Husband critisizing weight loss plateau

Ive lost about 45 lbs since January. For the past month though i have only lost 3lbs. I am eating 1200 per day calories and still have over 100lbs to lose.

Today my husband commented on my weight loss saying maybe the calories of the things i am eating are more because there is no way they can be accurate and that i should eat less than 1200 calories. I told him i cant do that i and he said why not its just a made up number. I told him its insulting to criticise my weight loss and just to shut up about it and explained to him that i started exercising this month and have been less motivated and not recording accurately.

He still doesnt drop it and continues saying it might be because of companies and mfp not accurately stating calories. I tell him it could be anything and that i dont need to eat fewer than 1200 and that i just need to get back on track. He doesnt understand how hurtful it is for him to continue pointing out the fact that im not losing as much weight as before. He is supposed to motivate me and refuses to apologize because he thinks he is right. He said he is sorry but i should just consider what he is saying at eat less calories. I told him to try eating 1200 calories for a week and see how he feels then try and eat less cals. Im just so frustrated and right now and in need of support.


  • zombikitten
    zombikitten Posts: 24 Member
    I'm sorry girl-- its really hard when you feel like you are doing everything you can but the scale isnt moving. Im there right now as well.
    The reality is that you will push past this and the weight loss will happen. You may have to find a new exercise routine or a way to increase protein, decrease carbs, etc. But you will get through this. And btw, 45 lbs since Jan is PHENOMINAL!!!
    I truly don't think he meant to be insulting, but I can understand how that wasn't at all what you needed. When you cool off some, try just letting him know you are frusterated with your results but you don't need him to troubleshoot, only to listen and be encouraging.
  • 100_PROOF_
    100_PROOF_ Posts: 1,168 Member
    I'm sorry you're dealing with this. I couldn't eat 1200 either. Thankfully it isn't necessary for most of us. I'm sorry your husband isn't getting it.
  • DEBOO7
    DEBOO7 Posts: 245 Member
    The scale isn't the only measure. Sometimes we don't lose weight but lose inches, so it does pay to also keep a track of the basic chest, waist, hips, arms and legs measurements. From experience after dropping over 100lbs... weight loss isn't linear. There will be periods where nothing happens as the body catches on to what you're up to. There are so many options in this space. At 1200 calories you have no room for movement. It is usual to have a higher base and reassess macros for every 10lbs lost. Gradually reducing inline with weight reduction. I'm 5'2", 53kg, relatively active and consume 1300-1400 a day. When I started out with 45kg to lose I was eating 1800-1900 a day with no exercise and dropping weight. As I lost.. I reduced my intake. When I added more exercise I reassessed again. What type of an eating plan are you following?
    And... 45lbs since January is a great achievement and don't let the pride be taken away from you :-)
  • renaecotton123
    renaecotton123 Posts: 15 Member
    1200 seems awful low. I’d starve. I have 130-140 to lose and I’m losing steadily at 1750-1900 per day.
  • sharneseconey7376
    sharneseconey7376 Posts: 19 Member
    IMO 1200 calories is not enough food for you if you still have 100 lbs to lose. There are risks to undereatomg and being malnourished. Have you been to visit your doctor at all throughout this process?

    Im just going off what mfp is saying. I started at 273 right now im at 228. Still have 98lbs to goal weight of 130. I also exercise and eat back those cals now so its more like 1300 to 1500 per day
  • sharneseconey7376
    sharneseconey7376 Posts: 19 Member
    DEBOO7 wrote: »
    The scale isn't the only measure. Sometimes we don't lose weight but lose inches, so it does pay to also keep a track of the basic chest, waist, hips, arms and legs measurements. From experience after dropping over 100lbs... weight loss isn't linear. There will be periods where nothing happens as the body catches on to what you're up to. There are so many options in this space. At 1200 calories you have no room for movement. It is usual to have a higher base and reassess macros for every 10lbs lost. Gradually reducing inline with weight reduction. I'm 5'2", 53kg, relatively active and consume 1300-1400 a day. When I started out with 45kg to lose I was eating 1800-1900 a day with no exercise and dropping weight. As I lost.. I reduced my intake. When I added more exercise I reassessed again. What type of an eating plan are you following?
    And... 45lbs since January is a great achievement and don't let the pride be taken away from you :-)

