why did you pick your goal weight



  • ansonrinesmith
    ansonrinesmith Posts: 755 Member
    OK, so no laughing.
    I picked my goal weight of 265 because that is the top weight for an MMA heavyweight.
    Being in an MMA fight is on my bucket list!

    I love this.
    Thanks! :)
  • bethdris
    bethdris Posts: 1,090 Member
    My goal weight is the upper end of a healthy BMI for someone of my height and build.
  • weightofyourskin
    Mine is the weight I was in my late teens (I'm 22 so not that long ago) when I was a size 6. I went on birth control at 19 and packed on the pounds... I know some studies suggest there's no connection between hormonal birth control and weight gain, but my experience was that I skyrocketed from a 6 to a 12-14 without a significant change in eating habits.

    My goal is a few pounds above what the BMI says would be healthy for me, but I don't think BMI is particularly reliable or meaningful.
  • Bluejay789
    Bluejay789 Posts: 176
    It's what I weighed 10 years ago and I thought I was over weight then. I want to get out of the obese section on BMI
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    I picked mine because it seemed easy enough :laugh: I know skinny girls at my height with similar frames... They weigh 100-110lbs. They are thin but have very little muscle. So I figured I'd just add 15-20lbs to their weight = 126lbs.

    Really, though, I don't focus on my goal weight; I know it's just a number at the end of the day. All I know is I want to be healthy, strong, and super toned all over.
  • CherrySunday
    I picked mine, because that's where I was the happiest. I've gone below my goal weight before, and it just didn't look healthy on me, but what I've learned is that EVERY body is different. It totally trips me out how different women weighing in at the same weight CAN look so different! It's pretty amazing!
  • Alidecker
    Alidecker Posts: 1,262 Member
    I actually picked a goal weight based on getting out of the "overweight" category, but I have revised it based on a weight my doctor gave me. I had never discussed my goal weight with her when I started, but when I got closer, she asked me and then she did some calculations....9 more pounds. After 130 down, it is getting more and more difficult!
  • Rynatat
    Rynatat Posts: 807 Member
    My original goal weight was based on what I thought I could attain & maintain. As I got closer & realized I was feeling & looking better I decided to drop a little more to a healthier range (and have a buffer zone). And then I realized something else. I've lost 2" in my height (due to back damage/car accidents) and was no longer a 5'8" frame, meaning my "normal" weight was still overweight & would continue to add extra pressure where I least needed it causing my neck, back & hips to get thrown out of alignment along with my joints still aching. I changed my weight to what I feel will be more comfortable while still attainable & maintainable based on my current height: 5'6". And since I dropped below my original 150 mark goal I have not had my back or hips go out of alignment, my arthritis has improved & my joints don't "click & crack" as much. I focus more on strength, toning & firming my muscles & core which has got me better results than I had ever dreamed at my age!

    I know this is a little more complex than your actual question: for me this was not a "lose weight look great" tactic, more a "lose weight & stop jeopardizing my health, life & well being". In case anyone is wondering, I refused surgery & pain killers & discovered that exercise & being healthy was a better option. (If I had of done surgery there was no guarantee of long-term benefits since I already had disk degeneration and anything they did would possibly have to be redone and may have left me in worse condition that I was to start with)
  • thedodgeruk
    thedodgeruk Posts: 132 Member
    my goal is "about" 10.5 stone , lowest ever been is 11 stone , and still needed to loose a bit then , so i will hit the 10.5 mark and play it by ear then :)
  • woja9640
    woja9640 Posts: 450 Member
    I agree with most everyone about getting out of the Obese category on the BMI. I didn't realize it at the time but the weight I picked was the same weight I was when I was 12 years old.... based on my height.
  • fitwatch
    fitwatch Posts: 61
    There are short term goals and the eventual goal. If you are referring to the latter, I picked it to match my weight just a couple years ago (and where most of my clothing fits). I also cross referenced it with various tables: BMI, body fat percentage, waist size. So in my case, I would like to be about 15-17% body fat, have a waist size of 30-32 inches, and a BMI of 19-20 or so. That equates to about 150-160 pounds (depending on muscles) for my height of 69 inches.

    As I get within 10 pounds of my target weight, 2 inches of the desired waist size, I will look again and see if these goals are sensible with a couple of my buddies - on is a fitness professional and yoga instructor and the other is a medical doctor who is extremely fit. From a visual point of view, I guess one might want to see a flat belly and some upper body development. That is without weighing or measuring anything. Just eyeballing it should let me know it is roughly right.

    At this point, I am a bit away from this goal, so I just do a day at a time and let mother nature work over time. I am going to start incorporating short but intensive weight training to increase the aerobics aspect of my routine.

    By the way, I am not an expert at any of these things - I am just learning from others here. Good luck!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I picked 135 because I wanted to weigh less than 140, even though I was perfectly happy at 140 for many years. Then I picked 130 because it was exactly in the middle of the healthy range for my height. Then when I got to 135, I decided 135 was good. Then I lost another 5 pounds and decided 130 was better.

    I don't want to get any smaller. A little less body fat? Sure. But no smaller.
  • melibea
    melibea Posts: 228
    I picked a weight near the border between underweight and normal weight. I did it to have a wiggle room when I start maintaining, so that if for example I gain 10 pounds, it won't make me clinically overweight. I also did it because I've seen a lot of people my height at that weight and it looks very good on them :)
  • cabul3
    cabul3 Posts: 210 Member
    because my one sister is my height (5'7) and looking slim in the 130s. 135 is smack dab in the middle of those 130s, and that is where i want to be!
  • parris1164
    I picked my goal weight bec. (1) I want to be a decent size ... I've always been overweight and I am ready to slim down (2) like some of the others...the clothes are not flattering at all the bigger the size...they are more like granny clothes and I'm tired of having to hunt for cute clothes and even if I do find something, it is $2-$4 more than the other sizes (3) I am just ready to be healthy again and not huff and puff going up or down stairs (4) the extra weight is taking a tole on my body, especially my back and legs soooooooooooo.......it's time to get into shape so I can feel good about myself again.
  • ohwhataday
    ohwhataday Posts: 1,398 Member
    OK, so no laughing.
    I picked my goal weight of 265 because that is the top weight for an MMA heavyweight.
    Being in an MMA fight is on my bucket list!

    I like your answer!
  • HealthyAlp
    I picked my goal weight because it is a healthy weight for my frame and height and because I felt my best at that weight.
  • ohwhataday
    ohwhataday Posts: 1,398 Member
    I picked mine because I've never been that small in my adult life and I am pretty confident I'll be happy at that weight.
  • laurendough
    I am a buyer for women's ready-to-wear, and I just want to be able to feel good in all the clothes/and trends I am paid to bring into our store. I am currently a size 10 (sometimes a 12 in dresses), and sometimes I feel that certain looks or outfits that I love just aren't right in my proportion, or I feel very self-concious. One time Tyra banks said she feels more comfortable with her body when she's naked than when she is in clothes. I totally relate. I don't feel bad about my body, but I do feel like I can't look quite as stylish as I would like until I slim down.
  • rmartin72
    rmartin72 Posts: 1,094 Member
    I picked mine because I'm 4'11 male and I have been over weight all my life. I told my self you have a choice to make right now. I going to make this away of life for me each day. I have a true purpose in life!! I have lost over 100 pounds and I am going to do this right and for the right reasons.