Moderation or Deprivation? Which works for you personally?

I know the politically correct answer is "don't deprive yourself, yada, yada..."

I personally find that I am an all or nothing type of person. Meaning if I give myself an inch, I'll take a mile. Sweets are my weakness and I notice I thrive when I don't eat them. The moment I have one little treat, I develop this "screw it" attitude and devour everything in site!

Just curious how many of you are like me and can't eat certain foods in moderation?


  • Pastaprincess1978
    Pastaprincess1978 Posts: 371 Member
    I have found that it is much, much easier to not eat sweets (or other snacking) in the evening if I avoid sugar during the day. So, I'm with you!

    for sure - this is me 100%
  • musicfan68
    musicfan68 Posts: 1,127 Member
    Avoiding things works best for me. I don't buy chocolate, candy, or chips anymore. I used to eat a lot of sweets every day. I quit doing that and can go weeks without chocolate or sweets or chips. I could probably go forever without chips. If they aren't around, I don't miss them. If I can break that habit, I don't miss it. The only times I do eat chocolate or really sweet stuff is if I'm really tired - I don't have the willpower to say no if I'm really tired, then it just makes it worse. Luckily, I am able to sleep really well so it doesn't happen much.
  • 1houndgal
    1houndgal Posts: 558 Member
    I have found that it is much, much easier to not eat sweets (or other snacking) in the evening if I avoid sugar during the day. So, I'm with you!

  • mlm7281
    mlm7281 Posts: 37 Member
    Deprivation for sure. I’m doing IF now 19/5 and it works great for me (only on day 5 so far - part of my Holy Week sacrifice, but I hope I can stick to it because I just don’t think about food any more).
  • hroderick
    hroderick Posts: 756 Member
    i can't eat just 1
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    Everything in moderation for me. I love chocolate, and can have a big bag of chocolate candy last 2-3 months in the cabinet - just having one or two pieces for dessert after dinner or with a snack or whatever.
  • JaiNicole7
    JaiNicole7 Posts: 88 Member

    I have to basically completely eliminate pasta and rice. It is extremely hard for me to keep it within my calories, have an appropriately sized portion, not go totally berzerk. Having recently found out that I'm borderline diabetic I don't feel too bad cutting them out except for special occasions and occasional cheats. I HAVE enjoyed them in moderation, but I almost feel like it isn't worth it.

    I literally feel like Pookie in New Jack City-ashy lipped & cracked out, looking at the pasta pot like "it be calling me, man, it be calling me....& I just gotta GO TO IT." LOL. A work in progress for me.
  • Sparkeysworld
    Sparkeysworld Posts: 107 Member
    Both, at the start of the cut, I can have things in moderation, but the closer to the end I get, the more I have to stick to deprivation.
    To the point I don't even have 'naughty' things in the house.
    Breakfast cereals are the worst for me, one bowl and I might as well do the box.