SAHMU Team BLACK (closed group)



  • Emmabella11
    And Im back in the game!!! So glad my internet is back up, I've felt so lost!

    So here's my weigh in for yesterday!

    Starting Weight on 7/20 - 256
    Week 1 on 7/27 - 252.4
    Week 2 on 8/3 - 252.4
    Week 3 on 8/10 - 249.3

    IDK if everyone has posted pointes yet but I got all 6 points! So proud of everyones progress! Great job Team Black!!

    YEah IDK either. but I finally found out how is my points is I had 4..(i think) haha. but so far i think everyone is doing really good here!..soo proud! and u did great also!
  • katelyn002
    katelyn002 Posts: 260 Member
    I feel very disconnected!

    I think Aunt Flow is coming next week cause this week is going AWFUL! I feel like crap, have gained a bit, so im not counting it but it makes me lose motivation/. Especially since ive felt like crap :(

    Sorry gals!!!
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    I feel very disconnected!

    I think Aunt Flow is coming next week cause this week is going AWFUL! I feel like crap, have gained a bit, so im not counting it but it makes me lose motivation/. Especially since ive felt like crap :(

    Sorry gals!!!

    Oh girl, I was right where you are last week, I lost weight then gained back double then didnt wanna workout and sat on my couch and cried and ate ice cream! Went through an entire bottle of excedrin (in a few days), and cried some more! LOL! You will get to feeling better, try some light easier workouts, they helped me feel better last week. You're gunna be just fine, its just one of those things!
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    Here's my dessert recipe. You could also make this for breakfast if you wanted to!

    16 oz Container Nonfat Greek Yogurt

    1 cup Granola

    1 pt Fresh Blueberries

    4 Tbsp Gourmet Honey


    Divide 1/2 cup of yogurt between four tall clear glasses. Top each with a heaping spoonful of granola, then some blueberries. Repeat the three layers in each glass. Top with the honey and serve.

    Helpful Tips:

    You can use any berries you want here, and also you could use Agave nectar instead of honey because it doesnt spike your blood sugar like honey does!

    Nutritional Info: 1 Serving: 241 Calories, 41 Carbs, 4 Fat, 14 Protein, 2g Fiber, Og Cholesterol.
  • Emmabella11
    Here's my dessert recipe. You could also make this for breakfast if you wanted to!

    16 oz Container Nonfat Greek Yogurt

    1 cup Granola

    1 pt Fresh Blueberries

    4 Tbsp Gourmet Honey


    Divide 1/2 cup of yogurt between four tall clear glasses. Top each with a heaping spoonful of granola, then some blueberries. Repeat the three layers in each glass. Top with the honey and serve.

    Helpful Tips:

    You can use any berries you want here, and also you could use Agave nectar instead of honey because it doesnt spike your blood sugar like honey does!

    Nutritional Info: 1 Serving: 241 Calories, 41 Carbs, 4 Fat, 14 Protein, 2g Fiber, Og Cholesterol.

  • Emmabella11
    Hey team, I ll be gone for weekend to go camping and ill go hiking too! i m super exciting.. so i hope everyone have good weeekend and see you on sun or monday!...
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    Hey team, I ll be gone for weekend to go camping and ill go hiking too! i m super exciting.. so i hope everyone have good weeekend and see you on sun or monday!...
    Hope you have an awesome weekend camping! That sounds like SO much fun!!
  • katelyn002
    katelyn002 Posts: 260 Member
    Your great thanks! I know we weigh in on weds, but i originally weigh in on saturdays... so i weighed intoday and ive gained ALOt.. only lost 1 lb sicne i started 40 some days ago... so discouraging i HATE being a girl sometimes
    I feel very disconnected!

    I think Aunt Flow is coming next week cause this week is going AWFUL! I feel like crap, have gained a bit, so im not counting it but it makes me lose motivation/. Especially since ive felt like crap :(

    Sorry gals!!!

    Oh girl, I was right where you are last week, I lost weight then gained back double then didnt wanna workout and sat on my couch and cried and ate ice cream! Went through an entire bottle of excedrin (in a few days), and cried some more! LOL! You will get to feeling better, try some light easier workouts, they helped me feel better last week. You're gunna be just fine, its just one of those things!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    Hi Teams!!
    I hope you are all doing fantastic!!
    I have created a spreadsheet for our group. Please go to it and fill in your points and weight loss for the last 3 weeks. If you are a new person you can give yourself full points for the weeks you where not here. Captains please fill in your Team points (the ones you get for the whole team completing each challenge and the weight loss point and the recipe winner point) I am so glad I finally figured out how to do this! I started to fill in everyones info but figured it would be much easier for everyone to just go there and fill it in themselves.
    We have a pretty large group and now you can see who else is in this challenge on the other teams easier. If you need help let me know but I tried to make it pretty simple.

