Please explain the mystery

Hello everyone.I am on a 1200 calories,i run regularly and i am already dropped a jeans size.But the scale keep telling me i am still 70 kg?!I am quite new and i don't know what to think.Also i suffer from endo (during flare up my tummy swallow)and ibs.Happy with my progress but upset about thescale!


  • tatatato586
    tatatato586 Posts: 9 Member
    Your weight isn't a number, but a range, You need weeks of true calorie deficit to see a distinct weight trend.

    Sorry,can you explain to me more simply?Thank you
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Hello everyone.I am on a 1200 calories,i run regularly and i am already dropped a jeans size.But the scale keep telling me i am still 70 kg?!I am quite new and i don't know what to think.Also i suffer from endo (during flare up my tummy swallow)and ibs.Happy with my progress but upset about thescale!

    For how long has the scale not moved?
  • tatatato586
    tatatato586 Posts: 9 Member
    Hello everyone.I am on a 1200 calories,i run regularly and i am already dropped a jeans size.But the scale keep telling me i am still 70 kg?!I am quite new and i don't know what to think.Also i suffer from endo (during flare up my tummy swallow)and ibs.Happy with my progress but upset about thescale!

    For how long has the scale not moved?

    Is now two weeks
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Your weight isn't a number, but a range, You need weeks of true calorie deficit to see a distinct weight trend.
    Sorry,can you explain to me more simply?Thank you
    Your body consists of and contain many different things that have different density - blood, water, minerals, bones, hair, fat, muscles, skin, and food in your stomach and intestines that are going to become part of your body, or poo. Some of those things are present in varying amounts, through the day, but also from day to day. When you want to lose weight, you want to use up stored fat. That is something that happens when you take in (eat/drink) less energy than you expend (burn, from exercise, but also daily living, and body functions like breathing, heart pumping, keeping warm, etc), and that is referred to as a calorie deficit. You can lose up to 1% of your body weight in fat per week, provided you have enough fat on your body (obesity) and a large enough and consistent calorie deficit. Because some things within your body come and go, you never have a weight, you can only get a snapshot by stepping on the scale. Those things can also vary by more than the amount of fat you can burn in a week. So do you see now why it's easy to be confused and discouraged if you weigh weekly and expect a lower number every time?
  • tatatato586
    tatatato586 Posts: 9 Member
    Your weight isn't a number, but a range, You need weeks of true calorie deficit to see a distinct weight trend.
    Sorry,can you explain to me more simply?Thank you
    Your body consists of and contain many different things that have different density - blood, water, minerals, bones, hair, fat, muscles, skin, and food in your stomach and intestines that are going to become part of your body, or poo. Some of those things are present in varying amounts, through the day, but also from day to day. When you want to lose weight, you want to use up stored fat. That is something that happens when you take in (eat/drink) less energy than you expend (burn, from exercise, but also daily living, and body functions like breathing, heart pumping, keeping warm, etc), and that is referred to as a calorie deficit. You can lose up to 1% of your body weight in fat per week, provided you have enough fat on your body (obesity) and a large enough and consistent calorie deficit. Because some things within your body come and go, you never have a weight, you can only get a snapshot by stepping on the scale. Those things can also vary by more than the amount of fat you can burn in a week. So do you see now why it's easy to be confused and discouraged if you weigh weekly and expect a lower number every time?

    Thank you so much for your time .Now is much clear.I appreciate
  • nickssweetheart
    nickssweetheart Posts: 874 Member
    Your weight isn't a number, but a range, You need weeks of true calorie deficit to see a distinct weight trend.

    Sorry,can you explain to me more simply?Thank you

    The scale may not be right for many reasons including holding on to water when you have just started exercising. Since it's only been two weeks, give it a full month before you become concerned.
  • tatatato586
    tatatato586 Posts: 9 Member
    Your weight isn't a number, but a range, You need weeks of true calorie deficit to see a distinct weight trend.

    Sorry,can you explain to me more simply?Thank you

    The scale may not be right for many reasons including holding on to water when you have just started exercising. Since it's only been two weeks, give it a full month before you become concerned.

