Athlean X anyone? Ladies, especially?



  • Athalanthas
    Athalanthas Posts: 2 Member

    Thank you for taking time to explain the program. Just a quick question: Would recommend AX for a beginner? I read your .02 on the AXX (women's program) but as you said, it is more geared towards cardio, so I will not be considering that. I would like to learn to weight train.

    Thank you, again.

    I put some pretty detailed descriptions of the other workouts above, but I will include his two newest here as well. I will say there are facebook groups for AX that I'm a member, and the female presence is much larger than it used to be (although still an obvious minority).

    Inferno Size is a 3 month program devoted to you-know-what. I'm guessing most women won't use this one. It's probably the least "athletic" program Jeff has made. It focuses on big lifts and things like German Volume Training to add on mass. I'm in month 1 right now, so my review at this point in incomplete.

    Inferno Shred will probably appeal to more women and guys looking to drop weight/fat and get more athletic. I haven't started this one yet (planning to do it in March/April) but I know some people who are doing it and getting their butts kicked. I believe it incorporates a lot of compound movements, bodyweight training, speed work, and cardio. There are also some workouts programmed in by Melissa Ioja, who is a kickass trainer I recommend following for anyone.

    Depending on your goals, there is likely a program in here somewhere for you. I for one have done or am going to do every program he's put out other than XX. I'm in better shape at 46 than I've ever been.

    I know it sounds like an ad, but I'm not affiliated in any way (although I wish I was!). I am just a loyal minion. Good luck in your next choice!

  • pdxhak
    pdxhak Posts: 383 Member
    edited April 2018
  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,070 Member
    kwtilbury wrote: »
    I've seen a couple of his videos on YouTube. I could be wrong, but he seems kinda douchey.

    Wow, I never got that impression at all. I adore his videos on YouTube and find them extremely beneficial in helping me rehab my shoulder. I don't know anything about his workout plans, but I would assume that they are built with preventing injury in mind and ensuring the appropriate muscle groups/exercises are included to keep the body in proper alignment.
  • singletrackmtbr
    singletrackmtbr Posts: 644 Member
    Thank you for taking time to explain the program. Just a quick question: Would recommend AX for a beginner? I read your .02 on the AXX (women's program) but as you said, it is more geared towards cardio, so I will not be considering that. I would like to learn to weight train.

    Thank you, again.

    I put some pretty detailed descriptions of the other workouts above, but I will include his two newest here as well. I will say there are facebook groups for AX that I'm a member, and the female presence is much larger than it used to be (although still an obvious minority).

    Inferno Size is a 3 month program devoted to you-know-what. I'm guessing most women won't use this one. It's probably the least "athletic" program Jeff has made. It focuses on big lifts and things like German Volume Training to add on mass. I'm in month 1 right now, so my review at this point in incomplete.

    Inferno Shred will probably appeal to more women and guys looking to drop weight/fat and get more athletic. I haven't started this one yet (planning to do it in March/April) but I know some people who are doing it and getting their butts kicked. I believe it incorporates a lot of compound movements, bodyweight training, speed work, and cardio. There are also some workouts programmed in by Melissa Ioja, who is a kickass trainer I recommend following for anyone.

    Depending on your goals, there is likely a program in here somewhere for you. I for one have done or am going to do every program he's put out other than XX. I'm in better shape at 46 than I've ever been.

    I know it sounds like an ad, but I'm not affiliated in any way (although I wish I was!). I am just a loyal minion. Good luck in your next choice!

    If you are a beginner and looking for an AX program that's what I would choose. That said, it's tough to learn form on basic lifts from any online program. You really need direct feedback. Jeff is a skilled PT and trainer and is big on proper form. If you have a good sense of muscle activation and proprioception then you would be fine.

    My short answer is AX1 doesn't teach you how to do lifts as much as it teaches you how to train.

    I hope that helps!