I just want to complain about food.

Sometimes I do so great and other times I crave three doughnuts. I never crave sweets until I start diets. I'm not even a sweets person. Chips are my downfall an Asian and Mexican food. My intake is all over the place.


  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,299 Member
    Probably silly to mention it on here. You could try looking to see if you are low on zinc, it can do all manner of strange things. Trouble is general medicine does not bother with the seemingly small stuff.

    You can win the battle of the doughnuts.
  • chornak05
    chornak05 Posts: 135 Member
    I found that if I try to restrict sweets/food in general, I end up way overeating. I even have a hard time banking calories..I end up overeating on the weekends :neutral:
  • OhCaroleM
    OhCaroleM Posts: 19 Member
    edited June 2018
    I love donuts, a downfall of mine, I know if I have one I will want more.

    I keep telling myself I'll have one ... just not yet.

    I am responsible for picking up 5 dozen once a month for my church ... haven't had one yet this year. I will though when the time is right. It's my own personal mind game. Have had other desserts though (pie, ice cream) just holding out on the donuts.

    But I agree with earlier posters, if you really want a donut indulge ... carefully but without guilt!
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    Donuts are just so good though.
  • WholeFoods4Lyfe
    WholeFoods4Lyfe Posts: 1,518 Member
    This isn't so much a complaint about food as it is your own self-control. My best advice is moderation. Don't say "no" to donut, just say no to 3 donuts. Mexican food can be very diet friendly, you just need to watch the cheese and sauces as they can add up quick. If you like something, and have no dietary restrictions, eat it if that will help you to be successful.
  • alyshawns
    alyshawns Posts: 10 Member
    I'm an "all or nothing" type person, so I stay very strict on this healthy living. The older we get, the quicker time flies. I've been living in Florida for what I thought was only 3 years, but it's my 5 summer down here! So, with the time flying by so quickly, I just say to myself..."the mcDonalds, sweets and alcohol will STILL be there a year from now when I get to my goal". So, that's what keeps me going. I DO steal a chip now and then from hubby who sits there and eats the BEST meals...because I cook them for him! I sit there and eat my plain sweet potato and shrimp! LOL! It's a struggle, but like they say..."being thin feels better than food tastes"...or that's what I heard. By the way, how do you make friends on here??
  • VUA21
    VUA21 Posts: 2,072 Member
    I've recently started running. I feel great and I get to eat a lot more "bad" food when I pretty much do a 5k (1/2 run, 1/2 walk at the moment) for breakfast.

    I no longer eliminate foods, I just eat what I want in smaller portions.
  • KTeaKat
    KTeaKat Posts: 9 Member
    My biggest complaint is my kids having all this candy in my house!! There's still Easter candy in this one corner of the kitchen and I'm all, "I WANT THAT LINDT CHOCOLATE BUNNY NOW!! GET IN MY BELLY, PEEPS!!" Then, the saying I learned on this journey kicks in, "That will never taste as good as feeling skinny feels." Freaking sweets!!
  • HeyJudii
    HeyJudii Posts: 264 Member
    Believe it or not, I have several different types of snack foods in my house right now. The ice cream cups have been there so long, ice crystals are forming on the surfaces.
    In the past, I would have devoured everything before it was even in the house 6 hours.

    The difference this time around? I am not on a starvation diet. I don't consider that stuff off limits. I try to buy single portion stuff if it is available, and FoodSaver single portions if it is not available pre-packaged. This way, I am very aware of how much I am eating, and what it will do to my "budget" of calories. I just don't crave it anymore now that it is freely available if I want it. Many times, I'll stand in my kitchen, staring at those foods, thinking, "What do I feel like eating? Meh, nothing." and turn around and go back to what I was doing before.

    Fri-Sun is my weekend. I plan to eat some of my exercise calories on those days. No feelings of deprivation. Last Friday I had 3 slices of pizza and a couple glasses of wine. And an ice cream cup. Had the calories already planned out.
    I'm thinking Asian food tomorrow night. Need to pick up some plum wine.
  • garystrickland357
    garystrickland357 Posts: 598 Member
    I have 125 days of logging and eating intelligently. Yesterday I opened a bag od Fritos Scoops and scooped some Ranch dip. I just stopped earlier than the old days and logged the calories and moved on.
  • Lillymoo01
    Lillymoo01 Posts: 2,865 Member
    lainzain wrote: »
    Sometimes I do so great and other times I crave three doughnuts. I never crave sweets until I start diets. I'm not even a sweets person. Chips are my downfall an Asian and Mexican food. My intake is all over the place.

    I am a fan of Asian and Mexican food too but have learnt to adapt the recipe to make it more calorie friendly. I add as much vegetable as I do meat and serve with either spiralised zucchini or cauliflower rice if I don't have enough calories for tortilla wraps and rice. I have also reduced the amount of cheese I add.

    As for sweets and chips just plan ahead to include a treat into your meal plan occasionally. You are more likely to crave what you think you can't have. It is not uncommon for a dietician to recommend aa 80/20 food split where 80% of your food is largely fresh and unprocessed food and 20% is those special treats for this reason.
  • FL_Hiker
    FL_Hiker Posts: 919 Member
    Oh man if you make Mexican food at home it's even more delicious and healthy!!! I made a homemade fahjita bowl tonight and it was amazing!!! Do you like to cook? If not it's not hard at all!! There are some really good low calorie desserts out there too like fiberone brownies.. they taste just like real yummy chocolate brownies! You just have to experiment and find new foods and eat in moderation! You can do it! Here's that fahjita bowl recipe for you..
