Help not losing weight

Can someone help me understand the remaining calories on the app when you exercise. I am 47 and active/ instructor. I have lost weight in the past by reducing my calorie intake. However now I am trying to lose 20lbs and I was only eating 1100-1200 calories. I was told I was underrating and slowed down my metabolism. Therefore I just recently increased my intake to 1400-1600 calories and I am still not losing weight...I am only maintaining. I burned about 1200-1300 calories exercising a day. Do I need to eat more based on the the remaining calories to lose’s confusing to me and very goal is set to lose 2lbs a week


  • tiptoethruthetulips
    tiptoethruthetulips Posts: 3,365 Member
    edited May 2018
    2lb per week with only 20lb to lose is an agressive goal, you'd be better off to reset to lose 1lb per week. Yes you should be eating back some or all of your exercise calories.

    Where does your calorie allowance come from? Your MFP profile or elsewhere? If MFP what does it specificially give you per day?

    If you are not losing weight, its possible you are eating more than you think..are you weight and/or measuring you eat to verify calories or are you mostly guessimating?

  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    Your metabolism is fine. People who say that don't know what they are talking about. eating more will not make you lose weight. thats not how it works.

  • skee93aka810
    skee93aka810 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks for the regards to my eating I am a vegetarian have been for years. I lost almost 70 lbs and had it off for almost 10 years. I use to be a runner and had knee surgery a year and a half ago which is when I started to gain the weight. I count my calories and consume a mostly plant based diet. I am not new to losing weight it’s just now what I use to do in the past is no longer working!!! I also strength train 2x a week....I use to weigh 145lbs and now I am at 168 on a 5’4 frame which is not good!
  • skee93aka810
    skee93aka810 Posts: 5 Member
    I also log my food intake on MFP.
  • rj0150684
    rj0150684 Posts: 227 Member
    edited May 2018
    You count calories and log in MFP but, as asked, are you weighing (solids) and measuring (liquids) all your food? I personally don’t weigh anything but myself, but I’m also 6’2” and 207, eating 2500 cals/day. Being a few hundred off either direction isn’t going to make a big difference. If you’re trying for a lower daily calories, a few hundred could be huge. Also, where are you getting the 1200-1300 calories a day in exercising from? If you were really eating 1200 and burning 1200 (through exercise alone, for any extended period of time), you wouldn’t just lose weight, you’d die.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    Can someone help me understand the remaining calories on the app when you exercise. I am 47 and active/ instructor. I have lost weight in the past by reducing my calorie intake. However now I am trying to lose 20lbs and I was only eating 1100-1200 calories. I was told I was underrating and slowed down my metabolism. Therefore I just recently increased my intake to 1400-1600 calories and I am still not losing weight...I am only maintaining. I burned about 1200-1300 calories exercising a day. Do I need to eat more based on the the remaining calories to lose’s confusing to me and very goal is set to lose 2lbs a week

    You are not the same as you were in the past, your starting point is different. So start with what you can learn from where you are and how to go about assuring you are in a deficit this time.

    1) Where are you getting an exercise calorie burn of 1200-1300 a day?

    2) Do you have a food scale and use that to weigh and log your food intake.

    3) How long has it been since you went from 1100-1200 to 1400-1600?

    4) You should not be trying to lose 2 pounds per week with only 20 pounds to lose. Goal should be around 1 for the first 5-10 pounds and decrease it to .5 per week for the remainder. You're metabolism is not broken, folks were most likely saying your calorie goal is too agressive for your weight loss and amount of exercise.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited May 2018
    As stated before I am a fitness Instructor therefore I teach and workout at the gym. Therefore my 1200-1300 daily calorie burn comes from this plus I enjoy working out. Most of the calorie burn are from teaching Spin Classes and machines whether accurate or not it was good enough in the past and helped me lose weight. Plus I have started back running 2-3 miles 2 days a week. I have never weighed or measured my food not sure why I would do this now because I pretty much eat the same things I ate when I lost the 70 lbs. Hiwever thanks for everyone’s feedback but would be really interested in hearing from someone that is very athletic..... thanks again!

    I am quite athletic. The advise you get from people on these boards have already been or are doing exactly what you are try to achieve.

    Not measuring or weighing of your intake will then require you to eating less food no matter how you arrive that, a calorie deficit is what you have to create to lose. I guess you go back to what worked before and keep working that method or try a different approach.
  • vallary14
    vallary14 Posts: 215 Member
    I’m perplexed how one is able to function let alone be active on 1200 calories a day. Curious what that looks like and besides weight loss how it feels?
  • amberimelda
    amberimelda Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I’ve started and finding it pretty easy. Are you in Australia?
  • musicfan68
    musicfan68 Posts: 1,140 Member
    You are eating way more than you think. Get a scale and weigh your usual amounts of foods to see just exactly how many calories you are eating, I think you would be really surprised. Also, you need to net the number of calories MFP gives you to properly fuel your body. 750 calories isn't it. If you truly were only netting 750 calories, you would be starving and weak. Your calories should most likely be around 1500 or more, if you are as active as you say.