Fat Pain: Losing weight Skin becoming tender?

I have been losing weight since January, 327lbs/ March 287lbs/ May 265lbs.
I have noticed that the extra skin on my hips are becoming sore, along with fat mass on my thighs are very tender. The over hang of my stomach from losing so much weight is very tender. Does anyone else go through this? If so what have they done to help with the pain, I am putting Musle Rub on them but it is not helping. I guess people would call it "love Handles"? Don't know. I just know my skin hurts. Also my Ribcage is very sore. I have taken out of the furniture in the house and have been sitting on the floor exercising/streaching but it should not be causing this kind of pain. I exercise for about 3hrs a day "Walk in place 5miles". even that should not cause pain like this. I hope I am not the only one going through this~ It feels like Pockets under my skin or bubbles? Maybe like a orange skin might describ what I am feeling. Thanks everyone!


  • motivatedmartha
    motivatedmartha Posts: 1,108 Member
    Poor you - sounds awful. Your exercise regime sounds quite extreme to me but I am essentially an outside walker, gardener, swimmer and rarely do above 90 mins a day. I hope others here can offer some help or comfort but if it were me I would discuss with my doctor. Hope it is resolved and doesn't stall your terrific weight loss. X
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    i dont think ive ever heard of such a thing and ive lost 100 pounds.

    i think you might be losing a little too fast and your exercise seems excessive. maybe cut back for a bit and see if that doesnt help
  • gogetemrogue
    gogetemrogue Posts: 80 Member
    My stretch marks would get ornery when I lost fat in the area with stretch marks, but that doesn't sound like what you are experiencing. If cutting back exercise/trying to slow rate of loss doesn't improve things I would advise seeing a doctor.
  • stanmann571
    stanmann571 Posts: 5,728 Member
    Are you eating enough?

    Are you drinking enough?

    Improper and inconsistent hydration can cause tenderness, as can poor circulation.
  • tirowow12385
    tirowow12385 Posts: 698 Member
    You sure it's your skin or it could be your hip joints, it's not uncommon to have pain in the hip if you walk or jog as much as you do, have a rest day or two per week.
  • crazykatlady820
    crazykatlady820 Posts: 301 Member
    I started out at 330 and am now 265 just like you, only I started in October... I’ve got quite a bit of loose skin and wobbly bits here and there. I walk 3-4 miles (about one to one and a half hours at a pace that challenges me but isn’t too much) on M-F and take it easy on the weekends. I know we’re different people with different bodies, but we have similar weight stats so I thought I would share. I haven’t experienced pain like you are describing. I think if I were exercising as hard as you are that I would be in a lot of pain. I would probably see my doctor if I were you, cut back on exercise a little, and incorporate rest days.
  • SaunaSuit
    SaunaSuit Posts: 96 Member
    Ok! that makes a lot of since to me, thanks stanmann, I will! Do that starting today. ... I will look up this and find out what your saying.

    I do have these symptoms: muscle weakness, numbness and tingling. Electrolyte disorders are most often caused by a loss of bodily fluids through prolonged sweating. There it is! I am doing a lot of sweating, (Sauna Suit), I sweat while exercising and in the early morning walks, I can sweat for 20 min after the walks, etc.

    Thanks so much for your help, I sure love this place it is answering questions I would not have even look or realized. You'll are the best~

  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    The electrolyte imbalance is a real problem and upping your salt consumption will help with the nerve tingling.
    The skin pain is not due to an electrolyte imbalance. You might have some sort of bacterial infection or fungal infestation. It's best to take your skin to a real doctor for examination.
  • SaunaSuit
    SaunaSuit Posts: 96 Member
    I have been fighting this for about 11yrs since the Historectomy (cancer). Even when I went to a Gym they tested me and I was so below the amount and I have been trying since 2015 to get hydrated, I am getting better my numbers are going up but not enough. The Doctor said to add baking soda to my water but it has not helped in 3yrs. Then she told me to drink like 1 1/2 gallons of water aday and that has not helped. Then she did all these tests blood work and she said I just don't absorb ? somthing? so she did a colon test, nothing, then did more tests. Still have not found out what is wrong. Why! She put me on Electrolights that is why I reconized that word and still nothing. So if anyone has any more suggestions they are very welcomed. I started to drink broths and soups thought that would help. The numbers have raised since I went on the cabbage soup. At last I pee now! LOL

    260.2 lbs
    43.2 BF - 43.2% Body Fat women - Obese
    41.4 BW
    41.7 BMI - extremely high risk of weight-
    6.7 Bone
  • briscogun
    briscogun Posts: 1,135 Member
    My first thought with that rapid of a weight loss is maybe loose skin rubbing up against itself?
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    The electrolyte imbalance is a real problem and upping your salt consumption will help with the nerve tingling.
    The skin pain is not due to an electrolyte imbalance. You might have some sort of bacterial infection or fungal infestation. It's best to take your skin to a real doctor for examination.

    This is actually possible, especially with a sauna suit.
  • briscogun
    briscogun Posts: 1,135 Member
    RoxieDawn wrote: »
    SaunaSuit wrote: »
    thanks JeromeBarry, I have no leasions, no sores, only streach marks from Pregnecy in 1984 and 85 when my kids were born. I have no redness, so no fungal infestation. I looked up the bacterial infection and I have nothing like that either, no sores, toung is fine, no skin marks of red circles or patch. Thanks anyway.

    What I feel is under the skin that feels like buble wrap could explain it? I guess its cellulite? when I looked up the word it showed these fat cells. I just looked up something someone said and I think your right.

    A person who has too many toxins to process will make new fat cells and store those toxins along with fat. When our fat cells are full of toxins they expand and swell contributing to cellulite. Women small and large battle with cellulite. For women who are already at a healthy weight, dropping a few pounds can loosen skin, making cellulite more noticeable. Gaining weight can add to your cellulite by making your fat cells bigger. More fat under the skin can make your legs look lumpier. However losing weight can reduce the look of cellulite, especially in women who have a lot of extra weight to lose.

    It is talking about a Body Wrap! I bought the stuff to do that last week but have not done it yet, I have Plastic wrap and Ace Bandages. Just have not done yet~

    Has anyone done BodyWraps and did they help?

    If you are having skin pain, why would you resort to wrapping yourself up in plastic wrap and bandages? Also you are going to sweat a lot, the hydration/dehydration issues will only be compounded by this.

    You are undergoing such a rigid, strict rapid weight loss regime with excessive amounts of exercise. Have you thought about reaching out to your doctor to discuss your pain, your diet history as of recent to assure you are on the healthiest and safest weight loss and exercise plan? Hoping you will do this as you are in this to be healthier and feel better, don't take risks with your health. Good luck.

    Good advice @RoxieDawn I had the same thought. If you are struggling with pain, now is not the time to use additional gimmicks and woo to try and combat a real problem.

    I would absolutely go see my doctor and tell them everything (your diet, exercise habits, pain history, amount of weight lost over the last months, etc) and let them help you. This probably isn't best served being worked out on an internet forum by non-medical professional strangers!

    Good luck!