Goodbye Stretching

I've always hated stretching, as I find it extremely boring. I've been hearing things for awhile about how stretching doesn't really help, so tonight I decided to do some research. I learned enough to say goodbye to stretching. I'll suffer through it during classes, but I'm not going to do it on my own.

Some links:


  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    I totally disagree with you. Our bodies needs to stretch as one indication that it will be doing some activities. Also its not just to avoid injuries but also it helps condition our muscles for it to be ready for exercise. Exercise works best with warmed up muscle. Just ask any fitness experts. If you totally hate it, at least do some warm-ups.
  • h3h8m3
    h3h8m3 Posts: 455 Member
    I totally disagree with you. Our bodies needs to stretch as one indication that it will be doing some activities. Also its not just to avoid injuries but also it helps condition our muscles for it to be ready for exercise. Exercise works best with warmed up muscle. Just ask any fitness experts. If you totally hate it, at least do some warm-ups.

    Stretching and warmups are not the same thing at all. Warm-ups are definitely important, and everyone should do them. Stretching actually hinders effective exercise, and don't really have value.
  • vettle
    vettle Posts: 621 Member
    oh no, another person succumbing to media garbage.

    Stretching is good. Stop reading new york times "articles" and go read a fitness peer reviewed journal
  • GreenSkinnyJeans
    GreenSkinnyJeans Posts: 204 Member
    I have to stretch for dance.
    Stretching is needed for flexibilty.
    You won't be able to do the splits if you just run or lift weights....
  • thebiggreenmachine
    thebiggreenmachine Posts: 66 Member
    oh no, another person succumbing to media garbage.

    Stretching is good. Stop reading new york times "articles" and go read a fitness peer reviewed journal

    Here's an article in Runner's World pointing out why stretching isn't necessary based on scientific evidence.,7120,s6-241-287--7001-0,00.html The article also points out that stretching increases flexibility but that isn't needed for a runner and could increase your chance of injury. Runner's World also reported on a study in one of its magazines this year that showed that stretching can actually make you run slower. The study had 2 groups run for 16 min, then take a break and one group stretched and one didn't, then the 2 groups ran again and the group that didn't stretch ran faster. The scientists basically concluded that those that stretched absorbed too much of the energy in each foot step because their muscles were looser while those that didn't stretch were able to use more of the energy to propel themselves forward since their muscles weren't absorbing as much of the energy, or something to that effect. I'd have to find the study to accurately quote what the scientists said.

    I never stretch when I run whether it's an easy 5 mile run or a 1/2 marathon race. For a training run, I just use the first 1/2 mile to warm up my muscles. I've never been injured and keep my chances of injury low by not stretching and listening to my body.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Well, gawrsh, I'll just stop doing yoga to improve my flexibility right now cause New York Times and Runner's World said so.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    well . . .

    Stretching is only important . . . if you would like to be flexible.

    You know those weight lifters who walk with their arms sticking out weirdly? The ones who can bench press 500 lbs. but can't pick up something they dropped on the ground? Ya, they don't stretch.

    You know those "regular" people who "throw out their backs" just reaching for something on a high shelf or turning around in their seat to talk to someone behind them? Ya, they don't stretch either.

    Lack of flexibility is the main reason why elderly people can't get up from a sofa unassisted, and it's a major contributor to poor posture (painful AND unattractive), muscle soreness, weakness, cramping, repetitive stress injuries and sports injuries.

    You may want to reconsider.

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    I have to agree here to a point. Stretching before lifting or performing explosive athletic moves weakens the muscle. It also doesn't reduce injuries. This was a peer viewed study by the CDC. But stretching does improve flexibility if you work at it. Also stretching helps to reduce cramping of muscle that have worked hard. Tight hamstrings are the usual culprit of low back pain, so you should have flexible hamstrings. If you don't then stretching them can help reduce low back pain.
  • dancer77
    dancer77 Posts: 249 Member
    I am biased, cuz I'm a DANCER for goodness sakes so banning stretching would never fly. Personally I think that stretching before an exercise, especially running, doesn't do anything for me and could cause lower performance (I don't run for speed so I'm basing if off articles rather than my experience). Stretching does prevent many injuries and aids in helping your body recover from strenuous workouts. I just don't do it at the same time as my cardio.

    Lyadeia - ohgosh I better quit my yoga too!!!! lol ;)
  • surfino
    surfino Posts: 17 Member
    So what?
    I mean, that's true that professional runners doesn't do stretching workouts.. Runner's World is right about "looser muscles" after stretching, but the point is..
    Are we on a professional running forum? :) And anyways from late 80's stretching is made more AFTER exercises than before..
    It is very important as said by the others for various already explained reasons (posture,flexibility,injury recover)
    It's not a calories eater, but still, it's fundamental imho
    Greets from Rome :)
  • jagoochie
    jagoochie Posts: 218 Member
    if you dont stretch out after exercise you will end up with bulky muscles (which most women wont want)
    if you want to be a body builder with big muscles then dont bother
    you dont need to stretch much during your warm up, but i would advise doing some stretches at the end - you only need to hold each stretch for about 8-10 seconds to maintain flexability - but if you want to develop flexability and get more bendy you need to hold the stretch for at least 30secs if not one minute.
    i love stretching, i love being flexable - it helps with everyday activities and it DOES help to prevent injury
    everyone should stretch everyday to keep supple - you will notice the difference in old age if you do stretch now - no one wnats to seize up.
    stretching and elongating the muscles makes you look leaner and slimmer, and imporves posture and the ease of performing everyday activities
    you dont have to stretch for long - but i would advise doing it after exercise to help release the toxins from the muscle fibres that build up during exercise (ie lactic acid)
    this is my opionion and knowledge from working in medicine and fitness
    done and out :)

    (oh and if you do a full stretching regime to get mor ebendy it is one hell of a workout!)
  • bhagavatilad1
    Stretching makes your body toned so you look good and everything is in the right place and not sagging. For me its that extra secret exercise to make the guys turn heads and look me over. Think about it
  • meggers123
    meggers123 Posts: 711 Member
    Interesting articles. Couldn't open the second though.

