3500+ Calories Burned Challenge 8/8-8/14



  • tac2424
    tac2424 Posts: 5 Member
    Weekly Goal: 2700 calories

    Mon: 520 calories burned (75 min of intervals and walking uphill on treadmill)
    Tues: 285 calories burned (90 min walking)
    Wed: 720 calories burned (95 min cardio: eliptical, treadmill, stairs)
    Thur:calories burned (how they were burned)
    Fri: calories burned (how they were burned)
    Sat:calories burned (how they were burned)
    Sun:calories burned (how they were burned)

    Total: 1525 burned
    Left to go: 1175

    Adjusted my goal to a more realistic one since it's my first week back at the gym in while.
  • LuluGirl140
    LuluGirl140 Posts: 364 Member
    Weekly Goal: 6000
    Mon: 1174 (P90X C/S/T and ARX)
    Tues: 609 (Insanity Max Interval Circuit)
    Wed: 936 (P90X Back & Biceps)
    Thur:calories burned (how they were burned)
    Fri: calories burned (how they were burned)
    Sat:calories burned (how they were burned)
    Sun:calories burned (how they were burned)

    Total: 2719
    Left to go: 3281

    I need to step it up for my remaining workout days!
  • TroyBa
    TroyBa Posts: 57 Member
    Weekly Goal: 5000
    Mon: 1022 calories doing 65 minutes swimming (training for an open water swim in two weeks!)
    Tues: 1077 calories (65 minutes masters swimming)
    Wed: 1868 calories (65 minutes swimming and 90 minutes hiking)
    Thur:calories burned (how they were burned)
    Fri: calories burned (how they were burned)
    Sat:calories burned (how they were burned)
    Sun:calories burned (how they were burned)

    Total: 3967
    Left to go: 1033
  • Serenitytoo
    Serenitytoo Posts: 449 Member
    Weekly Goal: 3500
    Mon: Rest
    Tues: 1243 Cals (25 min 30DS L2D6; 55 min Fire45EZ/Stretch10)
    Wed: 456 cals (20min Fire45EZ)
    Thur:calories burned (how they were burned)
    Fri: calories burned (how they were burned)
    Sat:calories burned (how they were burned)
    Sun:calories burned (how they were burned)

    Total: 1699
    Left to go: 1801
  • iAMaPhoenix
    iAMaPhoenix Posts: 1,038 Member
    Weekly Goal: 6500
    Mon: 771(Walk/run)
    Tues: 1470(Elliptical, walk/run, circuit training)
    Wed: 950(Elliptical, walk)
    Thur:calories burned (how they were burned)
    Fri: calories burned (how they were burned)
    Sat:calories burned (how they were burned)
    Sun:calories burned (how they were burned)

    Total: 3191
    Left to go: 3309
  • travishein
    Weekly Goal: 7000
    Mon: 1096 (77 total minutes of biking)
    Tues: 429 (27 minutes of biking)
    Wed: 448 (30 minutes of biking)

    Total: 1973
    Left to go: 5027
  • edardeno
    edardeno Posts: 14 Member
    Weekly Goal: 3500

    Mon: 207 (walking the neighborhood)
    Tues: 241 walking the neighborhood)
    Wed: 842 (elliptical & treadmill)
    Thur :911 (treadmill & walking)
    Fri: calories burned (how they were burned)
    Sat:calories burned (how they were burned)
    Sun:calories burned (how they were burned)

    Total: 2201
    Left to go: 1299
  • jagfan
    jagfan Posts: 255 Member
    Weekly Goal: 4,000
    Mon: 757 - Run
    Tues: 0
    Wed: 491 - walk
    Thur:calories burned (how they were burned)
    Fri: calories burned (how they were burned)
    Sat:calories burned (how they were burned)
    Sun:calories burned (how they were burned)

    Total: 1248
    Left to go: 2,752
  • lotusthrone
    lotusthrone Posts: 87 Member
    Weekly Goal: 4,000
    Mon: 200 (Walking)
    Tues: 380 (Walking, Lifting)
    Wed: 660 (Walking, Lifting)

    Total: 1240
    Left to go: 2,760
  • TroyBa
    TroyBa Posts: 57 Member
    Weekly Goal: 5000
    Mon: 1022 calories doing 65 minutes swimming (training for an open water swim in two weeks!)
    Tues: 1077 calories (65 minutes masters swimming)
    Wed: 1868 calories (65 minutes swimming and 90 minutes hiking)
    Thur: 1169 calories (70 minutes masters swimming)
    Fri: calories burned (how they were burned)
    Sat:calories burned (how they were burned)
    Sun:calories burned (how they were burned)