    I was just doing cico until may 1st then i started walking a mile and a half daily and riding my bike 5 miles per day once or twice a week. I eat what i want and just keep track of my cals
  • sharneseconey7376
    sharneseconey7376 Posts: 19 Member
    I'm sorry girl-- its really hard when you feel like you are doing everything you can but the scale isnt moving. Im there right now as well.
    The reality is that you will push past this and the weight loss will happen. You may have to find a new exercise routine or a way to increase protein, decrease carbs, etc. But you will get through this. And btw, 45 lbs since Jan is PHENOMINAL!!!
    I truly don't think he meant to be insulting, but I can understand how that wasn't at all what you needed. When you cool off some, try just letting him know you are frusterated with your results but you don't need him to troubleshoot, only to listen and be encouraging.

    Thank you.
  • _BlackSunshine_
    _BlackSunshine_ Posts: 342 Member
    If you recently started exercising you're likely retaining water as your muscles repair themselves. This causes a stall, and sometimes gain, in water weight as seen on your scale. The water will drop off and you will see the loss on the scale eventually. This doesn't mean you're not losing, and you should definitely keep track of inches because they often continue to drop even if your weight doesn't.

    I definitely think you need to eat more if you still have 100 lbs to lose, especially if you are going to be exercising. You will need the energy to keep going and will crash hard if you don't. Use mfp's recommendations and eat back some of your exercise calories. Losing steadily is better than becoming discouraged and stopping altogether.

    Your partner should be more encouraging and do some research instead of spewing nonsense and bringing you down. I'm sorry you have to deal with that. Maybe find some information and share it with him and tell him what you need from him. Also, congrats on your loss so far! Many people notice they lose quickly in the beginning and it tapers off and they lose more slowly. That is normal so don't let it discourage you. You are doing amazing!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    You're probably retaining water from the additional exercise. That being said, given your stats I can't see how MFP only gave you 1200 cals?
  • lucerorojo
    lucerorojo Posts: 790 Member
    You've been losing fast. I've lost about 45 lbs in almost a year. I had 100 to lose but only could sustain the 2 lb. Per week for about 20 lb. Since then I've been losing between .5- 1 lb. per week. I eat more though. I agree you may be eating more than you think so get a food scale. Perhaps ask your husband to read some of the stickies on mfp about rate of loss, otherwise stop telling him the details if he's going to tell you to eat less than 1200 Calories. That is not sustainable to lose 150 lbs. And exercise and maintain it. If you lose too fast you will have problems keeping it off for various reasons. At your weight you can continue at 2 lbs. Per week but don't go under 1200!
  • netitheyeti
    netitheyeti Posts: 539 Member
    I get similar stuff from my family, sometimes... especially grandparents who believe in dieting by skipping meals and eating as little as possible etc (funnily enough, these people are also chronic yo-yo dieters because guess what happens when they get to their goal weight)
    Besides, plateaus happen, some weeks (or months) just don't show the results that you'd expect.. while it's not a bad thing to have a closer look at your numbers, it doesn't necessarily mean you should suddenly radically change your diet

    1200 calories sucks! and this is coming from someone who's 5'2 and aiming to lose only about 20 more lbs who is sticking to about 1300 a day... I imagine your husband might mean well, but doesn't know how little1200 cal can be and how much planning it sometimes takes to get all the nutrients and not feel like you're starving on that amount of food! If he keeps bringing it up, maybe he *should* try it for a week and see how he feels

    New exercise usually slows down my weight loss at first too, btw.. not even due to logging, I think it's just due to my body adjusting.. and I find it pretty typical to feel hungry more often when I up my activity... You could honestly probably eat more than 1200 a day and still lose weight though? If you're aiming for another 100lbs
    Personally 1500-1600 worked for me when I first started at around 65lbs overweight