OH NO! Craving Alert!!!



  • Run4UrHealth
    Run4UrHealth Posts: 348 Member
    When you are finished you will only feel like crap and wonder "why did I even eat that?" and you will be hungry again in an hour or so! DO NOT DO IT!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,898 Member
    This is why giving up craving foods have never worked for me in the past. Id say to helll with the "diet" Now, I let myself have my "craving foods" In fact, tonight is our weekly Taco Bell night. I eat what I want there. It hasn't affected my weight loss whatsoever.
    A nutrition professor did "twinkie" diet. Just at twinkies and some chips to break the monotany. Lost 27 lbs. And lowered cholesterol and blood lipid profile.
    Goes to show that the body is amazing and that if you eat with reason, get in your essentials, exercise and get rest that you should be relatively healthy. Too many people get on this "healthy eating" kick and it can get down right annoying when they judge people by what they eat (believe me it's a form a prejudice).
  • lind3400
    lind3400 Posts: 557 Member
    All of you gave me the most amazing advice, after reading all of your comments I 've decided to skip the Mcdonalds, I also agree that I should be allowed a "cheat" but you know I think I can find something a bit healthier and less processed, that will definitely make me feel better afterwards....
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    switch your ticker from pounds lost, to your actual weight.
    Why does everyone need to cheat. Either eat the sandwich and deal, or don't eat it.
    You lost 32 pounds. why not eat fast food once a week?
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,898 Member

    For me it's not the gigantic amount of calories/fat/sodium that is in it...it's the fact that their food is BAD for you. The amount of hormones that is pumped into their meat...it's mind blowing.
    There are hormones in standard meat at grocery stores. There's sodium in just about any food we eat. Your daily oxygen is contaminated with industrial smoke and waste.
    It's edible. Occasional eating of foods you like WON'T kill you. Geez, if the chemical composition was so bad, then I should have died long ago since I've been eating McDonalds' consistently since 1970.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,898 Member
    When you are finished you will only feel like crap and wonder "why did I even eat that?" and you will be hungry again in an hour or so! DO NOT DO IT!
    Actually I feel pretty good and look forward to eating it again next week.
  • I'm with ninerbuff. I don't do McDonalds but I can eat what I want (in moderation) with a little walking and still lose weight. You can eat, just don't be gluttonous and lazy about it. And if your body doesn't agree with it after all this time, then you probably won't be tempted to eat it again any time soon :))

    Try this theory for about a week and then you'll understand what we're talking about.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,898 Member
    I'm with ninerbuff. I don't do McDonalds but I can eat what I want (in moderation) with a little walking and still lose weight. You can eat, just don't be gluttonous and lazy about it. And if your body doesn't agree with it after all this time, then you probably won't be tempted to eat it again any time soon :))

    Try this theory for about a week and then you'll understand what we're talking about.
    This^. Everyone has things that they love to eat, just don't frikkin eat them in large amounts and on a daily basis. For awhile I was on a Taco Bell phase (once a week). A week ago, I stopped craving it. Lol, now it's ColdStone.
  • DizzieLittleLifter
    DizzieLittleLifter Posts: 1,020 Member
    I refuse to eat Mcdonalds. When my kids ask for it I just say "Mcdonalds puts gasoline and soap in their food" :wink:
  • antinvc
    antinvc Posts: 5 Member
    Apples work for me. Sometimes when I get a crazed junk food hunger attack I'll counter attack with apples and water. It works 8-10 times. When it doesn't work I'm so full of apples and water that I simply don't consume much junk food. McDonald's is a no no. Just remind yourself how much gym work you'll have to do to burn it off. 5 minutes of McDonald's = 1 1/2 hours at the gym......not worth it.
  • starracer23
    starracer23 Posts: 1,011 Member

    For me it's not the gigantic amount of calories/fat/sodium that is in it...it's the fact that their food is BAD for you. The amount of hormones that is pumped into their meat...it's mind blowing.
    There are hormones in standard meat at grocery stores. There's sodium in just about any food we eat. Your daily oxygen is contaminated with industrial smoke and waste.
    It's edible. Occasional eating of foods you like WON'T kill you. Geez, if the chemical composition was so bad, then I should have died long ago since I've been eating McDonalds' consistently since 1970.

    :) and if you had read my other responses you would see that I no longer eat meat...i don't want all the hormones and ammonia that our beef/chicken/pork/etc is saturated in, in my body.
  • starracer23
    starracer23 Posts: 1,011 Member
    I refuse to eat Mcdonalds. When my kids ask for it I just say "Mcdonalds puts gasoline and soap in their food" :wink:

    i tell them that it's horrible and that it's not actually food....they still ask, but i'm sorry i won't allow them to eat that crap. :)
  • Lucy1421
    Lucy1421 Posts: 14
    how about compare nutrition facts.... then see if you really want to put that inside your mouth.
    Nutrition facts don't overcome cravings.