    Total: 5136
    Left to go: -136
  • kimcat73
    kimcat73 Posts: 687 Member
    Weekly Goal:3800
    Mon: 1082 (Trainer session, Body Works Class, Step Class)
    Tues: 620 (Step Class)
    Wed: Rest Day
    Thur:548 (Step Circuit)
    Fri: calories burned (how they were burned)
    Sat:calories burned (how they were burned)
    Sun:calories burned (how they were burned)

    Left to go: 1550
  • lotusthrone
    lotusthrone Posts: 87 Member
    Weekly Goal: 4,000
    Mon: 200 (Walking)
    Tues: 380 (Walking, Lifting)
    Wed: 660 (Walking, Lifting)
    Thur: 550 (Walking, Jump Rope, Abs)

    Total: 1790
    Left to go: 2,210
  • travishein
    Weekly Goal: 7000
    Mon: 1096 (77 total minutes of biking)
    Tues: 429 (27 minutes of biking)
    Wed: 448 (30 minutes of biking)
    Thur: 2062 (47 minutes biking; 1:40 running)

    Total: 4035
    Left to go: 2965
  • Serenitytoo
    Serenitytoo Posts: 449 Member
    Weekly Goal: 3500
    Mon: Rest
    Tues: 1243 Cals (25 min 30DS L2D6; 55 min Fire45EZ/Stretch10)
    Wed: 456 cals (20min Fire45EZ)
    Thur: 342 cals (25 min 30DS L2D7)
    Fri: calories burned (how they were burned)
    Sat:calories burned (how they were burned)
    Sun:calories burned (how they were burned)

    Total: 2041
    Left to go: 1459
  • iAMaPhoenix
    iAMaPhoenix Posts: 1,038 Member
    Weekly Goal: 6500
    Mon: 771(Walk/run)
    Tues: 1470(Elliptical, walk/run, circuit training)
    Wed: 950(Elliptical, walk)
    Thur:308(leisure 3 mile walk)
    Fri: calories burned (how they were burned)
    Sat:calories burned (how they were burned)
    Sun:calories burned (how they were burned)

    Total: 3499
    Left to go: 3001
  • edardeno
    edardeno Posts: 14 Member
    Weekly Goal: 3500

    Mon: 207 (walking the neighborhood)
    Tues: 241 walking the neighborhood)
    Wed: 842 (elliptical & treadmill)
    Thur :911 (treadmill & walking)
    Fri: 653 (bowling)
    Sat:calories burned (how they were burned)
    Sun:calories burned (how they were burned)

    Total: 2854
    Left to go: 646
  • syd1980
    syd1980 Posts: 283
    Weekly Goal: 3500
    Mon:647 calories burned by p90x c/s/t plus ab ripper x
    Tues:594 calories burned by p90x- plyometrics
    Wed:388 calories burned by p90x- back/bicep and ab ripper x
    Thur:0calories burned rest day
    Fri:1193 calories burned P90x-legs/back,ab ripper x, Turbo fire- Fire 30 Class
    Sat:calories burned (how they were burned)
    Sun:calories burned (how they were burned)

    Total: 2822
    Left to go: 678
  • angiemcnett
    Week # 5 for me

    Weekly Goal: 6000
    Mon: 1450 (elliptical- 60 min.; treadmill- 60 min.)
    Tues: 1275 (elliptical- 45 min.; walk- 60 min.; treadmill- 15 min.)
    Wed: 1100 (elliptical- 60 min.; walk- 20 min.; swimming- 10 min.)
    Thur: 0
    Fri: 1100 (elliptical- 45 min.; walk- 65 min.; swimming- 10 min.)
    Sat:calories burned (how they were burned)
    Sun:calories burned (how they were burned)

    Total: 4925
    Left to go: 1075
  • TroyBa
    TroyBa Posts: 57 Member
    Weekly Goal: 5000
    Mon: 1022 calories doing 65 minutes swimming (training for an open water swim in two weeks!)
    Tues: 1077 calories (65 minutes masters swimming)
    Wed: 1868 calories (65 minutes swimming and 90 minutes hiking)
    Thur: 1169 calories (70 minutes masters swimming)
    Fri: 1113 calories (65 min 50/50 meters Swimming)
    Sat:calories burned (how they were burned)
    Sun:calories burned (how they were burned)

    Total: 6249
    Left to go: -1249
  • debtfre12
    debtfre12 Posts: 203
    Hey ALL,

    Ok, so count me in!!!

    Weekly Goal: 4,000
    Mon: 733 (cleaning & laundry going up & down stairs)
    Tues: 692 (Jogged/walked 6.4 miles)
    Wed: 904(Jogged 5 miles; Mountain climbers; steam engines; pushups; abs/crunches)
    Thur: 448 (Walked 4 miles; 6 sets of 21's; Jumping Jacks)
    Fri: 236 (Globe Jumps; Jogged up 100 stairs; Jumping Jacks)

    Total: 3,013
    Left to go: 987