New Christmas Challenge!!



  • wilsonk1
    wilsonk1 Posts: 6 Member
    Add me to your list if it's not too late. My start weight is 157. Goal weight of 140.
  • laneybird
    laneybird Posts: 532 Member
    If possible, I'd love to join!! If it's okay, I will send my CW and GW tomorrow since Fridays are my normal weigh in day
  • Christmas is right when I want to reach my goal.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Hello I hope that I am not too late to join!

    My name is Ellie and I am 19 years old. Feel free to add me if you would like. :)
    My current weight is 87.9 kg and my goal weight is inbetween 55-60kg.... My goal weight by Christmas would have to be 70kg, and my goal is to look AMAZING AND TO WOW THE RELLIES I NEVER SEE ANY TIME OF THE YEAR :)

    I really hope that this group is a lot different to the last one that I joined, that may seem a bit harsh. But I got kicked out for not writing down whether I did the everyday challenges after 3 days and as I was in hospital at this time I did not think this to be quite fair.
  • lisac1422
    lisac1422 Posts: 102 Member
    I am IN

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools

    YAY! good luck! do you have your weight and goal weight?
  • Hi,

    I would like to join your christmas challenge. SW 199 GW 154
  • tamanella
    tamanella Posts: 500 Member
    Hello I hope that I am not too late to join!

    My name is Ellie and I am 19 years old. Feel free to add me if you would like. :)
    My current weight is 87.9 kg and my goal weight is inbetween 55-60kg.... My goal weight by Christmas would have to be 70kg, and my goal is to look AMAZING AND TO WOW THE RELLIES I NEVER SEE ANY TIME OF THE YEAR :)

    I really hope that this group is a lot different to the last one that I joined, that may seem a bit harsh. But I got kicked out for not writing down whether I did the everyday challenges after 3 days and as I was in hospital at this time I did not think this to be quite fair.

    I didn't ge the impression that this challenge is very strict. I'm sure it'll be fine :0)
  • tjames30
    tjames30 Posts: 229 Member
    I weigh pretty much every day, I just don't log it but once a week. I will send you my weigh-in on Mondays, more motivation to be good over the weekend! :) Do you want us to post weigh-ins here or send to you in a message?
  • lisac1422
    lisac1422 Posts: 102 Member
    EllieBellie1- This challenge you will not be kicked out! unless later down the line people haven't weighed in in like 3-4 weeks! so no worries!

    tjames30- oh ok sounds good!! and i would rather have you guys post it in here, that way it is easier for me to keep track of, but if you don't feel comfortable with that, messages are fine!
  • eills44
    eills44 Posts: 65
    Id love to join hun, as I am going to Florida on 15th December, so this is perfect for me xx My start weight is 193lb, gw is
    150 lbs, but by xmas more achievable would be 168, so a loss of 25lbs, in 18 weeks I think that is do -able xx
  • waterlily289
    waterlily289 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm in!
    CW is 152
    GW is 135

    Thanks for doing this!!
  • amyp26
    amyp26 Posts: 12
    I def want in! my cw is 149 gw 135
  • i am computer illiterate, is this where i would put my weigh ins on a monday? or is there some other secret place lol?
  • On monday 8/8/11 i weighed in at 186.8.
    Cw:184.5 8/13/11
    Gw: 135-140 12/23/11
  • Christmas is right when I want to reach my goal.

    i have almost the exact same goals as you do!!!! as far as the next couple of months!
  • Sounds good to me!!

    Current - 209
    By Christmas Goal - 189

    Now that we have the destination... How the heck are we going to get there?
  • Christmas is right when I want to reach my goal.

    i have almost the exact same goals as you do!!!! as far as the next couple of months!

    AWESOME! lets do this together so we can both achieve our goals.
  • blueiz35
    blueiz35 Posts: 24
    just checkin in on everybody! Weigh in is Monday?? right??? Wishin everyone the Best of Luck!
  • lisac1422
    lisac1422 Posts: 102 Member
    Hey everyone!! Yes, weigh in is on Monday!! And yes, this is where you will post your weight! Good luck everyone!
  • Nikkiham520
    Nikkiham520 Posts: 117 Member
    Can't wait to start, ladies!!! I have been so bad lately with food. I have been working out like crazy but eating like crazy, too. I think this is going to help me so much!!!