25 lbs, who is with me?



  • brocktoon666
    brocktoon666 Posts: 74 Member
    Good luck, always remember when you get back into a new exercise routine you end up retaining some water weight, the key is to ride it out the first few weeks, get your metabolic rate up that way you’re burning calories while you are idle.
  • brocktoon666
    brocktoon666 Posts: 74 Member
    Went for my daily 2-mile walk, ate a croissant, had coffee and managed to ate only a banana for lunch and some Raisin Bran for 3pm snack, and a salad niçoise for dinner with blueberry pie. Under the limit!
  • brocktoon666
    brocktoon666 Posts: 74 Member
    Good morning how is everyone’s progress? Anyone encountering any problems lately? Let’s work through them!
  • karlieligarciacorniel
    Good morning guys, new here. Trying to lose 25 pounds... need some help and tips.. thanks
  • mz144
    mz144 Posts: 216 Member
    Good morning how is everyone’s progress? Anyone encountering any problems lately? Let’s work through them!

    Been struggling with working out this week, even though it's only Tuesday. My kids are home on spring break so I don't want to go to the gym after work and it's been cold/rainy outside so I haven't been walking either. Trying to do little exercises here and there throughout the day to make up not going to the gym. When I don't go to the gym it's harder for me to continue to eat my best or drink my water, it seems to throw my whole schedule of being healthy off and then I feel guilty that I let myself fall behind.
  • sshields1975
    sshields1975 Posts: 22 Member
    mz144 wrote: »
    Good morning how is everyone’s progress? Anyone encountering any problems lately? Let’s work through them!

    Been struggling with working out this week, even though it's only Tuesday. My kids are home on spring break so I don't want to go to the gym after work and it's been cold/rainy outside so I haven't been walking either. Trying to do little exercises here and there throughout the day to make up not going to the gym. When I don't go to the gym it's harder for me to continue to eat my best or drink my water, it seems to throw my whole schedule of being healthy off and then I feel guilty that I let myself fall behind.

    I get not wanting to workout after work when the kids have been home. But it is only Tuesday, so you haven't gotten completely out of the routine. Make a plan to go tomorrow so you don't get out of the habit of going and keep doing those little exercises during the day, every little bit counts at the end of the day. Hopefully the weather turns around and you can get out and get that walking in. Best of luck.
  • brocktoon666
    brocktoon666 Posts: 74 Member
    Salad niçoise. Lots of food and not a lot of cals. Highly recommend!
  • brocktoon666
    brocktoon666 Posts: 74 Member
    mz144 wrote: »
    Good morning how is everyone’s progress? Anyone encountering any problems lately? Let’s work through them!

    Been struggling with working out this week, even though it's only Tuesday. My kids are home on spring break so I don't want to go to the gym after work and it's been cold/rainy outside so I haven't been walking either. Trying to do little exercises here and there throughout the day to make up not going to the gym. When I don't go to the gym it's harder for me to continue to eat my best or drink my water, it seems to throw my whole schedule of being healthy off and then I feel guilty that I let myself fall behind.

    I typed up a long response earlier this morn but I fat-fingered the back button and lost it all. The jist of it was that don’t beat yourself and work towards changing priorities so it happens less. We support you!
  • brocktoon666
    brocktoon666 Posts: 74 Member
    Good morning everyone. Let’s make it another physically active day with a real eye for moderation in our meal planning and snacking.
  • mz144
    mz144 Posts: 216 Member
    Found a couple 30 day challenges that I'm combining and I'm starting them today. They're easy at home workouts that I can continue in the gym once I'm able to get back there again after spring break. Excited to start these new challenges and see where I end up in 30 days!
  • getskinny1973
    getskinny1973 Posts: 73 Member
    I'm in!!... I was almost hitting 170 lbs when I decided it was time to lose weight. I'm now at 141.8 lbs and working my way down to 120 lbs (I'm only 5'3) So I have just over 20 more lbs to go. I love the encouragement I get from the MFP friends that I have made.
  • Magemisty
    Magemisty Posts: 87 Member
    I'm in. Need to lose another 29 lb to my additional 29 that I have already lost. Hope to achieve this in about 3 months
  • aviatrix333
    aviatrix333 Posts: 7 Member
    I’m in :). I’m 146 right now and I would like to be 120-130. I excercise pretty regularly but food is my downfall. I am trying to change my relationship with food and make healthier choices. I also am trying to cut back on drinking alcohol and just live a healthier life-style. I need more friends on here so I can stay accountable so please add me!!!
  • mz144
    mz144 Posts: 216 Member
    I can't say I have lost any weight but I think I can say I have lost fat. The scale hasn't moved any for me which is discouraging but I keep reminding myself that I see a difference in my body when I look in the mirror and I can feel a difference in the way my pants fit, they're getting looser. Ultimately I think those 2 things are more important to me and encourage me to keep at this healthier lifestyle than any number on a scale. Eventually the scale will follow and start matching what I see in the mirror every morning. Have a great day everyone!
  • tanyagandy10
    tanyagandy10 Posts: 1 Member
    I’m in. My wedding is August 25 4.5 months away. I’m at 170 and would to see 150 or even 145
  • dmfisher1129
    dmfisher1129 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in.
  • brocktoon666
    brocktoon666 Posts: 74 Member
    Spent the day in NYC yesterday. Did a lot of walking and eating. Back to my normal routine tomorrow. I have noticed since regular walking 3 weeks in, many of my stomach issues have subsided.
  • BigCharlie19782018
    BigCharlie19782018 Posts: 28 Member
    Add me too
  • martybw1ray
    martybw1ray Posts: 2 Member
    Me. 157 heading to 135!
  • mz144
    mz144 Posts: 216 Member
    On day 4 of my 30 day challenge and I'm a little sore today, especially my legs but tomorrow is a rest day and I'm looking forward to it. Will probably end up going on an easy walk if the weather's nice just to help with the extra calorie intake from Easter. I hope tracking my food tomorrow I'll be able to keep myself from going over board. Not a huge candy/sweets fan so turning down candy shouldn't be too hard for me, it'll be all the yummy foods that I won't want to turn down. Excited to start going back to the gym on Monday, once you get into a habit of going you kind of start to miss the place when you can't make it there for a week. Most likely won't post tomorrow so Happy Easter all