Do you love your job?

Just curious...

I feel warm with you all, and happy to know you more, so could you list what you are doing and what you have done interesting?
Myself: I do the service work for which sells wedding dresses, bridesmaid dresses, prom dresses, etc.. . This job sounds like routine, but I like it. It is honorable when a lady tell me that the dress is gorgeous, and everyone said it was pretty in it, which made her wedding so special.

Recently, I'm losing weight in order to look pretty when I wear my wedding dress next year.

Well, do you love your job?
Have a magic weekend!


  • Love love what I do...just hate the politics at work. I work for a local government. It's not all bad though.
  • PegasusDeb
    PegasusDeb Posts: 665 Member
    Love?? Not so sure about all that, but I do like it! I work in the gravel biz, in the office for 25 yrs, now I work out in the field doing quality control. I work with alot of great guys! (and Gals!!) How many can say they get to play in the dirt for a living?! I sometimes feel like my world is a giant sand box full of Tonka trucks! :-)
    Do what you love. Love what you do. I try to follow that rule. Life is too short to be miserable!
  • I would say my job is OK at best. The best part is the pay. But I do work with some super lazy people that make my job harder and more stressful. Let's just say I do job search rather frequently.
  • SoldierDad
    SoldierDad Posts: 1,602
    I was a soldier and it was good. Combat sucked but sserving your country is an honor. Now I manage a grocery store, but thats just what I do for money, my real purpose and joy is loving and raising two amazing kids that I have full custody of!
  • shack1157
    shack1157 Posts: 97 Member
    I love my job! It is the thrid company I have worked for since I started in the working world. I am a Quality Manager for a manufacturing company. I work a four day work week ten hours days. I run the department how I see fit and et no flax from anyone! The days are long and statr early but having three days off is worth it. The ONLY complaint I have is the pay is lower then the last job I had and that is rough to get the hang of and a little tougher to make ends meet. But other wise I love it, it is the best working job I have had!
  • AZTrailRunner
    AZTrailRunner Posts: 1,199 Member
    I own my own dog training company here in AZ. It's a lot of fun, and I'll be doing it for a lot longer, but there are times I don't love it. I rarely get a full day off... a half-day is the best I can get every few months. It's a lot like running a farm, no rest for the weary.

    The only real drag is dealing with some of the owners, and their unrealistic expectations. Other than that, I love working with the dogs every day.
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    Sure do! I'm a stay at home mom of 3 boys, well 4 if you include their dad. Lol!
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    yes I do, I love my job & the ppl. it's a very small company & I work for the owner. We sell screws and it's more technical & challenging than it sounds. Plus, it's a male dominated field and hard for to women compete. I like it when 'good ol boys' call to ask MY advice =)
  • InfamousQ
    InfamousQ Posts: 266 Member
    I love what I do......computers....people....awesome!!!!!!
  • aa1440
    aa1440 Posts: 956 Member
    Military for 10 years. Police work for 14 years. I have served my country and my community. I love it.
  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member
    My current job as VP of an internet-based business: I used to love it, but now I'm just very over it. I love that I have such authority and I am basically in charge, but I do not like the stresses of maintaining a business, worrying about the economy, and not knowing what our sales are going to be like month-to-month. It's been an INCREDIBLE experience, and I will take a ton of skills and knowledge with me when I leave.

    Prospective job: I have always wanted to be a nurse, and after working my *kitten* off to put myself through nursing school and then passing my boards, I'm just waiting for a new graduate position to open up at one of our hospitals so I can do what I'm passionate about. Then, I will LOVE my job. :)
  • sufikitkat
    sufikitkat Posts: 583 Member
    Behavior Support with students with Autism. I LOVE what I do...but highly stressed from the workload and lack of pay with increased expectations...leading to two part time jobs on top of it to make a living. I am getting a Business masters though and looking to move fields from education into business...maybe even own my own business someday :-) I still want to be involved in helping my students...just not direct care anymore.
  • pauljsolie
    pauljsolie Posts: 1,024 Member
    LOL, funny you should ask. Like others, I love what I do, I just don't like the company I work for. It's a huge worldwide conglomerate of engineering/design companies with over 50,000 employees Here is what I tell people when they ask about my company. Halliburton and Enron had a baby, my company is the demon spawn of those two. While Enron was giving birth to my company, it died.
  • kellybones
    kellybones Posts: 281 Member
    I work in a lab in a hospital. I wouldn't say that I love it but I like it. I like it way more when the politics and gossip are reduced. There are parts of it that I love - certain areas of the lab that I would really really like to work in while other parts not so much.
  • kellybones
    kellybones Posts: 281 Member
    I own my own dog training company here in AZ. It's a lot of fun, and I'll be doing it for a lot longer, but there are times I don't love it. I rarely get a full day off... a half-day is the best I can get every few months. It's a lot like running a farm, no rest for the weary.

    The only real drag is dealing with some of the owners, and their unrealistic expectations. Other than that, I love working with the dogs every day.

    I would LOVE the working with dogs everyday - but I can't imagine dealing with the owners!!
  • My current job as VP of an internet-based business: I used to love it, but now I'm just very over it. I love that I have such authority and I am basically in charge, but I do not like the stresses of maintaining a business, worrying about the economy, and not knowing what our sales are going to be like month-to-month. It's been an INCREDIBLE experience, and I will take a ton of skills and knowledge with me when I leave.

    Prospective job: I have always wanted to be a nurse, and after working my *kitten* off to put myself through nursing school and then passing my boards, I'm just waiting for a new graduate position to open up at one of our hospitals so I can do what I'm passionate about. Then, I will LOVE my job. :)

    That's great. I think you can.
    Yes, life is too short and we need to do something we love. Hope you can do what you are passionate about, come on.
  • I am a Paralegal working in the are of Family/Divorce Law and Civil Litigation......have been doing this for 18 yrs and absolutely LOVE it.....I can honestly say I look forward to going into work every single day.....wasn't always like that when I worked in the big city but have been in a small town law firm for the past 9 years and LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!!! sure makes a huge difference in your life when you are happy with your work.
  • Sure do! I'm a stay at home mom of 3 boys, well 4 if you include their dad. Lol!

    wow~ happy mom, great!
  • shad1018
    shad1018 Posts: 191 Member
    YES - I really love my job. Work with awesome people at a great company. It's not perfect, but nothing is. I can say that this is the best position I have had in 25+ years of working. I've been with the Company 5 yrs. 1 yr at this location. I intend to retire there. I've been in Human Resources for almost 20 years.
  • crystalslight
    crystalslight Posts: 322 Member
    ABSOLUTELY!! I would like some paid vacation though. LOL. I'm a SAHM :)