Stay-at-home-moms 2/9-2/15



  • I wish I had thought of the Well I didn't get in my workout I caved last night and took NyQuil so I will be in a haze for the next few hours until it wears off. Maybe tomorrow?? #1 has been sick since friday with a fever and hubby came down with that on tuesday. I have a head cold so I am really hoping it doesn't turn into what they have. Luckily #2 & 3 are still healthy at the moment.
  • tazzy
    tazzy Posts: 197
    Cake is finished just gotta keep it safe til sat not easy with 3 kids running about and 2 dogs who would eat the whole thing if I left them alone with it.

    Couldnt really walk very well on my foot this morning so took a painkiller and went back to bed for an extra hour decided to take a break from shred til it stops hurting I think I was making it worse. So today I did something different I went swimming for 1 whole hour then hubby dropped my littlest off and I put her in the kids pool for 30 mins she hasnt been swimming since our last vacation in florida which was 15 months ago I felt like such a hopeless mum when I worked that out my other 2 go swimming with their grandad every sat afternoon but my poor little one misses out because you are only supposed to take 2 kids per adult into the pool. Anyway she loved it not frightened at all which was lucky I think I am going to add this into my routine once a week swimming burns a shed load of cals approx 700 and I didnt slack off I only stopped 4 times and not for long but my arms and legs are tired now.

    Maybe I can get my normal workout done tomorrow I feel like a slacker but if my foot still hurts I may have to go to mums and use her exercise bike that shouldnt hurt my foot.

    I am so sorry for all of you who are suffering and I hope you all get through the troubled times you are facing. HUGS

    16 WEEKS til disney Vacation
  • Good Morning Everyone:flowerforyou:

    I have never started this thread, but wanted to keep it going.

    I had a bad weekend as usual. Can't seem to get it right on the weekends. I lose weight during th week, but then the weekend I gain it back. So then I have to lose it during th week and I usually do , but then weekend I gain it back. It is a crazy cycle. :grumble: I can't seem to get it right. I am hoping one day I will get it.

    Hope you all had a wonderful weekend!!!!:flowerforyou:

    im a few days late, ive been busy spring cleaning this week. this happens to me too. i think it has to do with DH being home on the weekends and he is a very bad influence on me, food wise. i have to tell him and myself when he is teasing me, "a moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips". :happy: i read that somewhere on here, its become my motto.
  • harter97
    harter97 Posts: 44 Member
    Good Morning Everyone:flowerforyou:

    I have never started this thread, but wanted to keep it going.

    I had a bad weekend as usual. Can't seem to get it right on the weekends. I lose weight during th week, but then the weekend I gain it back. So then I have to lose it during th week and I usually do , but then weekend I gain it back. It is a crazy cycle. :grumble: I can't seem to get it right. I am hoping one day I will get it.

    Hope you all had a wonderful weekend!!!!:flowerforyou:

    I am so happy to see I am not the only one that struggles on the weekend! This week was a real battle as we had company from Friday - Monday and one function after another. I thought I ate well until I came home and logged things. To make it worse my treadmill is right in our tv room and with all the kids and company I didn't get any exercise for 5 day - I FEEL HORRIBLE! I ate to many things high in sodium and gave in to my cola cravings - I drank diet soda instead - but I feel bloated and horrible - YUCK!!
  • harter97
    harter97 Posts: 44 Member
    Hey Mommies...
    I think I have lost my will power...I'm eating very bad things that are not supposed even be in my Like lil debbie snack cakes n not the 100 calorie ones..Those things are so evil when ur in the store n u feel like giving up..They were calling me "take me home I can make you feel better"....:laugh: I know I'm a nutt, but you all have to understand I have to find humor somewhere...
    Today I feel a little better, I just wish the nasty stuff would stop..Who ever said "ohh it dont hurt n wont bleed to long" (sorry TMI), is a flippin nutt... I do feel better today then I have been feeling..I wont get the results of my biopsy back for a week or two from Monday the 9th..I'm not wanting the results..I know its bad news cuz the doctor said "she could see a leasion all the way up into my uterus without even putting any dye on them to make them show up"..I dont want bad news no one ever does.. I'm so scared of what will happen next not having insurance and all with 3 kids n bein a single mother..Yeah I have a bf who is so AWESOME but he cant pay for everything I need..So I guess I'm not a single mom...Heck I dont know..I just need a vacation, I need to stop take a deep breathe and pray and keep praying...I feel like I'm gonna have a nervous break down, that sounds soooo bad..I'm just bout to break down..I cant take anymore bad news...I'm crying as I type this out..I feel like I have no one to listen no one who cares..I"M SO SICK of hearing "Cervical cancer is no big deal"..Well it is to me..I dont want to have to go through nething major..My kids need my full attention...They need thier mom to take care of them..Not for my son Josh,who is 9 asking me if I'm gonna die..Kids hear more then we think..I know I'm not going anywhere but to see his lil brown eyes with tears in them worrying about everything..It just breaks my heart:brokenheart: ..I'm sorry for bringing any of you down...I will cheer up soon I hope..Hope everyone has a great day n are doing well..Hope everyone gets over those green snot monsters..I hate them..I too bleach everything in the house...Door knobs,phone, light switches, the kitchen just everything in my house..Some ppl say I'm nutts but everyone in my house has been sick but me..Probably cuz I use bleach soooo much n sanitize my hands all the time..I'm bad about Hope you all have a great day..:flowerforyou:

    WOW...I don't even know what to say! Praying for ya! Vent anytime you need it - us moms have to stay together:heart:
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    tazzy your cake looks wonderful!! I hope your foot heals soon. Take care of yourself.
  • tazzy
    tazzy Posts: 197
    Thx drevans_mom they came round to see it last night and she was sooo pleased my dad is coming over tomorrow morning to take some better pics of it with his camera so I have a good example to put on my website. As you can see the cake is pink with white flowers not my cup of tea I would have gone white with pink flowers but she said I got the pink perfect exactly the colour she wanted so I guess I did good and I saw her hubby to be this morning walking their dogs and he said she was on the phone telling all her friends how nice it looked last night that made me feel great.

