JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS - Round 41



  • Fat2FitMom19
    Fat2FitMom19 Posts: 56 Member
    Round 41: Round 1 for me!!

    SW: 200.2
    GW: 190.0

    5/18 200.2 Ready to start this!!!!
    5/19 199.8 Yay
    5/20 199.8 No weightloss but no gain!!! :)
    5/21 199.2 :(
    5/22 198.6 Yesterday I walked 6 miles then cooled off with some laps in the pool.
    5/23 198.6
    5/24 197.8
    5/25 197.8
    5/26 197.8
    5/27 198.0 Not happy with my results. Ready for the next round.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,410 Member
    I'm in again!

    05/16 - 146.6 at 4:00 a.m.
    05/17 - 146.2 at 5:00 a.m.


    05/18 - 146.2 at 4:00 a.m.
    05/19 - 144.6 at 6:30 a.m. ...maybe?
    05/20 - 145.0 at 5:00 a.m.
    05/21 - 144.8 at 5:00 a.m.
    05/22 - 144.2 at 5:00 a.m. ...hope I keep this trend up...no down!!!
    05/23 - 143.8 at 5:00 a.m. ...could it be?
    05/24 - 143.8 at 5:00 a.m. ...Tee hee hee!
    05/25 - 143.4 at 5:00 a.m. ...^^^ ^^^ ^^^
    05/26 - 142.2 at 5:00 a.m. ...hope it holds...Happy Dance here!!
    05/27 - 143.0 at 5:00 a.m.

  • cjsacto
    cjsacto Posts: 1,421 Member
    Original SW: 201 lbs

    Round 16 SW: 175.0
    Round 17 SW: 173.5
    Round 18 SW: 173.0
    Round 19 SW: 170.5
    Round 20 SW: 166.5
    Round 21 SW: 167.0
    Round 22 SW: 164.5
    Round 23 SW: 161.5
    Round 24 SW: 161.5
    Round 25 SW: 160.0
    Round 26 SW: 160.0
    Round 27 SW: 160.5
    Round 28 SW: 156.5
    Round 29 SW: 156.0
    Round 30 SW: 155.5
    Round 31 SW: 156.0
    Round 32 SW: 156.5
    Round 33 SW: 156.5
    Round 34 SW: 152.0
    Round 35 SW: 152.0
    Round 36 SW: 151.5
    Round 37 SW: 151.0
    Round 38 SW: 150.5
    Round 39 SW: 148.0
    Round 40 SW: 149.0
    Round 41 SW: 148.5

    05/18: 148.5
    05/19: 147.0
    05/20: 146.5
    I've seen this a few times now.
    05/21: 146.0
    A new low. One pound from my initial goal weight.
    05/22: 147.0
    05/23: 146.0
    05/24: 147.5
    I ate well yesterday and it was a rest day so I'm surprised to be up. Just a fluctuation.
    05/25: 146.5
    05/26: 146.0
    05/27: 145.5

  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    R38 SW 212.6 GW 210 EW 207.4 (-5.2)
    R39 SW 207.4 GW 206 EW 206.2 (-1.2)
    R40 SW 206.2 GW 204.6 EW 203.0 (-3.2)
    R41 SW 203.0 GW 202.5 EW 200.4 (-2.6)
    Daily Goals: Smarter choices, that I still enjoy
    Long Term Goals: A healthy lifestyle I can maintain
    Short Term GW: 199.9 by 6/21
    UGW: 155ish - by April 2019

