This pretty much blew me away...secret mom confessions.



  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Im not surprised by anything other than the one regarding distraction by technology and gaining weight over IQ points for your kids. That one blows my mind.
    But the rest? I can relate to all of them at one point or another in the five years I've had my daughter. Love her to the ends of the world and back...but wow sometimes. Wow.
  • Tabby1980
    Tabby1980 Posts: 75 Member
    Wow - I am disturbed! As someone doing her best to get pregnant and have a child I don't know why some other people even bothered to have kids! Don't get me wrong, I know they're hard work - my sister has 5 and I'm a trained childcare professional.. My husband and I have thought long and hard about all the things we'll be giving up to have a child but surely the miracle of creating another human being outweighs all else? I bet a lot of couples who can't have children or have lost a child would give anything for a few sleepless nights or a troublesome car journey }:-(
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    I don't know where in this whole thread anybody said they'd rather have sleep than no kids. Or a peaceful car trip than no kids. Of COURSE we love our kids. I treasure mine more than anything. But you know, I went 3 full years without getting more than 2 hours of sleep at a stretch. Is it really so shocking that I would like a good night's sleep? That I would like some time to myself? Just because children are blessings doesn't mean that parenthood is all sunshine and roses. Most of the time it's awesome. Sometimes it kind of sucks. Times like when your fully vaccinated child somehow caught rotavirus AGAIN and infected the entire family, and you're cleaning up vomit off the couch for the fifteenth time that night, for the third night in a row, and you're in the throes of illness yourself. So yeah, sometimes parents complain. Because like I said earlier, ZOMG, moms are human, just like everybody else!

    I do wish you luck with TTC, because it is a wonderful thing having kids. But don't look down on other moms when they complain. That's not fair. Very few moms would actually want to get rid of their kids. But once in a while, we'd like a night without having to worry about them.
  • bakebunny
    bakebunny Posts: 253
    The only one that distresses me is medicating a child regularly for long trips. My two are special needs and they get melatonin to HELP them sleep at night, but I have NEVER given them anything to make a trip more bearable for me, and we went through 6 or seven moves (always to another state) by car in 10 years.
  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,321 Member
    Ok, yes, some of this is disturbing...but especially the whole missing their old body and time alone that is NOT a bad thing. It doesn't mean they would trade their kid to get their body back to anything, it just means they miss their body. I'm sure that when I have kids I will miss my (now) hot body and I will miss time alone, but that I will love my kids none the less. The one that REALLY got to me is that many would sooner lose 15lbs than raise their kids IQ...that's jacked!
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    I wonder what secret DAD confessions would look like! ;D
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Some of these totally p*ss me off. Seriously, some people shouldn't be parents.
  • SarahRoseMiranda
    I am guilty of some of these, as I'm sure every parent is. I think it is very sad that people judge parents (I'm sure the children as well) for eating junk food. I believe the more it's restricted/forbidden, the more, I fear, it will be desired, leading to weight problems and other issues further in life. I wish there was an easy answer. Now where did I put my "How to be a perfect parent handbook"?... ;)
  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,321 Member
    I am guilty of some of these, as I'm sure every parent is. I think it is very sad that people judge parents (I'm sure the children as well) for eating junk food. I believe the more it's restricted/forbidden, the more, I fear, it will be desired, leading to weight problems and other issues further in life. I wish there was an easy answer. Now where did I put my "How to be a perfect parent handbook"?... ;)

    I agree and not. I do not judge parents who teach their children about junk food in moderation and if I see someone at McDonald's with their kid I don't know how much the kid eats there so I don't judge. I try not to judge anyone for anything, but I do seriously have a problem with parents who let their children become obese. I know that everyone on here is trying to make healthy life changes and I really commend that so I fear I will probably step on a few toes by saying this. But, as parents we need to teach or kids healthy eating habits, my weight issues have been due to my eating habits but also because I was never taught that putting ranch dressing on your spaghetti probably is a bad idea (though I must say I sometimes still do, I'm a little disgusted with myself as I type this) Since I am currently TTC, I am also working on getting myself to where junk (and processed food in general) is a rarity so that my kids will hopefully pick up the same habits. If my child is obese at 10, I have no one to blame but myself.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    none of those surprise me
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    #1.) They Want to Be Left Alone. . Yes. Absolutely

    #2.) They're Weird About Seeing Other Women Breastfeeding. - No, I think its lovely

    #3.) They Send Their Kids to School Sick. - Guilty. My kids have to be pretty ill before i'll keep them off school. I dont think thats a bad thing. Too many people keep them off for just a sniffle.

    #4.) Most of Them Would Like a Do Over. - no not really

    4% question their decision to have kids ALTOGETHER . . . errrrr, sometimes if im absolutely honest, but i love them all, but miss my freedom a lot.

    #5.) They'd Choose Great Sleep Over Great Sex. Id rather have both

    #6.) They're Distracted by Technology. - no worse than being distracted by anything. you cant stand over your kids 24/7

    #7.) They Medicate Their Kids More Than You Think.- no i dont, do this

    #8.) They Judge Other Moms Constantly. - No worse than i judge anyone.

