What finally pushed you to lose the weight?

For the last 4 years, I have been over 200 lbs. The heaviest recorded weight I have seen on a scale is 219 lbs, but I’m sure I have been bigger. This isn’t too bad of a weight if you’re a 6’4 man, but I’m 5’2... and a woman. So, I was mostly fat. Last year, I went from approximately 220 lbs to 196 lbs. I felt great until I gained it all back due to binge eating for a year straight. I guess I never realized I was putting all of the weight on because I didn’t “look” like I was 220 lbs. (I’ll include a photo). Today, after eating correctly for the last few months, I am finally at exactly 200lbs. What I want most of all is to get to a healthy weight so I can go active in the military.

What I want to know is, what made you finally decide, “enough is enough.” These stories always tend to help me gain perspective and push through the weight loss struggle. iksd0qs57sbg.jpeg


  • mgrabbs83
    mgrabbs83 Posts: 8 Member
    Back pain, sleeping uncomfortable every night and when my daughter was born....
  • Champd36
    Champd36 Posts: 59 Member
    Felt dizzy at work... went found out that day that both my parents suffered from HBP... Dr said I can live healthier or start taking pills... Still not quite where I want to be but my BP is usually around 125/75...
  • Optasia
    Optasia Posts: 24 Member
    So many cummalitve moments that spurred me on....but a few stand out in my mind. 1. I once wanted to donate blood to help a sick student at a school where my kids attended. While standing in line I began reading over the pamphlet when I read that I had to be under a certain weight to donate. I quietly eased myself out of line and left. How completely horrible that I wasn’t able to help! 2. Then last year I developed arthritis and other multiple foot issues after going on a European trip. I’m now waking my butt off to ease the pressure off my feet. 3. I have loved ones suffering from obesity who are older than me. Walking, etc is not possible for them. I don’t want to be that way. 4. Most importantly, my husband and kids....they deserve to have me at my best.
  • DesOdhi
    DesOdhi Posts: 84 Member
    Champd36 wrote: »
    Felt dizzy at work... went found out that day that both my parents suffered from HBP... Dr said I can live healthier or start taking pills... Still not quite where I want to be but my BP is usually around 125/75...
    I’ve struggled with keeping my BP down too. Mostly when my diet is out of control. Wish you the best of luck!

  • DesOdhi
    DesOdhi Posts: 84 Member
    I know this isn't very helpful but just have to say yeah wow, I would never guess that nice figure in the photo was 5'2" and 220 lb. If I had to guess, I'd think several inches taller and about 70 lb lighter.

    Thank you. I definitely wish being 70 lbs lighter and several inches taller were the case. Looks can definitely be deceiving. Most of my weight is in my tush, thighs, and boobs. That’s why I allowed my weight to get out of control; I didn’t see it necessarily.
  • DesOdhi
    DesOdhi Posts: 84 Member
    I lost the roulette spin and got an obesity-related complication.

    Over a year and a half ago, the veins in my legs collapsed under the weight of too much me. I was 5'3 and 254lbs. And, I'm not sure whether it was a scratch or a bug bite or what, but I developed cellulitus in one leg, which led to lymphedema. As it was explained to me, my excess bulk was compressing the channels/ducts through which lymph fluid would normally flow. Since it had to go somewhere, my leg sprouted water blisters and a weeping wound that took multiple courses of antibiotics to treat. Plus daily homecare nurse visits to change the dressing. Oh, and the doctor was afraid to let me walk on the leg because exercise could increase its temperature, which would impede healing. So until I saw a vascular surgeon, I was either getting pushed by my husband in a wheelchair or taking taxis (I don't drive; hubby does) to get where I needed to. My doctor's office is six blocks from my house and I was taking a taxi each way.

    The vascular surgeon diagnosed my condition and told me that 1) there was no cure, but 2) it could be controlled by compression stockings and weight loss.

    I wasn't working at the time, and while I'd lost weight with Weight Watchers, I couldn't afford them at that point. And in my head, I had this idea that weight loss either meant WW, a ton of willpower, or a bunch of crazy crash diets. (My sincere apologies to everyone currently losing weight sensibly. I've become better informed since.) So, when my GP also stressed that I needed to lose, my rejoinder was that I couldn't afford WW. And he gave me the best advice I could have gotten. "People still lose without WW."

    I remembered that back in the 80s, there had been these thick paperback "calorie counting" guides. But now, it was October 2016. There had to be something online. When I Googled "Online calorie counter," MFP was on the first page of hits. It was also free. I signed up and got started. That was 105lbs ago... I'm closing in on goal, I've gone from a size 3X to a 6-8. And apparently, I've got the heart of an athlete...

    Wow, I’m so proud of you. That’s insane! AND you did it without weight loss surgeries (nothing against them). That’s impressive. Well wishes on your continued health journey!
  • DesOdhi
    DesOdhi Posts: 84 Member
    When I hated to get dressed everyday and I have two girls and one of them asked me not to eat all the chips because I always do. Knowing my mom and dad's health history and learning from my doc I was heading down the same path.

    I can understand that. My current wardrobe is sweatpants and leggings with an oversized T-shirt. I hope you continue to get through this. Well wishes!
  • DesOdhi
    DesOdhi Posts: 84 Member
    Optasia wrote: »
    So many cummalitve moments that spurred me on....but a few stand out in my mind. 1. I once wanted to donate blood to help a sick student at a school where my kids attended. While standing in line I began reading over the pamphlet when I read that I had to be under a certain weight to donate. I quietly eased myself out of line and left. How completely horrible that I wasn’t able to help! 2. Then last year I developed arthritis and other multiple foot issues after going on a European trip. I’m now waking my butt off to ease the pressure off my feet. 3. I have loved ones suffering from obesity who are older than me. Walking, etc is not possible for them. I don’t want to be that way. 4. Most importantly, my husband and kids....they deserve to have me at my best.

    Those are some really good reasons. I haven’t heard of the weight restriction for blood donations before, but that’s really unfortunate. I hope you can continue to push through and hit your goals. Those babies (kids) need you! Much love!
  • Klmom123
    Klmom123 Posts: 91 Member
    edited May 2018
    Wow you carry it amazingly . I always thought I didn’t “look my weight” and when I would hear people the same weight or less I thought how can that be?? But now I see in your picture it’s entirely possible to carry the weight so different then someone else.

    Oops forgot to answer he question, for me it’s just to maintain a weight I’m comfortable at. When it sneaks away and goes past that I know it’s time to do something .
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,482 Member
    I thought I was going to die soon. Or more likely, have a debilitating stroke.
  • DesOdhi
    DesOdhi Posts: 84 Member
    88olds wrote: »
    I thought I was going to die soon. Or more likely, have a debilitating stroke.

    Wow, oh my goodness. That’s definitely a good reason. Based on your ability to comment, I’m assuming all is well!
  • DesOdhi
    DesOdhi Posts: 84 Member
    Klmom123 wrote: »
    Wow you carry it amazingly . I always thought I didn’t “look my weight” and when I would hear people the same weight or less I thought how can that be?? But now I see in your picture it’s entirely possible to carry the weight so different then someone else.

    Oops forgot to answer he question, for me it’s just to maintain a weight I’m comfortable at. When it sneaks away and goes past that I know it’s time to do something .

    Definitely. We are all uniquely different. & yes, I can understand the weight standards. The most comfortable I’ve ever been was 138. Anything over that feels disheartening (especially the 200s). Glad to hear your motivation. I hope you keep up the great work!