp
    bl3ss3dmfp Posts: 43 Member
    Start weight: 221.6 (3/19/18)
    Current weight: 214.6 (3/22/18)
    Goal weight: 170

    **** I have 51.6 lbs to shed.

    I would love some new pals with similar goals!!! :-)
  • therootofjoy
    therootofjoy Posts: 3 Member
    SW: 190
    CW: 184
    GW: 125

    I am only 5 feet tall and I am pear shaped, I carry all my weight on my lower half.

    So, I started with a 65 lb weight loss goal, now down to 59 lbs! I would love to connect with people looking to lose a similar amount. We can do this!
  • MrsRoberts555
    MrsRoberts555 Posts: 5 Member
    Started my lifestyle change 5 weeks ago. Weighed in at 233. My weigh in today was 227. Daily goal is to be true to myself with what I’m putting in my body and to keep track of my activity. .. trying to be better than the person I was yesterday. Weekly goal to stick to the 1 pound weight loss at a minimal. Bottom line weight goal is 150. Set up a countdown with a realistic ticking clock to help me remember that what I’m doing today may not be apparent in the morning or always show on the scale as my body changes, but it’s a long term change. I didn’t get to this point overnight or in a month, I will certainly not reverse it that fast
  • MelodiousMermaid
    MelodiousMermaid Posts: 380 Member
    What a month March has been for me!

    I've had another amazing week. I lost another 4.4 pounds, to bring me to a total of 75 pounds lost!

    I have to admit, though, that I'm starting to feel the strain of the extended deficits and hard game. I'm giving things one more week, and then will be doing a structured maintenance break for April and the beginning of May.
  • Laine_G
    Laine_G Posts: 5 Member
    CW: 204
    GW: 140

    I am 39 years old and want to be within a healthy BMI by my 40th bday in January 2019. I would love some friends around my age / weight with similar goals so we can encourage each other. Feel free to add me! :smile:
  • jwat90
    jwat90 Posts: 178 Member
    That's definitely me. I've lost 30 lbs and just quit. I didn't put it back on but I still have another 40-50 to lose. Just started back with tracking my food and going to the gym 3-4 times a week. I know this works, it's just hard to stay motivated sometimes. I'll send you a friend request
  • jenn308
    jenn308 Posts: 19 Member
    I started at 246 and now I am 223.....goal weight is 150....would love to see this happen within a year.
  • Munchberry
    Munchberry Posts: 172 Member
    Hi Y'all!
    SW: 285
    CW: 245
    GW: 180ish.

    This is the weight I like to quit at. Hiss. Apparently I fear success... for myself, not for you! :p Go gals!
  • daydreee
    daydreee Posts: 8 Member
    I made it up to 253 in my last pregnancy. I walked into L&D on Halloween 2016 weighing that much. I dropped to 177 on weight watchers but we moved and I fell off the wagon and gained. I'm 193 as of this morning. I have a goal to hit 169 by my sisters high school graduation at the end of May. My overall goal is 120. I'm 4'11"
  • kellytsi
    kellytsi Posts: 5 Member
    lenhill04 wrote: »
    Currently 232 lbs
    Short term Goal 200 by my bday in May
    Final Goal 165 lbs

    Your goals are almost the same as mine! Same starting weight, but I decided I'd be happy to reach 170 :) My first goal is July 1st as I am flying to Nova Scotia with my mom. I want to be down a noticeable amount as I hate squishing into airline seats.

    If I worked VERY hard, I could be at 180lbs by my birthday in late September.
  • LoobyJLou
    LoobyJLou Posts: 36 Member
    I need to lose 150 ! Already lost 3stone since 16th Jan but really need support to stay focused . Help ! Feel free to add me to your friends .
  • otatopcat
    otatopcat Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! It’s been a while since you posted but I hope you’re still active... :) I didn’t weigh myself for a couple of months and I have gained weight... this is the most I’ve ever weighed and I am ready to really work on myself and lose it... I weighed nearly 270 but have lost a couple pounds since I started tracking calories and exercising almost every day! It has been 2 weeks and now I am 260. I will be so happy when I am less than 200 and even happier when I reach my goal weight of 175... hope we can talk and support each other!!
  • lazymeshia
    lazymeshia Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, I'm new and just joining.
  • Barbiemx
    Barbiemx Posts: 1 Member
    SW: 202
    CW: 193
    GW: 150
  • floceist
    floceist Posts: 38 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm looking for active friends as well as motivation.
  • CheskaC1
    CheskaC1 Posts: 2 Member
    current: 227
    Short Term: get to 200 by June 1st
    Long Term: 160- I haven't weighed that in 12 years!
  • keilee0408
    keilee0408 Posts: 65 Member
    I hit 198 today!! My end goal is 140. So almost a 1/3 of the way there :)
    TATWTTLTG Posts: 7 Member

    Here are my numbers.

    current 231
    Short term goal: 210
    Long term goal: 160 lbs goal

    So 70 lbs in total.
  • atwoka99
    atwoka99 Posts: 11 Member
    Current Weight 177
    Short Term Goal 157
    Long Term Goal 115-120
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,813 Member
    shele62 wrote: »
    Would like to hit below 200 and go from there. Right now, I'm down 10.4 pounds and doing small goals of 10 pounds at a time. Got a little sloppy a few days this week and need to get back to doing it right. I love tracking, have learned to drink water (the fizzy, flavored, zero calorie ones) and am so proud of myself for what I have done so far. Could use some support from others that have similar goals and amount of weight to lose! Going to Vegas in June and have plans of wearing a dress at least once! Haven't worn a dress in years and always want to be able to wear the cute summer ones...but I never do because of my weight! Already bought one and am excited to be able to wear it and not feel like a frump!!
    shele62 wrote: »
    Would like to hit below 200 and go from there. Right now, I'm down 10.4 pounds and doing small goals of 10 pounds at a time. Got a little sloppy a few days this week and need to get back to doing it right. I love tracking, have learned to drink water (the fizzy, flavored, zero calorie ones) and am so proud of myself for what I have done so far. Could use some support from others that have similar goals and amount of weight to lose! Going to Vegas in June and have plans of wearing a dress at least once! Haven't worn a dress in years and always want to be able to wear the cute summer ones...but I never do because of my weight! Already bought one and am excited to be able to wear it and not feel like a frump!!

    We’re looking at the same goals I just went under 200. I’m hoping to be be 160 by my 50th in September