    5/18 - Friday - 203.6 - So yesterday afternoon we went to the city to pick up parents from airport. Long ride with traffic so I had to be careful not to drink too much water. Its such a fine line between hydration, and too many bathroom breaks. So I dont think I hit my water goals yesterday. But we got back around 8 and all went out to dinner. I made an improved choice; sesame ginger salmon with soba noodle salad rather than pulled pork mac and cheese. 1 pc of bread, a few sweet potato fries (1 oz) and a bite of DH's mac and cheese and I came in riiiiight around calorie goal for the day - a slight bit over on sodium. Todays morning went a little off plan. Didnt pack lunch because of it. Ended up getting vietnamese vermicelli bowl with pork and shrimp and fresh salad. I think I logged it fairly accurately. Again, an improved choice from a steak and cheese or a whole order of pad thai that are my other usual favorites to walk to from work. Tonights dinner is chicken thighs, asparagus, and potatoes grilled and planning on 1/2 pint of halo top for dessert - IIFYM! I'm not stressing about the nitty gritty details right now. I'm making better choices, and I'm learning to enjoy them as much, if not more than my old habits. Last nights salmon didnt leave me feeling bloated and stuffed, just satisfied and full, and thats a nice feeling! Baby steps to make sure that this time around I'm cultivating a new way of eating that will benefit my body, mind and soul - not just a diet to look better in the mirror.
    5/19 - Saturday 203.0 - Busy day - Adams trip to pick up more eggs and meat. Grilled some ribs and snacked my way through the day. About 400 over on cals but mostly good food choices.
    5/20 - Sunday 204.4 - Another busy day. Picked up herbs and did some gardening. Picked up a meat bread and caramel apple at the bakery next to the hardware store for lunch. Grilled chicken and steak. Made quinoa balls, hard boiled eggs. Went to laundromat in evening and started feeling poorly. Another day above calories because of the caramel apple. But I'm not sweating it - I enjoyed, I logged it, I moved on.
    5/21 - Monday 203.6 - Sick. Ate some chicken rice soup, stayed in bed all day.
    5/22 - Tuesday 201.0 - Sick - another day in bed. Had my appetite back and ate poor food choices but stayed close to calories (velveeta and chicken nuggets - why do I turn into an 8 year old when I'm sick?) Didnt take my meds the past two days because of being sick. I went to post this yesterday and hit done instead of post and I was too sick and tired to do it all over again. But I definitely do need to be better about checking in on the weekends regardless.
    5/23 - Wednesday 202.0 - back to work! Still feeling under the weather but I'm upright! Now, lots of water today to flush this sickness out of me. Packed a good lunch, skipped my breakfast smoothie today but its back to good choices for the rest of the week into the weekend to reach my goal on Sunday. Seeing the 202 today is good but I expect some fluctuations before Sunday.
    5/24 - Thursday -200.8 - Drank lots of water yesterday but still didnt have too much of an appetite. I tried to eat foods that were calorie dense and nourishing. This weight will probably be hard to maintain over the weekend - but I'm reviewing my goal of 202.5 and committing to myself that I will not sabotage it just because it's the weekend. I will enjoy myself after weigh in on Sunday and on the holiday Monday - but not overboard. Back to my healthy habits today - breakfast smoothie, packed lunch, and homemade dinner planned for this evening. Woohoo for feleling better and a long weekend upcoming!
    5/25 - Friday - 199.4 - Ugh, thought I was feeling better. But my appetite is still weird. I cant sleep either, my head hits the pillow and I start coughing like crazy, even though I'm propped up. Yesterday I tried to eat my usual breakfast and got thru about 2/3 of it. Ate my lunch but didnt exactly enjoy it. Was going to have breaded pork chops and parmesean spinach quinoa - but ended up making a tomato spinach quinoa salad with mustard vinagrette and grilled pork chops. It's funny its like my brain wanted comfort foods but then my body was screaming for something a little more nutritious. Had some peanut butter crackers for dessert. I logged around 1200 cals of food yesterday. Couldnt stomach breakfast today. Going to eat what I want today (still log it of course) and see what happens tomorrow. All that being said, I'd be lying if I said I wasnt excited to see onederland this morning!!! But, as always, I'm prepared for all kinds of fluctuations back and forth from onderland until it sticks.
    5/26 - Saturday 200.4 still coughing thru the night and allergies horrendous. Stayed on the couch and tried to hydrate but fell a bit short. Made dirty rice in the late afternoon. Ended up running an errand late in the evening and got a burger king lemonade and spicy chicken sandwich. It was the first thing to taste good in a while so I just enjoyed it, logged it and moved on.
    5/27 - Sunday 200.4 - still didn't sleep thru the night. Made soup out of the dirty rice and had a cup or two and started perking up. Went out to dinner at Italian American place and finally said yes to pasta on a night out. It was worth it! Enjoyed a little bit of everthing, that was the key...a little. Finishing up this round and starting the next, hopefully with improved health! (this is my 3rd time trying to post because I keep hitting done instead of post on mobile!!! $&#&÷!!!)
  • rtls
    rtls Posts: 285 Member
    R14 SW- 160.38
    R15 SW- 158.4
    R16 SW- 155.98
    R17 SW- 154.66
    R18 SW- 153.12
    R19 SW- 152.68
    R20 SW- 150.7
    R21 SW- 149.82
    R22 SW- 148.94
    R23 SW- 148.94 (no loss last round)
    R24 SW- 147.84
    R25 SW- 146.3
    R26 SW- 145.86
    R27 SW- 145.86 (no loss last round)
    R28 SW- 145.42
    R29 SW- 143.88
    R30 SW- 143.22
    R31 SW- 142.12
    R32 SW- 139.7
    R33 SW- 140.8 (gained last round)
    R34 SW- 139.26
    R35 SW- 139.26 (no loss last round)
    R36 SW- 138.16
    R37 SW- 137.06
    R38 SW- 136.84
    R39 SW- 135.08
    R40 SW- 135.74 (gained last round)

    Current weight- 134.86
    10 Day Goal: I would love to get to 134 this round. Increase water intake. Average 2.5 mile walk/day.

