On Recomp and looking for a new strength training workout plan

I m on a recomp plan (coming out of a cut) and I would like to pick a new strength training plan which can maximize results.

I like complete body work out plans on a single day hence please recommend me if you guys know any good plan .


  • Emirena
    Emirena Posts: 34 Member
    sgt1372 wrote: »
    While both are necessary, I have found that diet control has been more important to my success in maintaining my weight while losing fat (and achieving some recomp) than has lifting.

    I achieved most of my strength gains doing Stronglifts and Starting Strength and still do a variation of these programs now. The only lifts I did (and still do) are the 4 basic compound lifts - - DL, SQT, BP and OHP - and I only do Rows, Pullups, Pushups and Dips as accessories.

    Since I no longer lift to increase strength (just to maintain it), I do more reps at lower weights (typically 3x12 at 80% 1RM) and lift less frequently (only 2x/wk) than I previously did. I also do an hr of cardio (rowing) everyday to burn more cals so I can eat more.

    This has helped me to maintain my weight at 157 +/-3 over the past 18 months (I weigh 155.6 today) and helped to reduce my BF to 8 3% (as last measured by hydro in March).

    This has worked for me but can't say if it will also work for you.

    Thanks sgt1372 and MassarDv for bringing this topic up.

    I'm going back to school soon and working full time and I'm pretty happy with my body comp right now.

    I've been strength training for 3+ years now, starting with StrongLifts 5x5, then Starting Strength, and in about wk 10 of Strong Curves currently (LOVE the effects on my physique from the lattermost and the new exercises it has taught me, but the increased volume is a bit of a drag on my energy and time).

    I'm hoping, due to busy schedule, to transition to a 2-day a week lifting routine, which is what sgt1372 says he does.

    As a woman I'm sure my mileage will vary - BUT I'll ask questions re: your personal experience.

    1.) Starting Strength power cleans - afraid to do these and never really incorporated them into SS when I followed it - did DL's and rows ala StrongLifts instead. I COULD, if I went real light.... do you do power cleans at all? How do you feel about them? I COULD and SHOULD probably work on my explosive response.

    2.) Lift Day / rest day schedule - Ideally I'd do Friday night and Sunday morning workouts to minimize impact on my work/school schedule. How many rest days do you have between your two lift days?

    I would do 30-45' cardio in between - do you?

    3.) Cardio - what's your rowing workout like? I enjoy rowing unlike most forms of cardio that tend to exacerbate the leg DOMS and immobility from full body lifting workouts. Also been looking into kettlebell swings as a good "cardio" workout... but might only work in fasted state.
  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,982 Member
    edited April 2018
    Emirena wrote: »
    1.) Starting Strength power cleans - afraid to do these and never really incorporated them into SS when I followed it - did DL's and rows ala StrongLifts instead. I COULD, if I went real light.... do you do power cleans at all? How do you feel about them? I COULD and SHOULD probably work on my explosive response.

    I did them for awhile when I did SS but I wasn't good at them and decided that I didn't need to do them. Many people who do SS decide the same for themselves.

    Power cleans are in SS because Rip wanted to include a lift to train for "explosive" strength to benefit athletic performance.

    It is noteworthy that PCs are included as one of the "Big 3" lifts (the other 2 being the BP and SQT) in Bill Starr's 5x5 program (upon which SS was based at least in part) whose target audience was young male football players.

    PCs are a very techical lift that if done poorly can lead to serious injury at heavier wt. If you can't and/or don't want to bother learning how to do them well AND you do not need to develop the kind of strength that it develops, there's no need to do them.

    Medhi replaced PCs w/Bent Over Rows in SL which is what I do instead of PCs as an accessory lift. Rip criticizes BORs because you can cheat doing them but, if you maintain proper form w/o using excessive weight, they are fine as an accessory back exercise.
    Emirena wrote: »
    2.) Lift Day / rest day schedule - Ideally I'd do Friday night and Sunday morning workouts to minimize impact on my work/school schedule. How many rest days do you have between your two lift days?

    I usually skip a day (or 2) between my 2 lifting days but I do not actually rest between my lift days because I do "something" else everyday.