    Foot still sore I dont usually do shred on fridays so I stayed in bed a bit longer I was so tired after my 1 hour swimming yesterday. I am dog sitting today so I will workout later if my foot allows I am just going to use the elliptical for 40 mins hopefully not really feeling like it though but we will get to it later I'll make sure I take a pain killer before I do anything.

    Tomorrow will be a bit hectic will drop the cake of as soon as hubby is home from work then I'll probably walk the dogs I might get shred done first thing. I'll go on the elliptical once I have done the cake and walked the dogs I suppose. The kids are all going swimming with their nana and grandad so I have plenty of time but I will have to get some chores done as well then I think I will watch a film as a reward if I get everything done.

    Have a gr8 fri 13th all.
  • lenece
    lenece Posts: 389 Member
    Tazzy your cake does look AWEDOME..You should be proud..I could never do anything like that..Actually I dont have a crafty bone in my body....:laugh: But it does look great....

    harter thanks for the know sometimes I just feel so alone n I know this is one place I can come n get a lil support...Also thank you ne1 who is thinkin bout me n prayering for me...:flowerforyou:

    Well today I feel a lil better now that I kinda had I guess what you would call an emtional breakdown...I did get on the scale n learned that I have droped 4 pounds so I'm back down to 199....:drinker: Which means I'm under 200 again n that makes me feel good..I have decided to put my worries into the back of my mind and deal with everything when it comes to me..This morning I've had a good breakfast n measured everything and even log it..GO ME GO ME....:laugh: I'm such a nutt..I have a bunch of cleaning to do before my bf gets back in from Ohio..I hope every one is havin a good day..Gotta get busy....:flowerforyou:
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Wow where has everyone gone??? Only 2 posts for yesterday? I know the thread slows down on the weekends but that's scary that it happened so early. Anyway...

    :heart: :heart: Happy Valentine's Day Everyone :heart: :heart:
    Hope you all have a great weekend.
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    I can honestly say that I had a great day yesterday. Now don't get me wrong, I ate some v-day crap but I didn't eat near as terribly as I could have. I had conversation hearts, 3 small sugar cookies with frosting, and 2 cherry cordials. Did I count any of them?? HECK NO!! but I had about 500 cals left over from my meals so I figure I did good, considering I could have been REALLY bad.

    We went to the hockey game last night and I thought we were going to eat concession food for dinner but hubby opted for a sandwich place before the game instead. So I had a "healthier" option for dinner. And then at the game I had water and a few of my son's Dreyer's Dibs (or whatever they are called).

    I've been stressed with the new "job" this week and have eaten through some of those feelings. But today I am just exhausted. I told my hubby before I got out of bed that I didn't plan on doing a darn thing today. I'm going to be lazy and I wont feel bad about it at all. If the weather is nice this afternoon I may go for a walk, just to get out and get some fresh air....not necessarily for the exercise.

    OH I measured this morning ....
    I'm down an inch in my chest, 2 inches in my waist, an inch in my hips, an inch in my thighs and a half inch in my arms, and 6 lbs from Jan 15.
    This is so weird to me because from 12/15-1/15, I lost 7 lbs and only 2 inches over all and now I've lost 6 lbs and 7 inches (overall). I'm guessing that my body is not only changing due to exercise but finally getting back to "normal" since the baby. My mother said that our bodies can take 7 to 10 months to recover from carrying a child. Well I'm at 7 months so I'm hoping I see more positive changes in the next 3 months.

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend (since no one has been on the thread since Friday).
    Sorry to be rambling today...I feel pretty chatty :wink:
  • loreeb18
    loreeb18 Posts: 1,221 Member
    DH is on call and had to go out today so I went to lunch with my parents. We went Chinese which I love and DH hates. Harley and I were getting ready to go when she pooped. My mom called and I said I'll change Harley's diaper and then we'll leave. Well, it was an explosion. All over her clothes and everything. I stripped her down except for her socks and shoes, cleaned her up, changed her, changed the changing table cover, and redressed her. While I was trying to change her, she kept smacking her foot down into the diaper. And she kept grabbing the laces on her other shoe.

    When I was done, I sat her in her Bumbo in the bathroom so I could wash my hands. When I was done, I looked at her and she had spit up all down herself. (Thankfully I'd put a bib on her after redressing her.) She was sitting there all messy smiling at me.

    But lunch was wonderful. When I was pregnant with Harley and still working, we constantly ordered Chinese food for lunch, sometimes up to 5 days a week. But since I've been watching calories I haven't had Chinese food in months. I went way over my calories but oh well.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    I'm here ....lurking. No time!!

    Have a great day!
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