Do you check weight everyday?



  • Golferdrone
    Golferdrone Posts: 68 Member
    Multiple times.
  • pkilbour
    pkilbour Posts: 6 Member
    gebeziseva wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    RainaL1987 wrote: »
    I think I'm just nervous that when I check I won't be down as much as I think I should be. After reading a lot of post on the this site I think I thought I could loose faster then I will.

    If you weigh daily, you need to do some research into natural weight fluctuations...not only will you not be down as much as you think, but you're going to have days where your weight goes up as don't lose exactly X ounces everyday...doesn't work like that.

    You do lose exactly X ounces of fat (and maybe muscle) everyday (provided you made the deficit for exactly X ounces fat). But your weight includes water weight too. So the scales won't show this exact tissue loss.

    That is flat out wrong. 3500 calories in a pound of fat is a directionally correct heuristic, based on averages of different values like water content of the fat cell.
  • endermako
    endermako Posts: 785 Member
    I just went from daily to weekly. Even though the fluctuations are water/food/digestive tract I still didn't like it. So weekly I will stay
  • orangegato
    orangegato Posts: 6,572 Member
    Multiple times.

  • Cosmic_Shaman
    Cosmic_Shaman Posts: 5 Member
    I get too focused on numbers so I weigh pretty infrequently. I prefer to go by how my clothes fit and how my overall mood / athletic performance is.
  • fuzzy_l0gic
    fuzzy_l0gic Posts: 69 Member
    I weigh myself daily, but only look at weekly averages. If the weekly averages aren't headed the direction I want them to, I'll reevaluate my calories
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    I spot check every morning and review recent activity. Did I hydrate yesterday? What was my salt intake over the last few days? Was I particularly stressed? When was my last long run?

    After 3.5 years of tracking I've developed enough routines that they have become habits. Routinely checking my weight, speed, and strength is all part of this.
  • crita50
    crita50 Posts: 28 Member
    I weigh daily and record daily. I fluctuate a lot so I don't let it discourage me. I look at my weight graph for my overall weight trend.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,141 Member
    pkilbour wrote: »
    gebeziseva wrote: »
    You do lose exactly X ounces of fat (and maybe muscle) everyday (provided you made the deficit for exactly X ounces fat). But your weight includes water weight too. So the scales won't show this exact tissue loss.

    That is flat out wrong. 3500 calories in a pound of fat is a directionally correct heuristic, based on averages of different values like water content of the fat cell.

    I think you misunderstood what @gebeziseva said.

    It is true that the value of 3500 Calories in a lb of fat is an "average" value and includes a 'discount' for the non lipid contents of the lb of fat and a 'discount' to the value of Cal in 1g of fat (otherwise it would be closer to 4282 Cal).

    However the 3500 Cal value, does not include or address the fact that while you may have lost or gained 100g of fat during your day, your total mass may have simultaneously changed by 1000g due to not-directly-related-to-the-underlying-fat-loss-or-gain water weight changes.

    So your scale shows the results of additional effects, beyond those those caused by your energy balance.
  • itisidaisy
    itisidaisy Posts: 121 Member
    I check once a week on the same day, after I’ve gone to the restroom in the AM. It’s worked for me. I’m 32 pounds down with 5-8 more to go.
  • Liza161980
    Liza161980 Posts: 1 Member
    Perfect answer about the "Scale"

  • JaxxieKat
    JaxxieKat Posts: 427 Member
    edited March 2018
    I weigh daily. At my size, even a 5lb gain can be very noticeable, so I like to nip it in the bud. Case in point, I went on hormonal birth control, hated how it made me feel, came off of it, and gained 6lbs over 3 days. I had to really buckle down and tighten up my logging. The scales are finally moving back in the right direction, slowly, but I am glad I check my weight daily.
  • Jobewonone
    Jobewonone Posts: 1 Member
    I weigh weekly.
  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,731 Member
    I weigh every week or two. I can't stand the daily fluctuations of water weight. When I weighed myself every day, if I gained weight I'd just say, "Forget it. It's not working. I'm going to eat." If I lost weight, I'd think, "Good. Now I can afford to eat more." Either way, I'd eat junk. So now I try to set myself up for success by only weighing myself after a rest day and if I haven't eaten at a restaurant the previous day, so I don't have a lot of water weight. I still have small fluctuations, but not the usual up 3 pounds, down 2 that I got when I weighed myself after long runs or after salty restaurant meals. I'm on maintenance and have been stable (within 4 lbs.) for over a year. As long as I'm within my 5 lb. window, I don't worry about it and don't feel any need to celebrate either.
  • Dame_sans_merci
    Dame_sans_merci Posts: 74 Member
    I used to weigh every day but that is because I fully understood about natural fluctuations and the odd increase even though I stuck to plan didn’t throw me off. However, I am waaaay more chilled about losing weight slow and steady so sometimes I weigh in every 10 days. I don’t weigh earlier than one week anymore tho.
  • alyssa_rest
    alyssa_rest Posts: 276 Member
    I weigh every day and enter on a trend app like Happy Scale. I enjoy seeing the trend, but I also don't worry a lot about weight fluctuations because I know they'll happen. If you're someone that would bother, I recommend once a week.
  • Carol_L
    Carol_L Posts: 296 Member
    Weigh daily, enter it on Libra to check trend, record weekly on MFP to track. I have a spread sheet where I track daily calories, major macros, weight and activity, to allow me to examine trends, make inferences and potential spot correlations.
  • level3tjg
    level3tjg Posts: 21 Member
    I weigh everyday on my Nokia Body + scale. I like to see the graphs and watch the fluctuations and trends.