    If I put anyones info in wrong you can go ahead and just fix it, I am sorry if I did.

    Here is the link.
  • Emmabella11
    Emotional Challenge:
    Is there someone in your life that has affected you in a negative way and has contributed to your weight gain? How will this change once you have become more confident and learn to Love yourself.

    -I am not blaming anyone for my weight gain, it was all up to me. There is someone who has effected my life in a negative way and has made it more difficult to get up the motivation to change. My heart is broken and I have had some depression and that has not helped my weight. My ex husband was in the military and when he came home he was a different person, I felt like he left to Iraq and never came home, he was diagnosed with PTSD. He missed both of my pregnancies. We never celebrated our anniversary or any other special event for four years of our realationship, we have been seperated most of this time. I was physically and emotionally abused by him for way to long. He was using drugs and alcohol, he was very hard to live with but for some reason I just couldn't stop loving him or let him go. I just wanted to have faith that he would come back to me but I now know the person I feel so deep in love with is gone. Realizing that he didn't love me like I loved him that added to my weight gain and depression along with my anger. I have to do everything on my own with our 2 daughters, raise tham by myself. When my olderest daughter was 1 I then had a newborn as well and that was the hardest time not having a husband to help me or there for me when we needed him. I never wanted to be a single mom because I was raised by one. So I wanted to have a good, strong family of my own. I want to be happy and healthy again. I want to show my girls than no woman should be treated the way I was and I want them to see there mom as a strong, smart and healthy woman. Sitting here crying and waiting for him, about this will not fix it, I just have to move forward. I want to love again but first I have to start to love myself again. I am here to change my life and I will do it! and this site actually helping me slowly to start movivation great way!
    Emmabella11 (Kristy)
  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member
    Hello Team black! Congrats on winning last week in weight loss! I really want to rock this week and get full points from each of us so lets get those recipes in by Monday and not forget to do the emotional challenge (thank you Kristy for being on top if it!). We are half way through our challenge and I know we will all see it through to the end with get results!

    I hope everyone had a great weekend! Mine was pretty busy and I was trying to relax some so I don't burn out! I must say that it feels strange not to be so focused on the weight-loss .. I didn't like it, so I am back on it!
  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member
    Hi Teams!!
    I hope you are all doing fantastic!!
    I have created a spreadsheet for our group. Please go to it and fill in your points and weight loss for the last 3 weeks. If you are a new person you can give yourself full points for the weeks you where not here. Captains please fill in your Team points (the ones you get for the whole team completing each challenge and the weight loss point and the recipe winner point) I am so glad I finally figured out how to do this! I started to fill in everyones info but figured it would be much easier for everyone to just go there and fill it in themselves.
    We have a pretty large group and now you can see who else is in this challenge on the other teams easier. If you need help let me know but I tried to make it pretty simple.

    If I put anyones info in wrong you can go ahead and just fix it, I am sorry if I did.

    Here is the link.

    I just saw it now, I will have to go back and check the weeks back ... my memory isn't that sharp! :)
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    I have done a recap on the challenges and point system for each week for everyone here is the link:
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    OK so I've been a little MIA for the weekend, spent some time with my family and in-laws. I worked out Saturday, and danced around the house with my little boy, he kept saying Mommy you so silly! LOL I forgot how much fun it was to just dance around and act a fool! Then for my "something new" I went on a little run, didnt make it very far before I was so winded but it was nice. Worked out a little bit today and will do some more later. Started taking some Diet supplements today so we will see if they help or just get me all jacked up and hyper. Hope everyone had a great weekend.
  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member
    Cherries with Ricotta & Toasted Almonds

    Warm cherries topped with luscious ricotta cheese and toasted almonds makes for a rich-tasting—yet calorie-conscious—treat.

    1 serving | Active Time: 10 minutes | Total Time: 10 minutes

    3/4 cup frozen pitted cherries
    2 tablespoons part-skim ricotta
    1 tablespoon toasted slivered almonds


    Heat cherries in the microwave on High until warm, 1 to 2 minutes. Top the cherries with ricotta and almonds.


