Breakfast suggestions please!!!



  • osucristina
    If you are downright craving carbs, you probably aren't eating enough of them. None of those things you listed sound like carbs that you should be eating, so switch over to whole or sprouted grains! Pay attention when you eat and figure out what time of day your body can handle carbs and what reaction it has. For example, I CANNOT eat heavy carbs at night (like pasta) I will fall asleep within 15 minutes. I can eat them light for breakfast, enough for energy and light at lunch, again, enough for energy. I usually fill my snacks between with a carb/fat/protein combo. That being said (lol) try whole or sprouted grain english muffins with eggs and spinach, buckwheat (like oatmeal, but less processed) lots of fruit, yogurt and slivered almonds, apples and peanut butter with whole grain toast (I also like ezekial bread, it's sprouted)

    Best of luck!
  • amberchrista
    amberchrista Posts: 18 Member
    I usually eat a sugar-free pudding (60 calories) or a lucky charms cereal bar (100 calories). This satisfies my sweet craving and is similar to what I used to eat before my diet (poptarts, 412 calories). It may not be healthy like fruit or oatmeal, but I enjoy it and still have plenty of calories for the rest of the day. I know how hard it is to resist unhealthy foods. My whole family is super inshape and active, so they can eat all the soda/chips/sweets/breads/junk food they want and not gain an ounce, so it's kept in supple amounts in my pantry. Stay strong! You can do this!
  • Aquawave
    Aquawave Posts: 260 Member
    Old Fashion Oatmeal made in the microwave (2 min 30 seconds) in a large deep bowl. Add Splenda and Cinnamon and maybe a touch of almond milk. Another breakfast item is Kashi Go Lean with almond milk and Splenda.

    Maybe you can ask the grocery shopper to buy less bread-like items? That would be way too much temptation for me to resist.
  • kathyhaf1
    I like hard boiled eggs whites, Greek yogurt with fruit, Banana & PB on wheat toast, cottage cheese with blueberries, stawberries or pears, otameal with a spoonful of honey or PB.

    Good luck! There are lots of great ideas here!
  • vettle
    vettle Posts: 621 Member
    I have phases of what I like. I go through an oatmeal phase and I eat that for a month or so and then I get sick of it.

    So right now I eat 200 gm of plain yogurt topped off with half a banana and then whatever berry I have fresh or frozen, plus a cup of coffee!

    On the weekends, I like to make a bigger breakfast to have with DH, so I have a poached egg on a slice of silver hills toast and maybe a piece of bacon. Sometimes I'll make pancakes or even better, crepes, but top them off with tons of fruit and some yogurt and I don't use syrup or butter. It's okay to eat grains, but muffins, donuts and crossaints are not the best despite how good they are!