New Christmas Challenge!!



  • I am in
    SW 179
    GW 155
  • gklangdon
    gklangdon Posts: 80 Member
    I would love to do this. I really need the motivation and this may be it.

    CW 194.5
    GW 174
  • dawnblu
    dawnblu Posts: 95 Member
    I'm in... I've been doing this since July and haven't lost yet - I think premenopause is messing with my metabolism! CW 172 - goal 160 by Christmas with more to go after that.
  • fialia
    fialia Posts: 25 Member
    I'd like to join!
    CW 173.6
    GW 146

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • cpegasus01
    cpegasus01 Posts: 400 Member
    Count me in! CW:165 Goal Weight by Christmas: 140.
  • tjames30
    tjames30 Posts: 229 Member
    I want to join too! I usually weigh-in on Fridays. Do you want my weight for this challenge as of tomorrow or do you want us all to log our weights this Monday - the 15th and let that be our starting points?

    CW - 203.2 (as of 8/5/11)
    GW - 165 (by 12/23/11) - End of Christmas Challenge
  • proctorgirl07
    proctorgirl07 Posts: 68 Member
    I want to. is it too late? I weighed 158.4 on monday the 8th! Goal 145 and to maintain that!!!
  • krash999
    krash999 Posts: 476 Member
    i haven"t done a challenge yet and would like to try for one.... this may be kinda out there for a goal by Christmas but here goes.

    sw 458 (as of 8/8/11)
    gw 400 (by 12/23/11)
  • im in.
  • dawnblu
    dawnblu Posts: 95 Member
    Yikes - I lied. I listed my CW as 172... wishful thinking. It's actually 179 from the last time I weighed in. Goal is still the same.
  • lisac1422
    lisac1422 Posts: 102 Member
    I want to join too! I usually weigh-in on Fridays. Do you want my weight for this challenge as of tomorrow or do you want us all to log our weights this Monday - the 15th and let that be our starting points?

    CW - 203.2 (as of 8/5/11)
    GW - 165 (by 12/23/11) - End of Christmas Challenge

    Hi! I said weigh in was on Monday's just so everyone had the same time, and could post the same time. plus it would be easier for me to keep track when i put together the spreadsheet, which will track your progression. but you can still weigh in on Fridays and either post it on Monday or post on Friday, I'll just take the CW you posted as your start weight and whatever you post (Friday or Monday) will be your "first week" weigh in! hope that made sense!

    and to everyone else, it is NOT too late! :) this group will be open until Monday! then i will close it, and it will be all of us! :) good luck everyone!
  • DebRives
    DebRives Posts: 221 Member
    Me too!

    I was 172.3 on Monday the 8th.
    Goal weight is 155

    Thanks for setting this up!
  • mfkfoster
    mfkfoster Posts: 331 Member
    Oh! Is it too late to join?

    SW on 8/8: 228.2
    GW by Christmas: 199

    Total pounds by Christmas 29.2!
  • BethanieK
    BethanieK Posts: 201
    Count me in! I will send you my stats!
  • I am in, I have a HUGE family gathering for Christmas and would LOVE to feel good when I get there!!

    Current Weight: 226
    Goal Weight: 175

    LET'S GO!
  • I'll join for fun and motivation! I'm probably not a candidate to win since I'm still unable to exercise much with a hurt foot :( but maybe it well make me watch my eating more!

    CW: 171
    GW: 150
  • I'd love to join!
    Starting weight 8/1/11- 211
    weight 8/11/11- 207.8
    Goal for Christmas 2011- 185 lbs
  • I am IN

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • My CW is 220. (Oh God, I even hate typing it out!)
    GW is 180.
  • Oops, double post.