    Article three is the one I think holds the most water. As it mentions the difference between static stretching and dynamic "warm-up" stretching.

    I like to do dynamic before a run, and static after. I like Yoga, too.

    Thanks for giving me something to read.
  • meggers123
    meggers123 Posts: 711 Member
    if you dont stretch out after exercise you will end up with bulky muscles (which most women wont want)
    if you want to be a body builder with big muscles then dont bother

    I fear I have to completely disagree. Not stretching will not make you look like the incredible hulk. Women body builders have to work incredibly hard to look the way they do (including ultra-high protein diets, and specific training... ok, and *some* use other "enhancers"). Especially needed is weight-training. You can run all you want, and never stretch, and you will NOT bulk up. As a woman, you can strength train (lots of weight, few reps, little weight, lots of reps) and you will not suddenly bulk up. You can drink whey protein or soy, it also won't make you into a muscle-machine.

    Granted, some ethnicities or individuals have a easier time building muscle, but no woman will accidentally become ripped.
  • tam120
    tam120 Posts: 444 Member
    To stretch or not to stretch. I'll tell ya, after a really hard workout not much feels better than stretching out hip flexors. I think stretching is bad when done incorrectly at the wrong time, it should be after the workout and done slowly, with purpose, not bouncing through it in 30 seconds. Flexibility is a good thing!
  • kaylenlawrence
    kaylenlawrence Posts: 211 Member
    i warm up before
    and stretch afterwards
  • alyssamiller77
    alyssamiller77 Posts: 891 Member
    OMG Seriously, now we've got studies suggesting that stretching isn't necessary?!?!?!? Ridiculous. Sure you don't *need* flexibility to run, however if you want to avoid injury, muscle flexibility is a HUGE factor. I don't need a scientific study to tell me that when I added specific hamstring stretches to my routine, the shin splints i had dealt with for years were reduced and ultimately are now no longer a problem.

    So to complete your activity, sure you may not need to stretch but it is proven that stretching improves muscle imbalances that ultimately lead to chronic and sometimes even acute injuries.
  • kgagnon7779
    if you dont stretch out after exercise you will end up with bulky muscles (which most women wont want)
    if you want to be a body builder with big muscles then dont bother

    I fear I have to completely disagree. Not stretching will not make you look like the incredible hulk. Women body builders have to work incredibly hard to look the way they do (including ultra-high protein diets, and specific training... ok, and *some* use other "enhancers"). Especially needed is weight-training. You can run all you want, and never stretch, and you will NOT bulk up. As a woman, you can strength train (lots of weight, few reps, little weight, lots of reps) and you will not suddenly bulk up. You can drink whey protein or soy, it also won't make you into a muscle-machine.

    Granted, some ethnicities or individuals have a easier time building muscle, but no woman will accidentally become ripped.

    Totally agree with this and to add to it by addressing another point - Lactic acid doesn't cause muscle soreness and isn't a bad thing that you want to get rid of. It's created by your muscles to help give you more energy during a higher intensity work out. Also, it's impossible to elongate your muscles.
  • joyfulthanks
    well . . .

    Stretching is only important . . . if you would like to be flexible.

    You know those weight lifters who walk with their arms sticking out weirdly? The ones who can bench press 500 lbs. but can't pick up something they dropped on the ground? Ya, they don't stretch.

    You know those "regular" people who "throw out their backs" just reaching for something on a high shelf or turning around in their seat to talk to someone behind them? Ya, they don't stretch either.

    Lack of flexibility is the main reason why elderly people can't get up from a sofa unassisted, and it's a major contributor to poor posture (painful AND unattractive), muscle soreness, weakness, cramping, repetitive stress injuries and sports injuries.

    You may want to reconsider.


    ^ Good, solid, common sense here. Great post!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    if you dont stretch out after exercise you will end up with bulky muscles (which most women wont want)
    if you want to be a body builder with big muscles then dont bother
    This isn't true. Many a gymnast are very muscular but flexible. There are many bodybuilders who can do the splits (many average people cannot). This is a blanket statement.
    you dont need to stretch much during your warm up, but i would advise doing some stretches at the end - you only need to hold each stretch for about 8-10 seconds to maintain flexability - but if you want to develop flexability and get more bendy you need to hold the stretch for at least 30secs if not one minute.
    i love stretching, i love being flexable - it helps with everyday activities and it DOES help to prevent injury
    everyone should stretch everyday to keep supple - you will notice the difference in old age if you do stretch now - no one wnats to seize up.
    stretching and elongating the muscles makes you look leaner and slimmer, and imporves posture and the ease of performing everyday activities
    you dont have to stretch for long - but i would advise doing it after exercise to help release the toxins from the muscle fibres that build up during exercise (ie lactic acid)
    this is my opionion and knowledge from working in medicine and fitness
    done and out :)

    (oh and if you do a full stretching regime to get mor ebendy it is one hell of a workout!)
    Agree with most of this except the "elongating". Muscle insertions are genetically predisposed. Regardless of how much you stretch, the muscle won't get longer.