    On MWF, I do a body weight routine (pushups, pullups and dips) for an hr and lift for an hr on Tu/Th (DL/BP/Rows on one day and SQT/OHP/Rows on the other). I also row for an hr/day everyday. So, I don't take any rest days per se.
    Emirena wrote: »
    I would do 30-45' cardio in between - do you?

    Are you talking about doing this cardio on Sat between your Fri/Sun lifting sessions?

    If so, I see no problem w/that, unless you find doing so negatively affects your ability to lift on Sun.

    That said, if your lifting and cardio sessions are intensive and exhausting, it might be better to just do them every other day (eg, on M/W/F or F/Su/Tu) insteadcof on consecutive days instead.
    Emirena wrote: »
    3.) Cardio - what's your rowing workout like? I enjoy rowing unlike most forms of cardio that tend to exacerbate the leg DOMS and immobility from full body lifting workouts.

    I row 10k meters/day in 4 sets of 2.5k meters which I complete in 12-12.5 mins each at a rate of 26-28 spm and about 650-700 cal/hr, with 5 min rest between sets, which is a only moderate level of exertion for me.
    Emirena wrote: »
    Also been looking into kettlebell swings as a good "cardio" workout... but might only work in fasted state.

    I've never used kettlebells but don't see the point of doing KB swings for cardio.
  • Emirena
    Emirena Posts: 34 Member
    Thanks so much for the detailed response! I was leaning towards the BOR's Medhi uses instead of PC's, too.

    You definitely do a lot between lift days. Yes, I would plan to do yoga and cardio on Saturday, but also bodyweight stuff (I do sets of 20 push ups or 30 sit ups about 6x a day all week) on all days except Fri/Sun workout days.

    I see you don't squat and deadlift the same day - SL 5x5 did both - but at higher levels of training it would make sense to only do one or the other for more reps and sets.

    Do you do the exercises in that order - deadlifts first?

    Good luck with your continued fitness! ;D
  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,982 Member
    edited April 2018
    Emirena wrote: »
    I see you don't squat and deadlift the same day - SL 5x5 did both - but at higher levels of training it would make sense to only do one or the other for more reps and sets.

    SL does 5x5 SQTs 3 days a week and 1x5 DLs only once or twice a week using an alternating A/B schedule.

    Doing 5x5 SQTs 3x's a week is too much and only a 1x5 DL one or 2's a week is not enough for me now.

    I'm 67 (an old man) and only weigh 155. My last truly tested 1RM for SQT and DL was at 240 and 360, respectively, which then put in me in the advanced or elite class when compared w/other men my age/wt but attempting to lift that much weight nearly killed me.

    So, I opted to use higher reps and lower weights and calculated the 1RM to equal (and later exceed) 240/360 for my SQT/DL in order to maintain my strength at least at those levels.

    I previously worked up to doing DLs at 3x10x300=1RM 400 and SQTs at 3x10x210=1RM 280, which had calculated 1RMs higher than my prior true 1RMs. These are my PRs but I backed off these numbers to in order make the workouts less stressful.

    I now do SQTs for 3x12x195=1RM 273 and
    DLs for 3x12x265=1RM 371 (which is still higher thsn my prior true 1RMs) and am working slowly back up to my PRs.

    It wouldn't take much to reach my PRs again but I'm in no rush to do so because I'm entirely satisfied w/my strength as it is.

    However, even at these "lower" weights, doing these lifts is not easy. There's no need to do them both on the same day and doing so would be counter productive. So, that's why I do them on different days.
    Emirena wrote: »
    Do you do the exercises in that order - deadlifts first?

    I always do DLs and SQTs 1st (and the 2 upper body lifts lster) because they are the most dificult and stressful lifts to do.
    Emirena wrote: »
    Good luck with your continued fitness! ;D

    Thanks, you too. :)
  • MassarDv
    MassarDv Posts: 76 Member
    Do you recommend high volume workout for a guy who is on recomp plan ? I mean can I do full body workouts 4 days per week or stay 3 days per week .
  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,982 Member
    MassarDv wrote: »
    Do you recommend high volume workout for a guy who is on recomp plan ? I mean can I do full body workouts 4 days per week or stay 3 days per week .

    Don't think it matters. Do whichever you prefer.