
  • Tracie_Lord
    Tracie_Lord Posts: 1,761 Member
    Hi guys,

    This is unlike me to post this kind of thing, however I’m reading a lot about Keto and other diets and fads and I wanted to throw my hat in the ring regarding weightloss.

    Weightloss can be a struggle for many (including myself) however; it is a very simple process when you strip everything back. It all surrounds energy expenditure, if you burn more calories than you put into your body and reach a calorie deficit then you will lose weight.

    e.g your daily calorie expenditure is 2400 cal and you only eat 2000 cal then you will see weightloss, maybe not over each individual day but as an average over a period of time (5days+) you will see weightloss.

    Using this example of 2000 calories, you will still lose the same amount of weight if you eat 2000 calories of pizza or if you eat 2000 calories of broccoli – it is still 2000 calories, given that is probably just 1 pizza and about 1 tonne of broccoli, the bottom line is that it still remains the same.

    Calorie deficit = weightloss.

    My point is that there is no need to confuse yourself with measuring macronutrients in order to meet a weightloss goal, yes a vitamin rich healthy and balanced diet is the goal we all strive for but simplicity is key when starting out on your own journey. Eating a high Fat, Carb or Protein diet all has their individual benefits however if you are not eating to a calorie deficit then you will not lose weight, very simple.

    I see people on here struggling and overcomplicating things, get the basics right first and keep everything as simple as possible, We have to learn to walk before we can run.” E.L. James

    Agree with this so much!!

    Plus how on earth can you sustain on 20 carbs (keto) not for me I'm afraid I love my fruit and veg too much.

    EG Yesterdays diary was like this

    Protein Shake 146 cals

    Morning Snack
    Grapes 330 cals

    Veggie salad 158 cals

    sweetie 18 cals
    green tea 3 cals
    pre work out shake 146 cals

    steamed salmon and green beans 194 cals

    TOTAL CALS 1,103 but a huge 147 carbs!!! (I mock sorry as this is not huge at all and no refined carbs but to stay under 20 and be keto would be impossible for me)

    Each to their own just not for me
  • no1racefan1
    no1racefan1 Posts: 277 Member
    Original SW: 190 (12/29/2016)
    Round 36 SW: 183
    Round 37 SW: 179.8
    Round 38 SW: 179.0
    Round 39 SW: 178.2
    Round 40 SW: 179.6
    Round 41 SW: 177.4
    Round 42 SW: 177.0

    Round 42 GW: 175
    Ultimate GW: 145ish

    5/28--Out of town--Just checking in on everybody's progress! Got back tonight from our 3-day weekend trip; it was a belated birthday/anniversary celebration. We did some major retail therapy. We ate some really delicious meals and while I didn't log and I know I was over my daily calorie goals, I also made better food decisions than I would have a year ago. That is more important to me than measuring every calorie, because I am trying to change my eating habits for the rest of my life. I'm expecting to see a gain on the scale tomorrow, but I'm going to try to step up my activity level this week.
    5/29--178.8 I was expecting this increase. I'm still going to try to get down to 175 this round!
    5/30--179.0 Sigh...no excuses. I've been eating over my calorie goal and I haven't been very active. I did a lot of shopping over the weekend and was able to buy smaller sizes, so I need to remember that as motivation--my new clothes aren't going to fit if I keep going this direction! Pilates tonight.