Women made fun of me at my walking group so no motivation now....



  • krael65
    krael65 Posts: 306 Member
    Well that's just not very nice. F them. Go you! Congratulations on what you've accomplished. I hope you won't lose heart, and that you keep at it! Try to use it as motivation. Easy to say, harder to do. Sending positive thoughts your way.
  • saraonly9913
    saraonly9913 Posts: 469 Member
    Amazing loss! I recently found this saying. It resonated with me. Maybe it will help you. " Always Walk like you Deserve to be right where you are."

    Don't let anyone stop you from walking!
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Holy heck what miserable lives those women must lead. It's a good thing you discovered quickly what jerks they are, so you're not too emotionally invested in them.
  • Pamelto
    Pamelto Posts: 5 Member
    It was people like that who made me hate working out where others could see me. Their whisperings were never quiet and it really got to me. Just remember that we all are made of the same stuff, so you have just as much right to exercise in public as they do!
  • ejyennie
    ejyennie Posts: 16 Member
    You are amazing for losing that much weight! Don't listen to her: just walk on your own or find one or two people to walk with. One of my friends walks the pups at the local animal shelter: only love there! I had a weird experience the other day: I tried a new class at our gym because there was free classes all week. I am 50 lbs over weight but proud to say I lost 12 pounds in the last two months. I am actually relatively fit but pretty uncoordinated. So I tried a Pilo class. The instructor asked who was new to it(she was a sub). She then turned to me and said" Oh, this class was the first I took when I started to lose weight: it inspired me to lose 50 pounds and get fit" I was pretty insulted by her attitude. At the end of the class she had the nerve to say: You did very well keeping us with us" My equally tubby friend made a point to say loudly: "Did you run your five miles this morning or are you going now?" I will never go back to that instructor: life is too short to be insulted y people who don't know you or your abilities but feel free to comment.
  • confusionmaven
    confusionmaven Posts: 33 Member
    You are a queen. The other lady doesn't deserve to be in your presence.
  • scarla67
    scarla67 Posts: 60 Member
    Hey, I don't know if you have seen the commercial with the little girl who was made fun of and called googly eyes. She is so precious and inspirational, she is no different from you! See that little girl in you, she is in all of us. Bullies suck. Be glad you found out who these people really are early on so you don't waste anymore if your precious time with them.
  • NerdyFlex
    NerdyFlex Posts: 1,672 Member
    Who cares what they think? Seriously, you’re amazing and an inspiration to me! Keep it up! You’ve got this! People only hate because they are jealous of your success and are battling their own insecurities!
  • thrashersara88
    thrashersara88 Posts: 27 Member
    Wow! I am so angry that those people were so ugly! You keep doing what youre doing beause youve already acheived much more than most people! OVER 100 POUNDS! Life is to short to spend unnecessary time with people who are so low. I say find a new group that will appreciate having you! After all I bet you could teach someone a thing or two about weight loss and getting fit! Keep up the good work!
  • EatLikeAHuman
    EatLikeAHuman Posts: 30 Member
    You'll find a lot of support here! Anybody who feels they need to tear others down like that is usually a sad, small person. You should be proud of your progress so far!

    I do know how it feels when a nasty comment ruins your day and sticks in your mind, though. It's hard to let it roll off your back sometimes. All I can say is that I've found most people are not that nasty. I'm sure you can find a supportive group, and I'm sure they'd be just as disgusted as we all are with that person's attitude!
  • gomissfitnes
    gomissfitnes Posts: 268 Member
    I really liked reading these responses. Thanks for posting this, even though you felt vulnerable. I hope you got the inspiration you needed to keep going. You've come so far and your perseverance through that crap will be a good story to tell when you're long past the hurt. Best of luck!
  • missysippy930
    missysippy930 Posts: 2,577 Member
    edited May 2018
    There are a lot of people who have atrocious manners, I am truly sorry you had this happen to you. You have lost a lot of weight already, so you are doing great! Keep it up! Maybe try to find someone in the group that you could buddy up with. If not, do you have a dog? My dog is my best walking companion.
    Don't let it get you down! Show them by keeping with your program and eventually you will achieve your goals!
  • marjoyrin123
    marjoyrin123 Posts: 26 Member
    The woman who talked to you rudely may herself have
    your weight in the past - you may remind her of her former past but even if so
    she is out of line and insecure
    If you have a small group of 5 people then I can understand it may just be too intense
    If you are not comfortable walking with group
    then I would say find one other person
    If larger group then just avoid her
    although I would tell her as calm as you can that her comment is inappropriate and leave it at that
    Some people like group as have people to talk with
    Just as a side note the gym I go to has a mixed group
    lots of obese people among the size 2's
    They have every right to be there
    Of course check out any other groups or any day events involving walking
    You will,meet other people
    As far as that woman she is unkind and bet you are not
    the first person,she has spoken to in
    an inappropriate way
    If she ever apologizes then accept it
    Don't let this situation stand in the way of your goals
    Don't let her rent space in your head
    Let us know what happens

  • bossvt
    bossvt Posts: 3 Member
    Find her out of class when no one is around. Get a handkerchief with rohypnol, put it over her mouth, wait for her to faint and then stuff her into a box. Find a train that is going a long distance and sneak the box onto the train with the other freight. If anyone asks about her where abouts just pretend you don't remember her.
  • iPeppz
    iPeppz Posts: 15 Member
    You've done an amazing job losing over 100lbs. Don't let this derail you. Go on meetup.com and form your own walking group. Make sure you specify that ALL are welcome and it's a judgement free zone.

    mom23mangos suggested pretty much what I would have. Meetup is a great place to find all kinds of awesome people with similar interests. If you don’t want to start your own walking group yet, you can search in your local area for existing groups that are more in tune with your goals.

    What everyone else has said is also true... there will always be insecure haters out there who try to derail you (sad, definitely), but this is YOUR journey and frankly, they can all suck it! I’m sure everyone here can attest to having had crappy days throughout their health and fitness journeys, but remember that you’re doing this for you. Shake it off (to quote Taylor Swift) and keep dancing (or walking or whatever it is that brings you joy)!

    Your MFP community is here to remind you that you’re amazeballs! You got this.
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    Congratulations on your progress. You're amazing! As far as those aholes, I'm sorry that happened to you. People can suck at times!
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,480 Member
    @KatTad77 Great thread.
  • spacepizzacatgo
    spacepizzacatgo Posts: 9 Member
    When someone behaves in such a rude way, I just remind myself that there's likely something very unhappy in their life and I brush it off. That's not always easy to do though and I'm sorry someone felt the need to go out of their way to be nasty. You're doing great, don't let anyone make you feel bad; hold your head high and keep going, if you drop out they'll get a jolt of schadenfreude and I'm really big on denying bad people the malicious joy they want. :)
  • RachelElser
    RachelElser Posts: 1,049 Member
    WHAT A JERK! Do you have an SPCA or doggie shelter nearby? They are almost always looking for people to take dogs on walks. Two birds with one stone- good deed and a walk!