Need accountability buddies- let’s lose 25lb by Sept 1



  • xFreudianSlip
    xFreudianSlip Posts: 45 Member
    Add me, anyone, feel free. I just joined back after a long break; surgery. I've lost over 60 lbs thus far.
  • tanyaw13tw
    tanyaw13tw Posts: 2 Member
    I am in.
    SW - 180lbs
    GW - 130lbs
    Started April 30, 2018
    Ex athlete, lover of sugar, salt and carbs.
  • jazzadesigns
    jazzadesigns Posts: 476 Member
    Weekly weigh in:
    Last week: 199.8
    This week: 200.4

    April 1st weigh in: 203
    Ultimate goal weight: 160

    I am upset that I gained this week. I had a 4 day work conference, tried to eat mostly healthy, but had 3 desserts and drank alcohol every day. So I guess I should be happy that I didn’t gain more. I am getting back on track this week!

    What a positive attitude. I’m impressed that you you only gained around a half a pound in exchange for desserts and booze. I think I’ll let myself have a treat of I went away for a workcation. Back on track though!

    Thanks Melody! I am back on track now!
  • jazzadesigns
    jazzadesigns Posts: 476 Member
    April 1st weigh in: 203
    May 1st weigh in: 199.0
    Ultimate Goal: 160
  • eTrevor79
    eTrevor79 Posts: 193 Member
    Lost as of April 8th: 64.6 pounds
    Lost as of May 1st: 69.2 pounds
    Lost as of June 1st:
    Lost as of July 1st:
    Lost as of August 1st:
    Lost as of September 1st:
    Ultimate goal: 90.0 pounds lost

    I've lost 4.6 pounds since joining you wonderful strangers! Cake now? Probably not.

    I made one change to my starting pounds lost. I accidentally recorded my 10-day best originally.

    Thank you guys and good luck to us all.
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,447 Member
    Starting W (May 1 2017) 184
    Interim W (Jan 1 2018) 176.6

    April 1st weigh in: 168
    April 14th: 165
    April 21st: 164.8
    April 28th: 163.1

    May 1st weight: 163.4 (not NEARLY as up as expected compared to April 28 due of Anniversary Dinner Out yesterday PLUS early morning weigh in)

    That makes 4.5 pounds this month! At this rate, I may be resetting September GW!

    June 1st weigh in:
    July 1st weigh in:
    August 1st weigh in:
    September 1st weigh in:
  • darciegordon
    darciegordon Posts: 3 Member
    I'm recently back on Fitnesspal and I'd like to jump into this. Really need some inspiration and motivation.

    SW - 4/29/18 - 188.4
    Current GW - 9/1/2018 - 160

    5/6/18 -
    5/13/18 -
    5/20/18 -
    5/27/18 -
  • GroverBlue78
    GroverBlue78 Posts: 97 Member
    edited May 2018
    My May weigh in. Not as much as I hoped, but I am down so that is good. My goal for May is going to be more exercise. Its finally Spring so that means more walking, but I also what to hit the gym more.

    April 1st weigh in: 223.8lbs
    May 1st weigh in: 220.6lbs (-3.2lbs)
    June 1st weigh in:
    July 1st weigh in:
    August 1st weigh in:
    September 1st goal: 198
    Ultimate goal: 165
  • Franacious
    Franacious Posts: 54 Member
    I'm late in the game here, but I need to try something to get me back on the right track!
    Current goal weight: 155

    May 1st weight: 172.4
    June 1 goal: 165
    July 1 goal: 161
    August 1 goal: 158
    Sept 1 goal: 155

    And please feel free to friend me as well! Good luck to us all. :)
  • naladog77
    naladog77 Posts: 2 Member
    I would like to join this!
    Current weight: 176 lbs. (all time high)
    Goal weight: 128 lbs.

    May 1st: 176
    June 1st goal: 172
    July 1st goal: 167
    August 1st goal: 162
    September 1st goal: 157
  • karenesg
    karenesg Posts: 318 Member
    April 1 2017 - 218
    February 2018 restart - 212
    April 1 2018 - 201
    May 1 2018 -199 ... not as much as I'd hoped to lose... but my clothes are fitting way better than they used to so I'll take it!!
    Sept 1st goal - 176
    Ultimate goal - 161
  • mrendon80
    mrendon80 Posts: 81 Member
    edited May 2018
    I am in! Adding you :) Other members feel free to add me too!
  • tanyaw13tw
    tanyaw13tw Posts: 2 Member
    OK so today was my nieces Birthday which involved a family dinner at the golf club. I walked today so I would have some wiggle room. Managed to stay inside my calorie count and did have cake. Victory for a day!
    Does anyone know how to adjust your start weight? I guessed mine based on being on a scale fully clothed with my bag over my shoulder. Today I weighed myself and discovered I guessed wrong missing it by 2.5 pounds so I would like to adjust my start weight so it is accurate. ( I did not have a scale at home but now I do)
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,447 Member
    IF you mean your MFP Start weight - on you My Home tab (where you enter your food and exercise) there is also a Goal option. You can change it there.
  • mrendon80
    mrendon80 Posts: 81 Member
    5/01/18 weigh-in 164.9

    Goal by Sept. 140
    Ultimate Goal by end of year is 130
  • __N7
    __N7 Posts: 4 Member
    Adding! I'm in need of accountability friends as well!
  • hbiscotti
    hbiscotti Posts: 5 Member
    I'm in too,
    Weight 164
    GW 140
  • PamelaBar01
    PamelaBar01 Posts: 13 Member
    Sounds great count me in
    S W 189
    G W 145
  • aleewarden1
    aleewarden1 Posts: 11 Member

    I've had a good start but really wasn't to get down and stay down. Could do with a few more friends for motivation!
