Am I not losing as much because i'm not eating enough?

Hi, abit of background,I'm 22 and 5'7. i started this journey on the 1st of February 2018 at 259lbs. I've been there for a long time and finally had enough. I have PCOS so chuffed to have lost 47lbs to date. (212lbs current weight)

My question is, I have my MFP set to lose 2lb a week, the past few weeks I have only been losing 1lb a week and then a random 4lbs ;

27/04 - 221lbs -3
04/05 - 220lbs -1
11/05 - 219lbs -1
18/05 - 217lbs -2
25/05 - 213 lbs -4
01/06 - 212lbs -1

I have been doing this now for 18 weeks, previously i had consistent losses of 2/3lbs per week.
I do have a food scale and measure everything religiously, i also track my measurements every week, drink 4 litres of water and mfp has set my goal to 1200, i go over at the weekend but i work out my average for the week and its always around 1100 - 1250.

I have 2 horses so exercise alot with them at the weekend and doing 3x stationary bike during the week.

I feel like im doing everything right to lose 2lb per week but it just doesnt seem to be happening for me! Ive lost 47lb so far and want to lose another 40ish to get around the 170 mark, Has anyone else experienced this where you have lost quite abit of weight and it suddenly slows even though you aren't doing anything different?

My diary is now open so any suggestions are very welcome


  • LaurenMT96
    LaurenMT96 Posts: 184 Member
    @jjpptt2 Yeah suppose when you look at it like that, its so disheartening to put maximum effort in and keep seeing only 1lb, I've been doing this for 18 weeks so 4.5 months
  • LaurenMT96
    LaurenMT96 Posts: 184 Member
    Thanks everyone, does anyone have any comments on my diary? Trying my best but im doing this on my own not had any doctors or nutritional advice, i always try to get lots of protein in, any suggestions?
  • LaurenMT96
    LaurenMT96 Posts: 184 Member
    Thanks :)
  • fr33sia12
    fr33sia12 Posts: 1,258 Member
    edited June 2018
    LaurenMT96 wrote: »
    Thanks everyone, does anyone have any comments on my diary? Trying my best but im doing this on my own not had any doctors or nutritional advice, i always try to get lots of protein in, any suggestions?

    I can see in your diary there's a few things you don't weigh, like today vegetable soup 1 pot, Batts - Hoisin and Garlic, 1 half pack, Chedder stick 1 stick rather than weighing it.
    I've noticed a lot of food labels say a pot contains a certain amount when actually it contains less or more. I'd start weighing everything instead of going by things like 1 pot etc.

    I'd also suggest adding salt to meals as your sodium is very low especially with all the water you drink and more healthy fats maybe!
  • LaurenMT96
    LaurenMT96 Posts: 184 Member
    edited June 2018
    The soup is just a tin of soup, i eat the full tin and it has the grams on the packet, the sauce is the same i use a full packet cooking for me and my partner so just half it and the cheese sticks are individually packaged also, im super precise with my food :)

    Add salt?? isn't that bad ? or make you retain water ?
  • LaurenMT96
    LaurenMT96 Posts: 184 Member
    What healthy fats would you suggest?
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    LaurenMT96 wrote: »
    The soup is just a tin of soup, i eat the full tin and it has the grams on the packet, the sauce is the same i use a full packet cooking for me and my partner so just half it and the cheese sticks are individually packaged also, im super precise with my food :)

    Add salt?? isn't that bad ? or make you retain water ?

    Salt isn't bad although there are certain medical conditions that require people to limit it. You'll actually die without it! It only makes you retain water if you consume high amounts.
  • stanmann571
    stanmann571 Posts: 5,728 Member
    LaurenMT96 wrote: »
    The soup is just a tin of soup, i eat the full tin and it has the grams on the packet, the sauce is the same i use a full packet cooking for me and my partner so just half it and the cheese sticks are individually packaged also, im super precise with my food :)

    Add salt?? isn't that bad ? or make you retain water ?

    You would be surprised at how much variance there is from package to package. For tinned soup, probably less so, but for cheese sticks, yes you should weigh them, at least at first.