Do you love your job?



  • misty589
    misty589 Posts: 319 Member
    I waitress. It sounds lame, but I actually really like it. It allows me to stay at home with my kids all day and then go to work in the evenings and make a pretty decent amount of money in a short time, I'm fortunate, because where I live waitresses still make a decent wage and then get tips on top of it. I really really love talking to people and I'm maternal by nature, so it works out well for me!
  • kayleeblue
    kayleeblue Posts: 273
    I own my own dog training company here in AZ. It's a lot of fun, and I'll be doing it for a lot longer, but there are times I don't love it. I rarely get a full day off... a half-day is the best I can get every few months. It's a lot like running a farm, no rest for the weary.

    The only real drag is dealing with some of the owners, and their unrealistic expectations. Other than that, I love working with the dogs every day.
    I share the same love as You AZ..but we already knew that.I'm a vet tech and I have a small boarding and grooming business and have trained dogs for obedience, conformation and protection. Have had a few go to the police department in Detroit. I love my job like you do AZ but also like you it's the people I have trouble with. I feel that people should have to pass a test like they do to drive a car before they can have a pet. And every one should have to volunteer in a shelter before owning a pet. If people had to hold a pet being euthanized maybe they wouldn't think twice about spaying and neutering. But yes I love my job 90% of the time. Even when a Rott is attached to my arm...
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    Not sure if love is the right word but I like what I do...empowering people through preventative education and allowing them to decide how to control their own life. I am a nurse. Sometimes I feel like we have more and more and more work and the same pay and no appreciation but the clients I serve when they come and say ''You are nice.'' and then they smile then I feel purposeful. The main thing I don't care for are the hours. Otherwise, it is great!
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    Hey superman! I have much respect for you on many levels. The other day I went to a gun range for the first time and WOW! Much respect for guns and those that use them correctly. I was not prepared for the sound or the kickback. God bless you!
  • ering
    ering Posts: 183 Member
    I'm a mommy and I LOVE it! :) couldn't ask for a better job.
  • e1izab3th2
    e1izab3th2 Posts: 148 Member
    I work at a credit union right now and I love it! The people are great and we have great incentives. I only work part-time right now but when I worked full time my health benefits and retirement benefits were awesome! Everyone is so nice and it is such a non-stressful job. I am a nursing student too and am super nervous about going from a non-stressful job to a super stressful job (being a nurse). Before I started nursing school, I thought my job was stressful but it really opened my eyes being a student nurse. I do work in one of the most knowledged based positions at the credit union but I still feel like compared to being a nurse this is easy. I can only hope to work with a great bunch of people when I get hired in as a nurse....I think the people who surround you make all the difference in the world.
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    I have been a Registered Nurse for 16 years. I take care of the sickest of the sick and the dying. I have taken care of premature infants, struggling to take their first breath on the same day I've cared for many people on their last day on this earth. It is exhilarating and heartbreaking. It is largely thankless. But Each person that I care for deserves my best efforts and all of my skills. They are someone's family member. they are fellow human beings, Many are total dirtbags. But they all deserve the best I can give. I have saved many lives, and held the hands of many who could not be saved. I have wept with the Mother of a brain injured child as she made the decision to donate his organs that others may live. It can be a $hitty job, but to answer your question, yeah, I do love it.
  • zukekitty
    zukekitty Posts: 185
    This is a horrible thing to admit, but I've been unemployed for over 5 months now and I love it! I was working as a project manager at a huge global corporation and my job slowly turned into moving manufacturing (ours and our suppliers) to Chinese suppliers. I was just getting too hard to stomach when the company decided the profit they were making wasn't big enough and my boss had fired so many people that I was the only one left she could get rid of when told to cut headcount.

    The job market where I live is horrible but we have money in the bank and my husband's job is safe until the end of next year so I am taking some time to get healthy and catch up on things. We've had to cut back on some things but it's worth it.

    I'm happier than I've been in years. Hoping that once I do find a job it's one that makes me happy like my old one did in the beginning.
  • lsd007
    lsd007 Posts: 435
    I quit a job that I hated to stay home with my daughter. It doesn't pay as well, but she is a lot more fun to be around than the catty women in my old office. I also get to stay in my pajamas all day.
  • noelheart
    This is a horrible thing to admit, but I've been unemployed for over 5 months now and I love it! I was working as a project manager at a huge global corporation and my job slowly turned into moving manufacturing (ours and our suppliers) to Chinese suppliers. I was just getting too hard to stomach when the company decided the profit they were making wasn't big enough and my boss had fired so many people that I was the only one left she could get rid of when told to cut headcount.

    The job market where I live is horrible but we have money in the bank and my husband's job is safe until the end of next year so I am taking some time to get healthy and catch up on things. We've had to cut back on some things but it's worth it.

    I'm happier than I've been in years. Hoping that once I do find a job it's one that makes me happy like my old one did in the beginning.

