Who eats what they want (within a certain calorie deficit of course), and still looses?

Who eats what they want (within a certain calorie deficit of course), and still looses?

I've been yoyo'ing for almost 2 years and I'm done. When I say yoyo'ing, I mean between.....Low Carb/High Fat, No Carb, Separating Carbs and Fat (while only eating certain carbs). NONE of it has worked for me.

To be honest, this has been very stressful and I'm done. I'm eating what I want, when I want and how I want. All within reason of course.

I NEED to log my food. It's soooooo important for ME as it's amazing how quickly the calories can add up! Will I log forever?? Hopefully not, hopefully some day I will be at my goal and be able to "eye" things....

I recently started working with a trainer who set up my calories and macros. We also have workouts to follow, which is HUGE for me. I'm clueless when left to my own devices.

Eat at a deficit + Exercise = helping to achieve my goals :)

I'm going to be 50 this year.....And I'm having spaghetti for dinner!! Ha!

Thanks for "listening"


  • ndargy1977
    ndargy1977 Posts: 38 Member
    @Redordeadhead haha!! true!! My mind has been in a different place for a while....glad to be back to reality :)
  • Katiebear_81
    Katiebear_81 Posts: 719 Member
    Yeah. I count my macros for performance reasons, but otherwise, I mostly eat what I like. :)
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,111 Member
    I am doing IIFYM which is essentially what you're asking about, I've lost around 35lbs.
  • CarvedTones
    CarvedTones Posts: 2,340 Member
    I did yoyo failures in the past with restrictive crash diets that ended at goal and then failed at natural eating. This time I have lost over 60 pounds while eating what I want (at least for the last half; I started my old way) and I am maintaining by eating what I want but still tracking and keeping to a calorie goal.
  • saragd012
    saragd012 Posts: 693 Member
    I always save room for treats I enjoy, and I wont eat things that I don't like. Sometimes I do compromise of course, like yes I want my own darn chocolate cake but I know in the end I'd be satisfied with splitting a slice instead. I have friends and workout partners who are all about the no-sugar life, but I'd be miserable without my daily chocolate and a delicious dark craft beer once or twice a week. Absolutely not worth it for me.