


  • dsboohead
    dsboohead Posts: 1,900 Member
    Is there family members that are type 2 diabetics?
    Its good that you give the white food of the color spectrum a rest but also take bs when you first wake up.Most non diabetics AIC are in the 5.something range.Diabetes does not go away. Its like being pregnant.....either you are or you aren't.
    Diet and weight loss controls it. Even if you are 156lbs could you eek out 10lbs?
  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,325 Member
    isn't this test supposed to be done after a full 12 hours of fasting?
  • jgzunich09
    jgzunich09 Posts: 32 Member
    I’m pre diabetic and read it’s reversible, like I said I was over supplementing with carbs/dextrose(sugar) so I’m hoping it goes back to normal and my next question is how long does it take to get it back to Normal range?
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    jgzunich09 wrote: »
    I’m pre diabetic and read it’s reversible, like I said I was over supplementing with carbs/dextrose(sugar) so I’m hoping it goes back to normal and my next question is how long does it take to get it back to Normal range?

    It depends on a number of factors, if which your carb intake and exercise level are pretty much the only two under your control.

    If you are curious, just check your fasting levels every morning (so that you are seeing averages). If you don't see any change in two weeks, look into the ADA carb guidelines. If you still don't see any change after another two weeks, eat at the bottom end of those guidelines...
  • FlyingMolly
    FlyingMolly Posts: 490 Member
    Jojoo6mfp wrote: »
    jgzunich09 wrote: »
    I’m not overweight I’m 5’9 156lbs and do weight lifting 3 times a week since I was 20!and I’m 38 my diet is pretty much on point have oatmeal and egg whites breakfast snack whole wheat bread with peanut butter and 3 hard boiled eggs lunch is usually chicken or tuna,sardines or salmon with 2 lightly salted rice cakes mid afternoon snack is pistachios, cheese stick and plain non fat yogurt dinner is mostly chicken or maybe steak or fish with veggies and on workout days I have brown rice or sweet potato

    Unfortunately some of us are doing everything right and still end up diabetic because our pancreas is past it’s use by date and just doesn’t work well anymore.

    Yep. My mom is tiny and has always been a very healthy eater—whole grains, colorful veggies, moderate portions, the whole nine yards. She still tested prediabetic a couple of years ago, because that’s just how her body is working. Her doctor basically put her on a very carb-restricted diet and now she tests normal.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    jgzunich09 wrote: »
    Appreciate all the info from everyone, I think I’ve figured out what was causing my blood sugar to rise I was over supplementing with a dextrose powder/carb supplement which I was adding to my pre and post workout shake(real food by rich piana) and eating a banana before workout and then one before bed along with white rice or potato’s for my dinner. I threw out the dextrose/carb powder cut out the bananas and any potato not named sweet potato and only eat brown rice ob workout days for dinner and added a lot more veggies and tweaked my sugar intake my main concern was asking if the 126 blood glucose after 3 hours of last meal should be a concern? It’s been almost 6 weeks since these changes and I guess next question is how long does it take to get blood sugar back to normal levels? And what other changes should I make to my diet/exercise....?

    In a normal person blood glucose should drop within two hours after eating. A healthy person's pancreas acts very quickly to keep glucose levels even, even with a very high carb meal.

    Your A1c will not change until your red blood cells have lived out their lifespan, which takes about three months. However, you should see changes in your blood glucose from moment to moment.

  • jgzunich09
    jgzunich09 Posts: 32 Member
    Yea Saturday I took my blood glucose again not right in the morning but about 2 hours after eating breakfast which I had 1/2 cup of oatmeal and 3 eggs and I was at 92.....