    Sorry to hear that, but I think you will find a job which can make you happy soon.
    Recently, it's normal to get fired, anyhow, something better is after behind.
  • chezmama
    chezmama Posts: 396 Member
    I absolutely love my job. I am a counselor in an at risk high school. What I do clearly makes a difference in people's lives, and I am so blessed to have that opportunity.
  • scarletleavy
    scarletleavy Posts: 841 Member
    I'm the second generation in a family business and I just love the dynamic. I get to go to work everyday with my dad and build a business together. We work really well together and our relationship as father/daughter has really grown. I would say at this point my dad and I are truly friends. I'm also so thankful for the opportunity to travel the world and take on some serious responsibilities, even at a relatively young age. I wouldn't trade my job for the world.
  • JEK717
    JEK717 Posts: 1,497
    OMG yes I LOVE it. Literally the best job ever. I get to spend it playing with the most adorable and sweetest things on the planet. Four and Five year olds that bless me everytime I am around them. Their sunshine smiles remind me to smile. Their cute chatter and "no its not...yes it its not" arguments. Or the fun of playing run from Teacher the monster. Or the water games and train slide. It's fun to be silly and know you don't look stupid doing it in their eyes.Each child is different and talented in a way perfectly fitting for them and it makes me insanely happy to get to share part of their day. They are beautiful and their pure innocent hearts bless me time after time in ways I can't even explain!
  • ccarpe
    ccarpe Posts: 118
    I really do like my job. I am working for a family owned Chevrolet dealership for 2 1/2 years as a controller/business accounting manager. I previously worked for another family owned Chevy dealer 23 years until they decided to call it quits. Stayed home for about two years in-between, and that I loved, I played taxi driver to both of my teenage kids and all their friends (they didn't drive yet) and "Susie homemaker" and got to spend quite a bit of time volunteering at our Christian school. Other than working part-time at a local shoe store in high school and a short stint selling Mary Kay cosmetics -- that's my life as a working girl.
  • Delboy1961
    I work with adults with learning disability and I enjoy my job although like most its the internal politics and paperwork that p@ss me off
  • sitstaygimmeeakiss
    sitstaygimmeeakiss Posts: 130 Member
    Halliburton and Enron had a baby, my company is the demon spawn of those two. While Enron was giving birth to my company, it died.

    Good thing I wasn't drinking coffee when I read this - I needed a spew alert, lol!! Too funny!!! (My condolences to you, however, for having to work there..)

    I have almost the best job around. I went from a SAH mom (which I loved) to being disabled. My (four) kids are all grown, and I now that I'm here, I'm getting a better handle on my health. Losing the weight I have has lessened the stress on my knees - when I started, I could hardly get around my apt. w/out a cane. Now, I'm walking (on average) a mile or two every day!!

    I can get around by bus & subway, and I'm having loads of fun going to markets (to get the best veggies & fruits), and visiting areas around the city I haven't seen in years. Started a blog & I try to take photos everywhere I go. I *would* like to see if I can get a part time job, but I don't want to do anything that's going to make my health regress to anywhere like it was before. I'm basically close to retirement age, anyway - and having raised four kids, I'm pretty good at stretching those nickels!
  • sitstaygimmeeakiss
    sitstaygimmeeakiss Posts: 130 Member
    I have been a Registered Nurse for 16 years. I take care of the sickest of the sick and the dying. I have taken care of premature infants, struggling to take their first breath on the same day I've cared for many people on their last day on this earth. It is exhilarating and heartbreaking. It is largely thankless. But Each person that I care for deserves my best efforts and all of my skills. They are someone's family member. they are fellow human beings, Many are total dirtbags. But they all deserve the best I can give. I have saved many lives, and held the hands of many who could not be saved. I have wept with the Mother of a brain injured child as she made the decision to donate his organs that others may live. It can be a $hitty job, but to answer your question, yeah, I do love it.

    What an awesome reply!! And thank you for the work you are doing - we need you, and more like you, out there!!

    (My daughter is near completion of an intensive nursing program - I am SO proud of her!!)
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,701 Member
    What more could I want? I get free gym membership, and I get to HELP people achieve a goal that is ENTIRELY based on their efforts (meaning no one worked out for them, ate for them, etc) and see the HAPPINESS. Happy makes happy.
  • sarahp86
    sarahp86 Posts: 692 Member
    Have been a police officer for the last 5 years (another 30 to retirement) I love my job, love most of the people I work with, they're like family.

    Can't say the same about members of the public... The majority of people I meet on a daily basis are lovely... Some people are just special and I also believe that it's wrong that people need a licence for a dog but not for a child!!!
  • 1goodymom67
    umm yup!! I am a mom. I homeschool one of my ds's. The pay is not great at times and then all of sudden I get a bonus, love or a kind word. I know lame but what can I say,