    05/18 134.86- No walk today. Stuck car shopping.
    05/19 134.64- 3.2 mile walk
    05/20 135.2- 3.17 mile walk
    05/21 134.42- 2.0 mile walk and 1.96 mile walk My first walk was cut short, so I decided to get a bit more done after I ran to the shops.
    05/22 135.74- Got a short 1 mile walk done in the mall. The weather is horrible.
    05/23 135.74- I am getting off schedule with my exercise. I'm going to try to get a lunchtime walk in tomorrow because I am out for the evening.
    05/24 134.42
    05/25 134.86
    05/26 134.64- 3.36 mile walk Trying to make up for a lazy week
    05/27 135.3- 3.52 mile walk and 2.02 mile walk Even with 2 walks I still failed to meet my goal of 2.5 miles/day. Still proud I managed to get as many as I did.
  • jlemoore
    jlemoore Posts: 702 Member
    Round 38: SW 159 (-8.5#) 10/10 :)
    Round 39: SW 150.5 (-0 #) 7/10 :)
    Round 40: SW 150.5 (-1.5#) 8/10 :)
    Round 41: SW 149.0 (-2) 7/10 :)

    Need: Healthy BMI
    Goal: Lose 15 pounds (UGW 132)
    Timeframe: September 1, 2018 (1 lb per week)

    Nutrition: Maintaining my WFPBNO diet while eating at a calorie deficit (<1300kCal).
    - No manmade sugar;
    - No yeast aka bread and alcohol;
    - No oil aka nuts, chips, cheese, meat;

    - 30 minutes of exercise;
    - 10k steps;
    - Lifting Heavy 2 to 3 times per week.

    Sleep: Eliminating screens in the bedroom

    Stress: Yoga once a week

    5/17: 149.0. (T-1) Another day for sleeping in. That’s okay. I’ll have plenty of activity today. The yard needs mowing and I’ll push away from my desk and walk at lunch. Lunch is packed. :)

    5/18: Field trip with the girl child, spelunking. Morning workout. Food- was okay. :)

    5/19: 148.5. Logged it. Won’t see it again for a while, but I happened. Weight lifting. Followed by golf. Lots of activity. But the food just wasn't there. A couple glasses of wine. Some chocolates...

    5/20: Busy day in the kitchen. Food was plentiful and on plan but wasn't logged. Active day but no formal activities. Tracker at 12k steps. No happy face today since the food just wasn't there.

    5/21: 152.0- Was away from MFP this weekend. Allowing myself to have some freedom from tracking lately and few things (ice cream, wine, grilled cheese) that are not within my "plan". Today I am back on track. Excited to see a new number (<149) in the days to come as I shed the retained water from my indiscretions. Walked at lunch with Leslie. Mowed the yard after work with some other yard work. ~17k steps. Food was on track and logged. It was a GOOD day! 17k steps :)

    5/22: 150.0- Morning weight workout. Won’t be able to walk at lunch. Got in about 15 mins of TKD before the girl child overheated and we had to go home. Food within boundaries. And logged. 12K steps :)

    5/23: 148.5- Slept hard last night. Body temperature is up. Is Weight lifting causing this? No morning workout. Walked at lunch. Took another after dinner. 12k steps. Food was good and Logged. :)

    5/24- 147.0- Logged it. We’ll see if it keeps. No workout this morning. Lunch walk isn’t going to happen. Evening workout is going to prove difficult. May need to plan for a “rest” day with an alarm set for the morning. Changed up my “boundaries” and made a “PLAN”. N- good. E- Rest. 8k steps S- Breaking the screens at bed time is going to prove difficult. S- No yoga last night, but I did actually sit with the kids and laugh at Hollywood Game Night. :)

    5/25- 147.0- Wooo. Must be real. I even woke up feeling bloated. Weights this morning. Lots of walking planned for the work day. Not sure what the night looks like. 18k steps. Food on track. Good day. :)

    5/26: 147.0 Out with a friend. Took the day easy.
    5/27: 152.0 Bloating from all sorts of things.

    Finishing weight for R41: 147.0
  • clarestorm1886
    clarestorm1886 Posts: 165 Member
    Round 41 - round 1 for me since I fell off the bandwagon...

    5/23 118.7 I need to stop dragging my feet. Tore my meniscus and got lazy.
    5/24 118.2 Used a mini bike exerciser thing yesterday, knee didn't feel to bad with it so I'll keep it up.
    5/25 117.6
    5/26 116.8
    5/27 117.8
  • AngieW952
    AngieW952 Posts: 43 Member
    F 50 5'4"
    SW: 220
    GW: 150

    R38(1) -2
    R39(2) -3
    R40(3) -2

    8 down, 62 to go!

    5/18 - 212, unexpected but awesome!

    5/19 - 212

    5/20 212

    5/21 - 212, great weekend!

    5/22 - 212

    5/23 - 212

    5/24 - 212

    5/25 - 212

    5/26 - 212

    5/27 - 215
  • AnnaChange
    AnnaChange Posts: 14 Member
    Round 41 - round 1 for me
    late update

    5/18 80
    5/22 78.5
    5/27 78