Day 2: how long til I give up...



  • motherof2wins
    motherof2wins Posts: 20 Member
    You can do it! After all you are doing this for yourself and you wouldn't give up on yourself now would you? :)
  • alibeany
    alibeany Posts: 42 Member
    hi sandy,

    I've been trying for years too. but finally am gripped by this site, I'm so addicted.
    I actually can't go into a shop a buy cakes( my weakness), because I don't want to waste calories.I even joined a gym this week- and did weight training this morning ! At the age of 44, I finally understand what I've got to do!
    Please add me as a friend,if u need encouragement
  • moefitt
    moefitt Posts: 15 Member
    It's a long process to lose weight. it's not going to happen overnight and it takes 6-8 weeks to initially see some physical results. you have to look at the long term picture...what will I gain by losing weight? Find your motivation.
  • terijinkins
    I am also on my day #2 of this program...I really loved day #1 and felt great about...i have also tried every diet in the world...I think this is going to be the thing for me...Good Luck and I hope you are feeling good about this site as well!!
  • keola64
    keola64 Posts: 207 Member
    Giving up is the lack of will power! If you want to succeed in this goal don't give up,its hard to change lifestyle that you've gotton accustomed to but you need to stick with the plan I lost 100 pounds on 8-9 months,74 with the help of myfitnesspal,my profile is open you can see photos & results just stay on focus ,its not easy at 1st but becomes easier as u get used to it don't give up! Add me of u like,or send a message if u want tips that helped me ,ALOHA and the bus to I
  • lynncool64
    I know exactly how you feel about giving up. I really think the secret, however, is believing in yourself. I am a believer in affirmations. If you were to write out an affirmation statement and hang it on your mirror and read it OUT LOUD every single day your mind will start to believe and then your heart will know you can do it. It is sort of like the 'fake it until you make it' thought. My affirmation has not only things about health but also personal things I am struggling with.

    Here is an example you might find helpful:

    I am a strong, beautiful woman just as I am
    I will do what it takes to be healthy
    I am not a quitter
    I am worth the extra time to exercise and the extra money it takes to eat healthy

    The example is just a start, but hopefully you get the idea. I hope this helps!!!
  • anita1939
    I too tried every diet ever mentioned and some I invented myself ;-)
    Them my granddaughter told me about this site after my Dr had told me repeatedly that is did not take a special diet to put it on, therefore it does not take a special diet to take it of. it is all in calorie intake vs output. So now I eat everything that I have and like and serve to friends and family but measure and record immediately onto a paper and at the first opportunity into my myfitness log.
    I will not go over the 1200 or at least not very much and then either work it off doing some kind of light exercise usually a little walk when it cools down a bit, I am in Florida where right now it is hotter than h.....
    I started on July 27 and today is Aug 13 and I have lost 8 pounds no fluid since i take Lasix to eliminate fluid because i went into congestive heart failure last year. Got a pacemaker and am somewhat limited to what exercise because of my age and the heat. However no more excuses i do what i can and it is working. The only bad part was that my Dr. was able to look at me and say: " I told you so." yuck, but if it means the diet works I'll take it and just feel bad that I have not done this before. Now I will sit down with a 2x2 inch piece of coffee crumb cake and a nice cup of coffee.