    Per serving : 150 Calories; 6 g Fat; 2 g Sat; 3 g Mono; 10 mg Cholesterol; 20 g Carbohydrates; 6 g Protein; 3 g Fiber; 39 mg Sodium; 329 mg Potassium

    1 Carbohydrate Serving

    Exchanges: 1 fruit, 1 fat
    Tips & Notes

    Healthy Heart Variation: To reduce saturated fat even further, use nonfat ricotta in place of the reduced-fat ricotta.
    133 calories, 0 g saturated fat.
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    I've been putting off the emotional challenge this whole week because I honestly dont know what to say, and Im not that great about spilling all the emotional baggage that I carry around to people, not even my own husband. The simple fact is, I've been through a ton in just 24 years. Things that I look back on and think, "Wow, was that really me, did that actually happen?". Theres no one thing or person that affected my weight gain more than another. Growing up with an emotionally and mentally abusive mother, my dad moving out when I was 10 and having to practically raise my sister who was born 6 months later, dealing with crippling migraines and too many experimental medications to even keep up with, putting myself in situations with people(bad people) that no 16 year old should ever get into, flunking out of college and having to move back home, until I finally was reunited with the man I swore I would marry back when I was 5. My weight gain comes from all of that, I used to be a cute curvy girl with an awesome body, but through depression, addictions, and pure bliss I let myself go. The last 30 lbs or so that I gained was all happy weight, living in a new life and starting a family, and not having a care in the world. But I realized that I need to be healthy and happy with myself and my body, which is why I decided to make this change. Sorry for rambling ladies but it was part of the challenge and I'd sure hate to lose a point for us because im afraid to open up!
  • Emmabella11
    I've been putting off the emotional challenge this whole week because I honestly dont know what to say, and Im not that great about spilling all the emotional baggage that I carry around to people, not even my own husband. The simple fact is, I've been through a ton in just 24 years. Things that I look back on and think, "Wow, was that really me, did that actually happen?". Theres no one thing or person that affected my weight gain more than another. Growing up with an emotionally and mentally abusive mother, my dad moving out when I was 10 and having to practically raise my sister who was born 6 months later, dealing with crippling migraines and too many experimental medications to even keep up with, putting myself in situations with people(bad people) that no 16 year old should ever get into, flunking out of college and having to move back home, until I finally was reunited with the man I swore I would marry back when I was 5. My weight gain comes from all of that, I used to be a cute curvy girl with an awesome body, but through depression, addictions, and pure bliss I let myself go. The last 30 lbs or so that I gained was all happy weight, living in a new life and starting a family, and not having a care in the world. But I realized that I need to be healthy and happy with myself and my body, which is why I decided to make this change. Sorry for rambling ladies but it was part of the challenge and I'd sure hate to lose a point for us because im afraid to open up!

    I am sorry for all that you went through, I am glad you decided to make a change in your life for the better. Congrats, on be able to marry the love of your life there are very few people who get that in there life.
  • Emmabella11
    Here's my dessert recipe. You could also make this for breakfast if you wanted to!

    16 oz Container Nonfat Greek Yogurt

    1 cup Granola

    1 pt Fresh Blueberries

    4 Tbsp Gourmet Honey


    Divide 1/2 cup of yogurt between four tall clear glasses. Top each with a heaping spoonful of granola, then some blueberries. Repeat the three layers in each glass. Top with the honey and serve.

    Helpful Tips:

    You can use any berries you want here, and also you could use Agave nectar instead of honey because it doesnt spike your blood sugar like honey does!

    Nutritional Info: 1 Serving: 241 Calories, 41 Carbs, 4 Fat, 14 Protein, 2g Fiber, Og Cholesterol.

    I vote for this recipe! Looks great but I would change the blueberries to strawberries, I am not a fan of blueberries but my kids love them.
  • Emmabella11
    Cardio: Complete
    3 Days- Worked out on my Eliptical/1 day of Hiking
    Danced with my girls- 15 min with my youngest doing ballet. lol and 10 min of hip hop with my oldest
    Try something New! - Did a workout with my sister Karie for the first time, she killed me.

    Strength: Complete!!
    Step ups x 3 min a day x 4 days (How many can you do in 3 min?) 3 min - 65 Step ups

    Food Challenge: Cocunut Macaroon--Complete!

    Relaxation Challenge:
    Read my book "Love your Life" That is what I really enjoying doing on my free time.

    Emotional Challenge: Complete

    Points= 5 points for me!!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    I am going to start a New Thread for Week 5 so it is easier to see the challenge, I will do this each week. Everyone come and say hello. We will complete the weigh in and Recipe challenge here for this week.
    Week 5 Link