46 Yr. Old Guy / 1500 Calories / 15 Lbs fat loss 6 Weeks?

Ok... I think I'm on track but wanted to get some opinions. I did 45 days of P90X and got some amazing muscle gains on my upper body. I lost about 3.5" around the belly, but I need to lose another 6" in the next 45 days. Why? I'm in a competition with an old competitor/friend, and I'm not going to lose. It is a "1" measurement competition, measured by % loss around the belly button. He is winning as of now, but I bet on muscle gains to help me burn calories hard on the final stretch.

If I eat 1,500 calories, 600 Calories / Day exercises, and maintain 100-150g protein, less than 50g of fat and carbs, will this get to my goal and not sacrifice too much muscle? I can't afford to make a mistake.




  • Jadub729
    Jadub729 Posts: 135 Member
    Are you fairly active? I think 1500 calories is pretty low for a guy. i eat 1500-1700 a day and I'm a 5'2 female
  • livelarge303
    livelarge303 Posts: 5 Member
    Hmm... I'm currently 170lbs., 5'8". I've been on 1500-1650 cal/day for about 3 days and don't feel bad, but some less energy in the workouts. I'm spreading it out across 5 meals. Most of my activity is targeted at my p90X/P90X+ workout and lightly active. 0 Calorie vitamin waters getting me through the hunger times.

    You make a good point, it seems like my stomach is not losing as expected, but I've definitely lost fat in in other areas. Maybe I just have to sacrifice the gains to get to my target and I can do a bulk up the month in July.

    Tough decisions.
  • livelarge303
    livelarge303 Posts: 5 Member
    Not as much as I would like, but I'm guessing about 4-5lbs/mo. I say this because I lost 3.5" in my belly and did not lose a single lb in 45 days. Actually, I went up 2-3 lbs. Also, my comparison picture show the gains on the upper body.
  • livelarge303
    livelarge303 Posts: 5 Member
    Kommodevaran... I'll research what a macro split is, thanks for the heads up! Johnny
  • livelarge303
    livelarge303 Posts: 5 Member
    Ok.. ran an IIFYM calculator on the aggressive setting. It is saying 2076 Calories, 147 protein, 219 Carbs, and 68 Fats. I'm guessing I need to up my calories and carbs from 50. Wonder why the carbs are so high on the macro tracking diet.
  • Jadub729
    Jadub729 Posts: 135 Member
    Ok.. ran an IIFYM calculator on the aggressive setting. It is saying 2076 Calories, 147 protein, 219 Carbs, and 68 Fats. I'm guessing I need to up my calories and carbs from 50. Wonder why the carbs are so high on the macro tracking diet.

    2000 calories sounds more reasonable at least.
  • JJordon
    JJordon Posts: 857 Member
    Ok... I think I'm on track but wanted to get some opinions. I did 45 days of P90X and got some amazing muscle gains on my upper body. I lost about 3.5" around the belly, but I need to lose another 6" in the next 45 days. Why? I'm in a competition with an old competitor/friend, and I'm not going to lose. It is a "1" measurement competition, measured by % loss around the belly button. He is winning as of now, but I bet on muscle gains to help me burn calories hard on the final stretch.

    If I eat 1,500 calories, 600 Calories / Day exercises, and maintain 100-150g protein, less than 50g of fat and carbs, will this get to my goal and not sacrifice too much muscle? I can't afford to make a mistake.


    If you can brave the storm? Why not for the next 44 days run a P90X Doubles routine?

    Or, if you can wait, get your hands on P90X2 and really pump up the results?
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Sunna_W wrote: »
    • Don't go under 100 carbs or you will screw with your thyroid.
    • Make sure that you eat healthy fats (like grass fed butter) and ditch the fruit, sugar, diet drinks.
    • Carbs should include things like sweet potatoes, butternut squash, pumpkin, beans...
    • No nuts or grains AT ALL... that will definitely cause you to lose water weight.
    • Research Resistant starch -- a type of starch that isn't fully broken down and absorbed, but rather turned into short-chain fatty acids by intestinal bacteria -- that helps your metabolism.
    • Get on a good probiotic -- see www.gutsense.org If you are pooping multiple times a day that can haelp you be 5-10 lbs lighter due to water content and solid waste.

    Good luck.

    You're back!
  • h1udd
    h1udd Posts: 623 Member
    cyberberry wrote: »
    @TT: is that a good thing or a bad thing?

    depends on how much you like using the woo button I guess
  • Stockholm_Andy
    Stockholm_Andy Posts: 803 Member
    Not as much as I would like, but I'm guessing about 4-5lbs/mo. I say this because I lost 3.5" in my belly and did not lose a single lb in 45 days. Actually, I went up 2-3 lbs. Also, my comparison picture show the gains on the upper body.

    I admire your optimism LL but assuming you are natty (not on steroids) , you can expect to gain a maximum of 2-3 pounds of muscle per month as a true beginner, 1-2 pounds of muscle per month as an intermediate, and 0-.5 of a pound per month as you get more advanced. And that would be if you are eating more than you use.

    Water weight and fat will add a few more pounds, but it takes a lot of time to build lean muscle, even if you're doing everything right.

  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    cyberberry wrote: »
    @TT: is that a good thing or a bad thing?

    read their post, and then decide!!! :laugh: