Whats the best non gym exercise for calorie burn/weight loss



  • nrb154
    nrb154 Posts: 3
    I do Zumba and teach Karate once during the week, But I can do better, I really need to lose this weight.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Zumba and running are both really good calorie burners. These are what I've had the most success with as far as calorie burns. Zumba is tons of fun, running (for me) was not but it got the job done.
  • julieannebyrom
    julieannebyrom Posts: 205 Member
    oh and any links to good HiiT on you tube, they all seem to be only a couple minutes long?
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    How long do you need? A tabata workout is 4mins total!
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    M100 (Mandatory 100)is great as well. Only takes 2-5 minutes and requires no equipment.
  • julieannebyrom
    julieannebyrom Posts: 205 Member
    long enough to make a difference! How long would you recommend of each? I need to lose an inch or two or 8lbs in 5 weeks.
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    Let me know what you've got to to work with, how committed you are, and we can work on something. did you get my msgs?
  • ESVABelle
    ESVABelle Posts: 1,264 Member
    Run! (I do 5k's on the regular with my bullmastiff) :-)

    Kickboxing (Billy Blanks is a work-out genius - Cardio Inferno or This Is Tae-Bo)
  • julieannebyrom
    julieannebyrom Posts: 205 Member
    A bit more info, I'm 5ft 4 and sitting at 145lbs - I'm up around 10lbs on my 'normal' weight, I've already lost 12 lbs. I've plateaued for the past few weeks.

    I work days a week and have 2 young kids (6 and 3). I am really committed and ready to make changes. It's my oldest friends wedding in 5 weeks and at the moment my bridesmaid dress has an inch of a gape at the back where it won't zip up!

    I'm short of money so I can't afford to do more than one class a week, and I'm kinda time limited with work/family. I could fit in probably and hour a day on 4 days a week - maybe not all at one time. And at least half an hour on my working days.

    My plan so far is:
    30 day shred every day
    stick to 1200 calories and NO junk
    drink at least 8 glasses of water

    and thats me so far
  • baschmidt2
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    You can probably fit in a workout of some kind in the morning? All of these short intense interval based workouts would be ideal to be used first thing to throw your metabolism into high gear all day
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    I'm eating NO JUNK whatsoever....

    Kitkats are ok aren't they?
    A square sausage for breakfast is part of a healthy diet isn't it?

    You're protein is set too low, and you're not hitting it anyway.

    If you want to get ripped for a deadline (please don't everyone start on about a 'not a diet but a lifestyle', I know, I know, this lady has a deadline here)
    Lose the kitkat
    Lose the bread to one slice a day max., and that's to be eaten post strength/circuit workout
    If you're unsure what to have for breakfast, I'll help it's eggs, plus egg whites. Plus veg if you want a tasty omlette.
  • laurenpence
    I hike for my out of gym workout. I love taking a small lunch and snack with me and hitting the mountain trails all by myself with no ipod. It makes me appreciate nature and push my body all at the same time.
  • brit49
    brit49 Posts: 461 Member
    I do jump rope in 15 mins I can burn over 300 and you its great you can start out slow and work you way up.
  • shelbygeorge29
    shelbygeorge29 Posts: 263 Member
    HIIT give you the biggest bang for your buck. That being said, if you're doing it right (intense enough) you're only supposed to do it 3X a week for 20-25 minutes per session. You should feel like you're going to die at the end. Google it . . . I also suggest visiting the forums at bodybuilding.com; most of peeps over there realy know what they are talking about regarding bringing your fitness to the next level.
  • julieannebyrom
    julieannebyrom Posts: 205 Member
    thanks all

    the no junk was from beginning this thread lol. Appreciate all the advice. Going to do interval jogging along with my 30 day shred, cut down carbs,increase protein and see how I go. - Oh and no alcohol for a few weeks.

    Thanks again (except for you with the dead hookers ;) )
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    HIIT give you the biggest bang for your buck. That being said, if you're doing it right (intense enough) you're only supposed to do it 3X a week for 20-25 minutes per session. You should feel like you're going to die at the end. Google it . . . I also suggest visiting the forums at bodybuilding.com; most of peeps over there realy know what they are talking about regarding bringing your fitness to the next level.

    Where have you all been?
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    Has anyone tried the increasing gradient run from Hugh Jackman's Wolverine workout?

    I think it was
    Set a treadmill to 12.5Kph, incline 1%
    Every 30secs, increase the incline by 1%
    Hit stop when you absolutely have to
    Rest one minute
    Repeat until you've finished 20mins.

    You'll welcome death
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    thanks all

    the no junk was from beginning this thread lol. Appreciate all the advice. Going to do interval jogging along with my 30 day shred, cut down carbs,increase protein and see how I go. - Oh and no alcohol for a few weeks.

    Thanks again (except for you with the dead hookers ;) )

    Sorry for jumping the gun...
  • abbyy182
    abbyy182 Posts: 56
    Definitely Zumba ! Has worked for me :)