    Thank you so much for your answer
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Hormones can cause you to hold on to water weight and then suddenly let it “go”. I figured this out after weighing myself daily for forty days. I would eat consistently less throughout the month but only lose weight once a month.

    Starting a new exercise routine will cause you to temporarily gain weight as your muscles repair themselves. Patience; those new muscles will help you in the long run.

    Flare ups from your IBS and Endo will temporary cause a water weight gain.

    None of this is connected to fat loss, which will steadily go down as you consistently eat in a deficit.

    The scale is a poor measure but it is the fastest and easiest. It is much harder to figure out how much fat is lost.

    You are doing well. Just keep consistent.
  • tatatato586
    tatatato586 Posts: 9 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »
    Hormones can cause you to hold on to water weight and then suddenly let it “go”. I figured this out after weighing myself daily for forty days. I would eat consistently less throughout the month but only lose weight once a month.

    Starting a new exercise routine will cause you to temporarily gain weight as your muscles repair themselves. Patience; those new muscles will help you in the long run.

    Flare ups from your IBS and Endo will temporary cause a water weight gain.

    None of this is connected to fat loss, which will steadily go down as you consistently eat in a deficit.

    The scale is a poor measure but it is the fastest and easiest. It is much harder to figure out how much fat is lost.

    You are doing well. Just keep consistent.

    Thank you so much.I did noticed,during my flare up of both,i feel 'bigger'.I keep up ,i will not give up till i reach my goal.Thank you.
  • Dee_D33
    Dee_D33 Posts: 106 Member
    How are you measuring your calorie intake?
  • ashxtasticness
    ashxtasticness Posts: 160 Member
    Sometimes you lose inches without seeing a difference on the scale, it is frustrating, but at least you know you are being successful in losing fat. If you work out, your body could be retaining water or your muscles could be inflamed (happened to me and I wasn't losing anything, actually gained a pound and lost 5 inches) Just try to make sure you give your body time to recover after full body (zumba, etc) workouts and strength/resistance training.

    Best of luck to you!
  • tatatato586
    tatatato586 Posts: 9 Member
    Sometimes you lose inches without seeing a difference on the scale, it is frustrating, but at least you know you are being successful in losing fat. If you work out, your body could be retaining water or your muscles could be inflamed (happened to me and I wasn't losing anything, actually gained a pound and lost 5 inches) Just try to make sure you give your body time to recover after full body (zumba, etc) workouts and strength/resistance training.

    Best of luck to you!

    True.I did the same the first weeks .I wasn't giving time to my muscles to rest.Now i run just 4 times a week and i feel more refreshed.Thank you so much.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    edited June 2018
    Hello everyone.I am on a 1200 calories,i run regularly and i am already dropped a jeans size.But the scale keep telling me i am still 70 kg?!I am quite new and i don't know what to think.Also i suffer from endo (during flare up my tummy swallow)and ibs.Happy with my progress but upset about thescale!

    For how long has the scale not moved?

    That's pretty normal, weight loss isn't linear

  • tatatato586
    tatatato586 Posts: 9 Member
    Dee_D33 wrote: »
    How are you measuring your calorie intake?

    I use the app diary .Is very helpful
  • mkculs
    mkculs Posts: 316 Member
    Are you using a scale to weigh your food? Measuring volume (cups) is much less accurate. Also, without your stats, it is hard to know if 1200 is a good goal for you--could be unhealthy, and it is quite possible you need to be eating more. Yes, if you are really eating only 1200 cals/net/day, then you will lose weight, but at what cost? You want to lose fat, not muscle. Sounds like you could benefit from reading some of the sticky notes on the message boards to help you understand--it isn't really complicated once you get all the information, but it is important to have a full picture. Good luck.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Hello everyone.I am on a 1200 calories,i run regularly and i am already dropped a jeans size.But the scale keep telling me i am still 70 kg?! I am quite new and i don't know what to think.Also i suffer from endo (during flare up my tummy swallow)and ibs.Happy with my progress but upset about thescale!

    What's wrong with the scale saying you weigh 70kg?