I've never done this before

trinareane Posts: 1 Member
edited April 2018 in Introduce Yourself
Hi guys I'm trina I'm 26 years old a single mom to two boys ages 3 months into years I've never done something like this before I've tried to diet but it never really seems to work out I started noticing after my first son that I would stress eat and I tried not to but it's really hard because I have diagnosing anxiety and depression after my second son I am just a complete mess I feel so horrible about myself and I just want to feel pretty again I want to feel better about myself and a friend of mine suggested this so I'm doing something that's really hard for me which is something new so I went out and I bought diet pills I know those probably aren't the answer but in my head I feel like for work I'm drinking a lot more water and I downloaded this lovely app and I'm reaching out hopefully I can make some friends that will help me stay motivated add me if you like Lord knows I sure do need some friends


  • TomFit18
    TomFit18 Posts: 2,584 Member
    Welcome to MFP! Lots of good stuff here!
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    Baby steps. Don't try to change everything at once. Start with little changes and go from there. Remember the weight didn't come on in a few months and it won't go away in a few months. Consistency is key. Good luck!
  • __007jbond
    __007jbond Posts: 60 Member
    You can do this
  • 5fit1rdz
    5fit1rdz Posts: 14 Member
    You got this girl! This was a great step to take! Coming out of your comfort zone and asking for help! Just know you’re not alone
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    Is it the social media you worry about or the self-management you fear?