Any 1 doing the keto Diet? I just started

Looking for some macro examples to help me out.


  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    Looking for some macro examples to help me out.

    keto is usually 60% or more of fat and most do 10% or less of carbs(25grams or less) and the rest protien. you just have to find what ration works for you but fat is supposed to be the highest and carbs the lowest amount of your calories.
  • AdelanDeus
    AdelanDeus Posts: 14 Member
    Looking for some macro examples to help me out.

    I recommend calculating your own macros to get a better fit. Try any leading keto website :)
  • Nan7114
    Nan7114 Posts: 276 Member
    I am failing horribly at this diet:(
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    nanda7114 wrote: »
    I am failing horribly at this diet:(

    Find what does work for you.

    I have tried to stay below 30g a couple of times. I just can't do it. I had leftover lamb for breakfast last Saturday and was STARVING by the time lunch came around. It is pretty easy for me to stick to 50-60g of carbs most days, though.
  • char1iej
    char1iej Posts: 36 Member
    edited May 2018
    Looking for some macro examples to help me out.

    I agree with what @CharlieBeansmomTracey said. It's a good basis for starting. Then, fine tune to your own body and satiety.

    nanda7114 wrote: »
    I am failing horribly at this diet:(

    @nanda7114 be specific. What's going on that makes you feel like you're failing? I'm no expert, but am having excellent success. I'd like to know about your experience.
  • MrsQuenB
    MrsQuenB Posts: 1 Member
    edited May 2018
    Starting 5/2. Wish me success. Open to advice for beginners.
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,104 Member
    MrsQuenB wrote: »
    Starting 5/2. Wish me success. Open to advice for beginners.

    You may wish to start your own thread as Intermittent Fasting is not related to the topic of this thread.
  • Nan7114
    Nan7114 Posts: 276 Member
    I was doing great but now not so much. Find my willpower has left me... every morning I start out great guns then I fall off the wagon.
    Yesterday wasn't a complete write off. I was over my calories slightly but my macros were pretty good.
  • mfavara5943
    mfavara5943 Posts: 3 Member
    I tried it for a few weeks but I felt gross .. I was eating mostly fats I got cook books ... I just didn’t feel healthy eating bacon and cheese all the time I need my veggies and fruits
  • akmatov
    akmatov Posts: 2 Member
    Back before Xmas I was experimenting with the Keto Diet, when I was actually following it my Blood Sugar was quite low, which is good as I'm a Type 2 Diabetic - would love to maintain a good BS level more by diet than by insulin. As of Today I have my FitBit and am charging forward as part of the William Improvement Program. Ofc looking at Keto there are a lot of authors peddling a lot of 'stuff'. Personally, I've found the books by
    Maria Emmerich to seem authentic and I've used them and been pleased. I tend to blend in more meat than she advocates, a bit of Paleo, and as I said it was quite good. Now I just have to motive my *kitten* to get back on the horse. :) BTW, several of Emmerich's books are available free if you have Amazon Prime.
  • gdnaegle
    gdnaegle Posts: 9 Member
    You can do a modified fat keto. Your macros depend on how much you currently weigh and your calorie intake.
  • joshmiller602
    joshmiller602 Posts: 6 Member
    MrsQuenB wrote: »
    Starting 5/2. Wish me success. Open to advice for beginners.

    You get the same end results by doing 8/16 each day or even 6/18. You just eat in those blocks and the results are comparable to the 5/2 day splits. Much easier to do.
  • joshmiller602
    joshmiller602 Posts: 6 Member
    thanx yall. im doing the 75% fat 5%carb 20% protein at 1700 calories a day. what i eat is...
    Eggs, Bacon, heavy whip cream, sharp cheddar cheese, cream cheese, MCT Oil, spinach, 2tbsn saltedbutter, sour cream, chicken, and fasting in the mornings. 16 hr window between meals. ive lost about 5 pounds in 6 days.

    I’m doing almost the exact same. 16 hour fasting and all. Have lost about 12 pounds in 5 days.
  • Bootsye
    Bootsye Posts: 4 Member
    Yes sir, sent a message for you to add me as a keto buddy
  • jlb1181
    jlb1181 Posts: 2 Member
    I am starting tomorrow...
  • Siesmaxer
    Siesmaxer Posts: 1 Member
    Starting today with IF. Made my first low carb keto aspharagus frittata for lunch
  • SusannO
    SusannO Posts: 27 Member
    Today is my 3 week anniversary on keto. I've lost 13 lbs, and all my body measurements are down at least a half inch. I had no keto flu pain and converted to ketosis in 2 days with no pain. I ate spinach, lox, cream cheese, pepperoni sticks, string cheese, teri chicken (marinated), 2 finn crisps max/day and olive oil on salads primarily for the first 4-5 days. Simple to grab from fridge when I'm hungry and I didn't have to linger at the fridge looking around. I'm a foodie and love to cook so there were some sad moments at times, but you get over it pretty quick. I'm not hungry on this diet so there aren't the cravings. It is easy to be under calories. The main thing to do is drink A LOT of water. I drink 2-3 cups of coffee each morning with heavy cream and then only water the rest of the day. I sprinkled some salt and lemon juice into my water and that will help keep you from getting keto cramps.
    Tracking on MFP is important so you can have some cheats. I do 70% fat/20 pro/10 carb, which gives me 38g carbs per day. I just make sure I never go over 50. The other day I had eaten low carb vegies and so I had a half cup of my beloved Tillamook Caramel Butter Pecan ice cream. I'm still in high volume ketosis. I know some folks are strict about less than 20g, but for me, I've found if I stay under 50 (I average 20-40), my keto stick still says I'm in high ketosis and I don't feel like I'm deprived so much. I haven't done bread, but I did make the fathead pizza crust the other day and it was pretty good.
    Best of luck to you my fellow keto-ers!