100 pounds to lose!



  • mrs_kris_campos
    mrs_kris_campos Posts: 53 Member
    3/11: 278.4 lbs
    4/01: 276.6 lbs

    I did not weigh-in after the 11th of March due to a family member being in the hospital.

    Goals for this week:
    1) keep my carb intake under 50 net carbs
    2) drink 8+ cups of water daily
    3) workout at least 5 time for at least 30 minutes
  • mlhopp93
    mlhopp93 Posts: 192 Member
    Well, rats. Week 2 saw an increase. But I need to stay focused. Long term journey....

    3/18/18 -- 312.0
    3/25/18 -- 310.8 (1.2 total, 1.2 average)
    4/1/18 -- 311.2 (0.8 total, 0.4 average)
  • times60
    times60 Posts: 204 Member
    I am starting at 248 lbs. Want to loose 100lbs. I am going to make sure I track everything I put in my mouth. Try to do lots of walking and by next year I would love to see 148lbs. I just need to be honest with myself and not overdo it. No saying just once anymore.
  • muffinmama79
    muffinmama79 Posts: 10 Member
    I started off at 261 in November and am now about 219. My ultimate goal weight to meet completely healthy BMI is 145 but I’d honestly be thrilled with getting at least to 165. I’ve been a a bit stalled out the past few weeks and have been bouncing between 218 and 220. I’ve been lax about the diet the past couple weeks and been having too many cheat days. :s I’m just focused on eating less, not eating too many sweets and working out at least 5-6x a week. I’m hoping to get my drive back a bit and be stricter with my food intake!
  • onecrazynancy
    onecrazynancy Posts: 20 Member
    260.6 today
  • onecrazynancy
    onecrazynancy Posts: 20 Member
    I guess I ate alot of jelly beans cause I gained weight!I wont get depressed...no more jellybeans this year!
  • MaelynMayhem
    MaelynMayhem Posts: 611 Member
    I would like to join this challenge as well. I have over two hundred pounds to lose, and 100 would be a great start.
  • MzMandiJo
    MzMandiJo Posts: 4 Member
    Hi everyone!! 242 here, goal weight 140. Struggle with PCOS. Single mom. It's a struggle. Started getting 10k steps in a day on 3-28. It's a real struggle as I also have injuries from the army, but I keep pushing. Just found out I'm stage 1 of hypertension too
  • Daedaestar
    Daedaestar Posts: 9 Member
    Hello everyone! I started my journey last month, March 11th at 277. Today April 4th I’m at 270. First mini goal is 250.
    Second mini goal is 220
    Super goal-anywhere under 200. I haven’t seen that on the scale in a long time!
  • neugebauer52
    neugebauer52 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Starting at approx. 170 kg - 374 pounds. We can do it!
  • LilMissSunshine75
    LilMissSunshine75 Posts: 1 Member
    If it's not too late, consider me in. I started on February 12th, down 20lbs since then, but just found this group today.
  • runrunsara
    runrunsara Posts: 11 Member
    Just found this thread but I think I found my people. Ive had the same 100 to lose for almost 10years. Im too young to still be the fat chick and ready to but strong and healthy.

    SW 253
    GW 150
    But Ill be happy to see 170!

    My mini goal is 200 by my birthday 8/21
  • MzMandiJo
    MzMandiJo Posts: 4 Member
    Are we posting weekly weigh-ins? I usually weigh myself every Sunday.
  • Teerai
    Teerai Posts: 243 Member
    edited April 2018
    Began Jan 1, 2018 to restart healthy living and weight loss of 105lbs.

    SW 225lbs
    CW 199lbs Onederland yes!
    GW 120lbs

    Just watching and keeping strict portion control with slow steady exercise has accomplished a 26lb loss so far.
    But my old scale was The Scale From Hell oscilating between 20lbs every weigh-in and finally broke with one
    of its feet falling off which was its final attack on my self image I’m sure.

    The new scale jumped me back up 4lbs so it looks like a long plateau but am back at 199lbs on it so just picking it up there
  • Teerai
    Teerai Posts: 243 Member
    edited April 2018
    2018 Weight loss Goal 105lbs