Any Vegetarians/Vegans here?

Lady_Layla Posts: 34 Member
edited October 1 in Food and Nutrition
I'm always looking to connect with other Veggies. I *try* to live a Vegan lifestyle but have my "cheat" days. I have found, though, that I am SO much happier and healthier as a Vegan, and never EVER thought I could be one! (Vegetarian, yes--Vegan, no.)

Since going Vegan, though, life has improved SO much. SO much, that now, I am one of those annoying people who talks incessantly about the benefits of Veganism...hence, my looking to bond with some, here! I think my Carnivore friends are tired of me trying to convert them. *grin*


  • cmsiemsen
    cmsiemsen Posts: 78 Member
    Present! Lacto-ovo vegetarian. I'm considering doing a week-30 day vegan challenge. Unsure.
    In a neighboring town, Veggie Fest is this weekend and I'm excited to be attending!!

    I love connecting with other vegetarians. Keeps me on track.
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    Vegan here. If you do a search for vegetarian or vegan, you will find many others to friend for support!
  • nicothepotato
    nicothepotato Posts: 306 Member
    Lacto veg here. I'm going to add you.
  • KevDaniel
    KevDaniel Posts: 449 Member
    I am a Vegan :) Would love to connect with others.. I also am one to scream out loud how great it is. This is the best I have ever felt.. and I owe it all to Alicia Silverstone.. who would of thought :)
  • Lady_Layla
    Lady_Layla Posts: 34 Member
    Yay! Thanks for standing up and saying "Aye!" I love connecting, and look forward to learning more from each and every one of you.

  • HappyHealthyHolly
    HappyHealthyHolly Posts: 84 Member
    Vegan since the middle of May this year & I'll never go back! I love my new life!
  • emma1488
    emma1488 Posts: 175
    vegan in da hizouse!...That was lame. But seriously, i've been vegan since the start of the year. Love it:) Love to get some more vegan friends as i'm beginning to cringe when i hear people talk about meat foods...:(
  • My husband and I want to become Vegans. I am just looking into it. Empty nest in two weeks, I think that is when we are going to begin our new way of eating.
  • Lady_Layla
    Lady_Layla Posts: 34 Member
    Emma, me too! I would just as soon let someone smoke a cigarette in my house as let them cook meat products, particularly pork. Ugh. And I used to be a BONA FIDE bacon addict!

    Teresa--are you on FaceBook? I have an event set for August 15 in which people go Vegan for 24 hours--just to try it. Let me know if you're interested and I'll send you the details.

  • "Seagan" here. I was fully vegan for 5 years. Now I eat fish when I travel because I found that it was really hard to maintain full on veganism while travelling. I maybe eat fish once or twice a month, more when I travel.
  • I was a vegan for years. I am recently divorced and moved back in with my parents a few months ago. Since then I eat with my family quite often... which means that I've relaxed on the strictness of what I eat and have opened up to occasional chicken or eggs or cheese (my family is about as opposite to my eating style as it gets), though I still tend to stick with whole grains/beans/vegetables/wholesome oils that have been the basis of my diet for so long. When I lived in my own home, I surrounded myself with healthy vegan food and spent a lot of time experimenting with cooking delicious, wholesome things. Without my own home or kitchen, that has been much more difficult. I really appreciate my family including me in so many of their activities, it has really helped me through the loneliness of divorce, but eating with them and living in a house full of very tasty but less than healthy (and less-than-vegan) foods has caused both weight gain and a feeling that I have given up some of the morals I had. Divorce itself is stressful enough, and many days are just so difficult to get through, stressing about what I eat as well seems to just add to that.
    I would like to get back to my pre-divorce weight, so hopefully this site will help with that as far as quantities go. I'm also focusing on getting back to the diet I used to eat; I felt so much better about myself. Not necessarily a strict vegan; I enjoyed eggs from my little family of chickens I owned, and have always given my son fresh raw goat milk. That doesn't really work now that I live in the city rather than the country. But I'll figure it out, sorry for the long explanation but anyways, it's nice to see other people focusing not just on the quantity, but the quality of their food :)
  • soontobeskinnysara
    soontobeskinnysara Posts: 177 Member
    Other than egg whites for breakfast, I don't consume any meat or dairy. It's great!
  • kandrews24
    kandrews24 Posts: 610 Member
    I'm a vegetarian, but vegan friendly! I don't care for dairy a great deal and cook a lot of vegan recipies (because they are so healthy and low cal). I love for recipes. Feel free to add me.
  • yogavegan
    yogavegan Posts: 116 Member
    vegetarian for over 25 years here, vegan for about 7. nice to see all the vegheads checking in! feel free to add me :)
  • Punkedpoetess
    Punkedpoetess Posts: 633 Member
    I am a lacto-ovo vegetarian and have been one for almost a month. I believe that this time I have made the change for good and am no longer afraid to tell others what I am. I am beginning to consider severely limiting or eliminating dairy since I am lactose intolerant. Feel free to add me, I could always use more vegetarian and vegan minded friends :).
  • I'm brand new to MFP. Soooooo glad to see other vegetarians on here. I get this a lot: "you know, I thought you'd loose so much weight when you became a vegetarian." GAH! That makes me so made. I became veg my Freshman year of college so I didn't really learn how to eat healthy. I ate Ramen and mashed potatoes all the time. I would LOVE to share healthy ideas with you all! Please send me good recipes and any tips!
  • sparklyball
    sparklyball Posts: 93 Member
    hi, i've just joined a minute ago, glad to find vegetarians here, i am virtually vegan, i eat cheese occasinally but it's just laziness. i switch between home cooked every thing to ready meals, depending on what my energy levels are like, then that causes a spiral... my weight gain is due to sedentary life style/energy drinks (lucozade- i need to cut it out)
  • I went raw after a 3 day fast. Then went vegan after I lost 25 pounds in 13 days doing the raw. I did that for about 5 months and then went back to my horrible carnivore ways. I think I lost focus because NO ONE around me is vegan or even vegetarian. My husband is Mexican and his family would give me so much grief, yet compliment how amazing I looked and how much energy and life I had. Now, I gained back 10 pounds and went up 2 sizes because the meat/carb binge threw a gang load of fat all over. :( Boo on that. So now I'm trying to be vegan again, and keep the carbs down to a minimum's tough because I could eat rigatoni and Hunt's pasta sauce all day long and grub on bagels with loads of margarine LOL! Hopefully this week is the start of my new life (again). I have been at the gym daily for 4 days now (mind you, with 2 toddlers on a city bus, it's not as "easy" as it sounds), and today is day 1 of cutting my carbs dramatically. It's good to see a few veg friendly people on here. I hope it becomes more widely spread.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    Lacto-ovo here too, although I would like to eventually shift to full veganism.
  • ladybug11
    ladybug11 Posts: 87 Member
    Vegan here. I owe it to Skinny B***h - Bun in the Oven. Feel free to add me as a friend.
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