    They do me!!! I look at the calories and add them and see if I REALLY want to go way over my calories for the day and usually decide it's not really worth it. Cravings..gone :)
  • starracer23
    starracer23 Posts: 1,011 Member
    how about compare nutrition facts.... then see if you really want to put that inside your mouth.
    Nutrition facts don't overcome cravings.

    They do me!!! I look at the calories and add them and see if I REALLY want to go way over my calories for the day and usually decide it's not really worth it. Cravings..gone :)

    for me as well.... :D
  • sandrinamsilva
    sandrinamsilva Posts: 651 Member
    Could you make your own version of a McChicken Sandwich only using chicken breast instead of thepatti and maybe sub the bun with one of those sandwich thins? I think that might work for me.
  • FabCheeky
    FabCheeky Posts: 311
    http://www.foodfacts.com/food/Chicken Sandwiches/McDonald's Crispy Chicken Sandwich /5080
    ^^Your sandwich, I presume?

    Just check out the ingredients list on your favorite crave items. Read about why some of those ingredients are controversial. Then make an educated decision about what YOU want to do with your health and your body. I don't smoke, but if someone else wants to slowly kill themselves---that's their decision. They know the consequences. Most people DON'T know what is in their favorite foods.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,898 Member
    Apples work for me. Sometimes when I get a crazed junk food hunger attack I'll counter attack with apples and water. It works 8-10 times. When it doesn't work I'm so full of apples and water that I simply don't consume much junk food. McDonald's is a no no. Just remind yourself how much gym work you'll have to do to burn it off. 5 minutes of McDonald's = 1 1/2 hours at the gym......not worth it.
    Cheeseburger -300 calories. For me that's an extra 20 minutes of cardio. It's worth it to me.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,898 Member
    :) and if you had read my other responses you would see that I no longer eat meat...i don't want all the hormones and ammonia that our beef/chicken/pork/etc is saturated in, in my body.
    So are you really against it because of meat? Or are you an animal activist? Be honest.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,898 Member
    Could you make your own version of a McChicken Sandwich only using chicken breast instead of thepatti and maybe sub the bun with one of those sandwich thins? I think that might work for me.
    They have a grilled chicken sandwich. 350 calories with mayo. Without, it drops to 240. Reasonable.
  • Zeromilediet
    Zeromilediet Posts: 787 Member
    From Foodmatterstv.com. Mike Adams Natural News describes your yummy McNuggets:

    Ever wonder what's really found in Chicken McNuggets? Some of the ingredients, it turns out, seem to belong more to an industrial factory of some kind, not a food retailer. According to the McDonald's Corporation, its famous Chicken McNuggets are made with ingredients including:
    Autolyzed yeast extract (which contain free glutamate, similar to MSG),
    Sodium phosphates and
    Sodium aluminum phosphate.
    But that's not the freaky part. According to McDonald's own website, Chicken McNuggets are also made with:
    "hydrogenated soybean oil with TBHQ and
    citric acid added to preserve freshness" and
    "Dimethylpolysiloxane added as an antifoaming agent."

    At least two of these ingredients are artificially synthesized industrial chemicals. TBHQ, a petroleum derivative, is used as a stabilizer in perfumes, resins, varnishes and oil field chemicals. Laboratory studies have linked it to stomach tumors. "At higher doses, it has negative health effects on lab animals, such as producing precursors to stomach tumors and damage to DNA. A number of studies have shown that prolonged exposure to high doses of TBHQ may be carcinogenic, especially for stomach tumors." (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TBHQ)

    Dimethylpolysiloxane, a type of silicone, is used in caulks and sealants, as a filler for breast implants, and as key ingredient in Silly Putty. Says Wikipedia:

    "PDMS is also used as a component in silicone grease and other silicone based lubricants, as well as in defoaming agents, mold release agents, damping fluids, heat transfer fluids, polishes, cosmetics, hair conditioners and other applications. PDMS has also been used as a filler fluid in breast implants, although this practice has decreased somewhat, due to safety concerns. PDMS is used variously in the cosmetic and consumer product industry as well. For example, PDMS can be used in the treatment of head lice..."

    Not that the other ingredients are any better. Because cotton is not regulated as a food crop, cottonseed oil may contain chemical pesticides that are banned in food production. It is also almost always genetically modified. Hydrogenated oils, of course, typically contain trans fats, the artificially produced fats that are unusable by the body and that studies have linked to a number of detrimental health problems. And autolyzed yeast extract is a chemical taste-enhancing ingredient containing free glutamate that manufacturers use as a friendlier-looking replacement for MSG.

    And what about the chicken in Chicken McNuggets? It's factory-farmed chicken, not free-range chicken. So it's the kind of chicken that's typically treated with vaccines and hormones while being fed conventional feed products that are medicated with pharmaceuticals and grown with pesticides.

    Yum!! Don't forget to ask for extra dipping sauce. We haven't even talked about what you'll find in there...