How much can we lose by 2012?



  • jessid92198
    Oh boy can I use this!! My goal is to lost 40lbs by my 30th birthday next July! Gotta cut down/out the coffee and gotta cut down the empty calories of beer. Gotta exercise and control my portions!

    Good luck everyone!!!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • paronomasha
    You can do it, jessid92198! :)

    Sugar today was pretty good. A couple of grams over, but from fruit (figs, mmm!) so I'm counting this a successful day!
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    jrdoty8986: Sounds like a nice variety of activity! When did you start with the trainer and how did you find her? Through a gym or an internet search, or...? Do you like working with her? I was thinking about getting a trainer once I'm back at school, but I'm kind of intimidated by the idea.

    I started working with a trainer about 3 weeks ago. I don't have a gym membership and didn't plan on getting one, but knew I needed something to keep my weight loss going. Angela came highly recommended to me by several good friends so I decided to give her a call. I really like working with her, but I don't actually work out with her. I have a lot of equipment at home and have the motivation to work out on my own - I just needed someone to guide me as to WHICH exercises I needed to do. Trainers can be expensive, but they're well worth the money because it's an investment in yourself. In the first 2 weeks of following Angela's food list and doing the workouts she told me to do, I lost 6 lbs and 2+ inches. I was nervous at first, but if you can find one that you click with, there's nothing to be intimidated about. Their job is to help people like us!
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    My goal from the start of this year was to reach my wedding weight by the end of this year. Here we go....
  • dawnv32
    dawnv32 Posts: 23 Member
    Pretty good day yesterday and so far today. The sugar challenge is harder than I expected, but I think I am over the no caffeine hump. My headache is finally gone! Yay!
  • paronomasha
    jrdoty8986: Sounds like a nice variety of activity! When did you start with the trainer and how did you find her? Through a gym or an internet search, or...? Do you like working with her? I was thinking about getting a trainer once I'm back at school, but I'm kind of intimidated by the idea.

    I started working with a trainer about 3 weeks ago. I don't have a gym membership and didn't plan on getting one, but knew I needed something to keep my weight loss going. Angela came highly recommended to me by several good friends so I decided to give her a call. I really like working with her, but I don't actually work out with her. I have a lot of equipment at home and have the motivation to work out on my own - I just needed someone to guide me as to WHICH exercises I needed to do. Trainers can be expensive, but they're well worth the money because it's an investment in yourself. In the first 2 weeks of following Angela's food list and doing the workouts she told me to do, I lost 6 lbs and 2+ inches. I was nervous at first, but if you can find one that you click with, there's nothing to be intimidated about. Their job is to help people like us!

    OK cool, thanks. I'll ask around. It'd be nice to have some guidance, esp. re: strength training. I've done a lot of it before, but that was when I was swimming comeptitively. I'm not really sure what or how much of different weights I should be doing.

    Damnv32: Great job with the caffeine! Glad you're over that initial headache phase, it's the worst!

    Sugar yesterday for me was pretty terrible. I made it a maintenance day and since I had several calories remaining, I let myself have a slice of the pecan pie my mom made. I know I shouldn't really fret it since a) I consciously made the choice after weighing pros and cons and b) it's alright to have a piece of dessert; I've been impeccable foodwise since Monday, but I still feel diappointed. Today's a new day, though, and my sugar intake will be controlled :)
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    I think everything was in the red today except for sodium. Hopefully tomorrow will get better!!
  • dawnv32
    dawnv32 Posts: 23 Member
    Crazy buy day today. Didn't do too great eating! Tomorrow will be better! Starting Zumba classes next week.
  • dawnv32
    dawnv32 Posts: 23 Member
    Ok ladies! Any ideas for this week's challenge?
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Zumba is soooo much fun!! There is a class at the gym by my house on Saturday mornings that I am going to try and get to. Weekends just seem to be hard with birthday parties and other functions.

    This week's challenge - water consumption! :drinker: Lets make sure to get in at least 8 glasses of water per day!!
  • dawnv32
    dawnv32 Posts: 23 Member
    Yay! Water challenge! I really need this one. I am doing much better with it, but this will push me even further! Have a fabulous week ladies.
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Water yesterday was an epic fail. Didn't start drinking my water until after lunch so I only got in 4 glasses. My goal now is to have 4 finished before lunch, 4 before I leave work for the day, and then anything after that will be just an added bonus.

    How is everyone else doing?
  • dawnv32
    dawnv32 Posts: 23 Member
    Good so far I have been getting my water in. So far so good!
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Well I didn't reach my goal this morning of getting 4 glasses in before lunch. My day was also thrown off cause my daughter came to work with me so that I could take her to a doctor's appointment. I am 2 down and determined to get in at least 4 more before I leave work for the day.

    Hope everyone else is having a great week!
  • dawnv32
    dawnv32 Posts: 23 Member
    I didn't get all my water in today either. Tomorrow is a new day! I will get them all in tomorrow.
  • paronomasha
    Hey gals,

    Sorry for the recent lack of updates. I've been moving into my new apartment where I don't have interent access yet.

    Water this week has been both good and back. Because I was working up a sweat with moving, I drank quite a bit more than usual, but still not enough. I'm going to try really hard to get my 8 glasses this weekend.

    And zumba is fantastic! I've only been going for a month or so, but I absolutely love it. I'm sweating like crazy and I my heart rate is up, but I have so much fun it doesn't even feel like a workout!

    Hope you're all doing well, and I hope you all have a fantastic weekend!
  • dawnv32
    dawnv32 Posts: 23 Member
    Hey gals,

    Sorry for the recent lack of updates. I've been moving into my new apartment where I don't have interent access yet.

    Water this week has been both good and back. Because I was working up a sweat with moving, I drank quite a bit more than usual, but still not enough. I'm going to try really hard to get my 8 glasses this weekend.

    And zumba is fantastic! I've only been going for a month or so, but I absolutely love it. I'm sweating like crazy and I my heart rate is up, but I have so much fun it doesn't even feel like a workout!

    Hope you're all doing well, and I hope you all have a fantastic weekend!

    You probably got an in some extra workout time moving! Zumba is the best! Love it!
  • brittanylynne1209
    I'm in!! My goal is to lose 40 lbs by my daughters 3 birthday on December 9.. I HAVE TO DO THIS
  • dawnv32
    dawnv32 Posts: 23 Member
    I'm in!! My goal is to lose 40 lbs by my daughters 3 birthday on December 9.. I HAVE TO DO THIS

    Welcome! You can do it!
  • dawnv32
    dawnv32 Posts: 23 Member
    Ok ladies! Any ideas for next week's challenge?