    #9.) They Have a Favorite Child. - Yeah but it changes from day to day. Probably hour to hour

    #10.) They Use Their Kids to Get Out of Things. - and? whats the problem here?
  • pbajwally
    pbajwally Posts: 210 Member
    I'd say a lot of this is spot on. We're human, our kids can drive us nuts. We still would die for them, and love them to pieces despite that.

    Couldn't have said it better myself!
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member

    #7.) They Medicate Their Kids More Than You Think. 18% have medicated their child before a long car trip or flight to knock him out . . . and 8% sometimes do it on regular nights at home.

    This one is so disturbing to me. I've known parents who do this and I can't stand it! To me, that's a form of child abuse. Medications should be used responsibly and not as a convenience tool to control your child! smilies not working again! Insert mad smiley here.
  • pbajwally
    pbajwally Posts: 210 Member
    I don't know where in this whole thread anybody said they'd rather have sleep than no kids. Or a peaceful car trip than no kids. Of COURSE we love our kids. I treasure mine more than anything. But you know, I went 3 full years without getting more than 2 hours of sleep at a stretch. Is it really so shocking that I would like a good night's sleep? That I would like some time to myself? Just because children are blessings doesn't mean that parenthood is all sunshine and roses. Most of the time it's awesome. Sometimes it kind of sucks. Times like when your fully vaccinated child somehow caught rotavirus AGAIN and infected the entire family, and you're cleaning up vomit off the couch for the fifteenth time that night, for the third night in a row, and you're in the throes of illness yourself. So yeah, sometimes parents complain. Because like I said earlier, ZOMG, moms are human, just like everybody else!

    I do wish you luck with TTC, because it is a wonderful thing having kids. But don't look down on other moms when they complain. That's not fair. Very few moms would actually want to get rid of their kids. But once in a while, we'd like a night without having to worry about them.

    Another fantastic comment! I agree 100%.

    Moms don't get sick days. Moms don't get "off" days. You're on call 24/7 and YES, there are times when I desperately wish I could sleep without waking in the middle of the night because someone had a bad dream, or someone doesn't feel good, or someone heard a strange noise. And I often wish I didn't have 2 little eyes staring at me with a binky pressed to my nose at the crack of dawn because in their minds, it's time to get up. But I wouldn't trade it. Not for all the money in the world. And I don't think wanting a little alone time or extra sleep once in awhile makes me a bad mother. It makes me human.
  • Sh1tsRainbows
    Sh1tsRainbows Posts: 1,227 Member
    Blew you away? I'm guessing you don't have kids. OR you have a lovely woman who takes care of them. (:

    I agree... and the people that are disturbed by this prob dont have kids either.

    being a mother is the most rewarding but also the most thankless job!!!!
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    When we become parents, we don't stop being human beings. I only found a couple of things on that list disturbing (mostly the medicating thing and being grossed out by other women breastfeeding) but most of the other stuff is just being human and having real thoughts. Yes, I absolutely miss alone time and sometimes i get seriously annoyed by my daughter's endless rambling on about nothing. I also love her with my whole heart and would lay down in front of a speeding bus for her. I would dare any parent to honestly say they have never had a single negative thought regarding their children or their lives.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    There are probably a fair percentage of parents that could be playing with their children right now if they would log off MFP.
  • Chunkabutt83
    the alone time is the only thing i miss
  • boomboom011
    boomboom011 Posts: 1,459
    Snort. Yeah, 'cause volunteering a few hours a week is just like parenting.

    Omg this made me snort!

    Im surprised they didnt ask more deep questions. Being a parent is tough. No one can prepare you for it and we are all human. I have said things to my kids i wish i didnt but it happens. I have given my kids "sleepy juice" when they were climbing the walls at 11 cause my dumb *kitten* let them have a soda or something in the evening. i have taken my eyes off them before not necessarily for technology just from some kind of distractions.

    But one thing is for sure I love my kids with every fiber of my being but for the love of all things designer can i freaking go pee alone for once at my home? Kids are pains in the butt sometimes and they dont give a damn how you feel. They live for the moment. I have to step back sometimes and remember that all they want is to be loved. Which i do.

    I have the utmost respect for stay at home parents. I go to work to get away from it all. I know some people say "well you shouldnt have had kids" well youre probably right not all people are meant to be parents. But dont judge someone over their honesty. As long as people dont act on those negative thoughts then whats the problem. Dont tell me that you have never had an ugly thought in your head that afterwards you thought "now thats not cool" and you immediately change your thoughts? Come on now lets be honest here.

    BTW i have 2 very well behaved children because we believe in discipline in my house. But kids test the limits like nobody's business. Lawdy! They will work your nerves. So I say spend at least 7 days with someone's kids as a stay at home parent (24/7) then report back to me and let me know if you used generic benadryl or the name brand.
  • Jenscan
    Jenscan Posts: 694 Member
    Just because we become parents doesn't mean we stop being full-grown adult human beings. Good grief.