What finally pushed you to lose the weight?



  • MiniMansell1964
    MiniMansell1964 Posts: 188 Member
    Wolfger wrote: »
    I got upset when I got over 300 pounds on the scale. I dropped back down to "normal" at 275 and said never again would I get that heavy. When I got over 290 again, I was triggered. Those days are gone for good, and I'm fairly happy hovering around 205, although I'd like to lose 10-20 more pounds. Wishing I'd hit that trigger at a younger age...

    How tall are you Wolfger?
  • kbmnurse1
    kbmnurse1 Posts: 316 Member
    My clothes are to tight. Not buying any size larger than a ten-period.
  • JameyLynn84
    JameyLynn84 Posts: 19 Member
    I decided enough was enough this year after having a mini stroke and outgrowing all of my clothes. No more excuses! I wanted to get healthy so I could get off the couch and blood pressure medication. After just 4 weeks, my blood pressure is the best it’s been in 2 years, I still have a lot of fat to lose though
  • Imuniquelyjazzy
    Imuniquelyjazzy Posts: 7 Member
    Feeling completely uncomfortable in my skin. The scale as 260, I had let it all go during a 2 year depression. At first, I was overwelmed... I begin to think about all that had happened during those years, what I had overcame and then I realized that I hadn't overcame, I had isolated, eaten, and drank my way from 175 to 260, as God saw me through the struggles. I decided that it was time, that struggling at this weight to live from day to day, is more painful than making the behavior modifications and eating habit changes necessary to feel better immediately... as I work to losing the weight. I stopped drinking, started tracking my intake, reviewing the data, taking vitamins, and re-introduced activity into my lifestyle, within 2 weeks I'm down 12 lbs... so it's true...
    "When the pain of staying the same becomes greater than the pain of changing, change begins in earnest."

    I'm feeling better already, preparing meals at home, monitoring progress of my nutritional changes... and enjoying every minute of it... I READY!

  • helencarlos919
    helencarlos919 Posts: 21 Member
    I just had a baby about 3 1/2 months ago, so basically I just want my pre baby body back lol.
  • prettyshambolic
    prettyshambolic Posts: 33 Member
    Getting engaged. When I started trying on dresses, I realized how badly I needed to lose weight.
  • sweetiebeedie
    sweetiebeedie Posts: 5 Member
    I started to be happy in general and with myself and decided to lose weight in a healthy way and take care of my body instead of abusing it. Then I needed new jeans which made it urgent to for me to start, why buy clothes in a weight I was unhappy with? I couldn’t accept it. I tried to put it off until after I lost the weight but really had to have some. I wanted to buy them small because I had already started losing. The people who went shopping with me rolled their eyes and that really sparked the fire. I bought 5 pair, most of them tight, one very tight. Now 2 months later they're all baggy, except for the one that was very tight, and those fit well. I’m just about ready to go shopping again!
  • MzJNickz
    MzJNickz Posts: 4 Member
    When my dumb scale read 296 and I’m 5’5.5 and I have a whole closet full of clothes I can NOT fit at all.
  • Diatonic12
    Diatonic12 Posts: 32,344 Member
    Pain. Pain is the precursor to change.
  • lizzy_satellite
    lizzy_satellite Posts: 112 Member
    Saw a picture a friend posted that made me realise how much the 17lbs I'd put on over the last year and a half had aged me. That gave me the lightbulb moment that expanding out of all but a small portion of my wardrobe had not! I'd used three consecutive leg injuries to excuse the weight gain (I'd stopped exercising but not cut down what I was eating accordingly).
  • inconsequential01
    inconsequential01 Posts: 529 Member
    For me it was health. Had to lose weight for op and then had another 2. Now in the habit of keeping weight down
  • beemerguy01
    beemerguy01 Posts: 17 Member
    Snapping back into reality after my slutty gf cheated on me. What a dummy LOL
  • Tisha247
    Tisha247 Posts: 849 Member
    After a friends kid described me as fat, much to the embarrassment of my friend : )
  • swimmchick87
    swimmchick87 Posts: 458 Member
    edited June 2018
    Stepping on the scale and seeing the number 203 (and I'm only 5'4). Several years ago, I lost 35 pounds from a starting weight of 188, which I was horrified with at the time. Long story short, I've yo-yo'd some over the years but at the bare minimum always stayed under 175. I knew I'd gained weight this spring, but was absolutely shocked at how much. I basically gained 40 pounds in six months. I kept telling myself, "One more day/meal won't really make that much of a difference- I'll get back into eating well tomorrow, next week, etc." I also got rid of my gym membership because it got crazy expensive, with the great intentions of joining another "soon" and then never did. Well obviously it does make a big difference. The moral of this story, at least for me, is never stop weighing in, even if you're not doing well. I would have NEVER let myself get anywhere near 200 if I would have realized that's how big I'd gotten.

    Beyond that:
    -Getting winded doing normal activities. For example, last week I went to a baseball game and was seriously out of breath just from walking around the stadium and climbing a few stairs.
    -Having to buy plus sized clothes for the first time. I had to go out and buy pants in size 14/16 and all XL tops. I bought a t shirt for the aforementioned baseball game and had to buy a men's XL for it to fit comfortably enough to not show fat rolls. Talk about embarrassing!
    -Basically not being able to find any clothing that's flattering, especially for summer- even if it's a "flowy" top that somewhat hides my stomach, my arms look horrible right now.
    -Realizing that I weigh about 40 pounds more than my dad.
    -Having to avoid certain social situations because of my weight- such as anything involving a swimsuit, or anything involving exercise where I won't be able to keep up, like hiking, or even things where I know there will be a ton of walking and I'll get embarrassingly out of breath/sweaty.
    -I used to a youtube workout from Chris Powell called "The Workout." There are 3 levels and at my peak I did level 3 for an "easier" workout day. One year, I took it upon myself to lead a "beginner" fitness group with coworkers and we started with level 1, which is only 15 minutes and mostly warm-up style exercises. I remember thinking at the time how sad it was that people really needed to start at this level, and how it was really for people who'd "never been off the couch" before. A few days ago I decided I'd start with level 1, thinking it would be an easy day 1 confidence booster and I'd move to level 2 the next day. I struggled to make it through the 15 minutes and am literally still sore more than 48 hours later!
    -Feeling uncomfortable all of the time. I am just sitting here and I feel uncomfortable. I can't bend down and pick something up or get out of a chair without some effort. Even though I bought some bigger/more comfortable clothes, my torso is so fat that any bra is horribly uncomfortable. It fits fine around my rib cage (after I bought a bigger size, of course), but digs into the fat around my upper torso.
  • chunkytfg
    chunkytfg Posts: 339 Member
    When I got on the scales and they told me I weighed zero! The dial had span all the way round back to zero and they they were already scales I'd bought specially as they read up to a neither weight than the old set!
  • FibroHiker
    FibroHiker Posts: 361 Member
    Chronic fatigue and pain, being unable to be comfortable while laying down, listening to my knees creak when I walk up stairs . . . .

    Plus someone I hate is losing weight and is almost thinner than me.

    PS, I think you great in your picture. I never have curves whether I am skinny or overweight.
  • lantana411
    lantana411 Posts: 99 Member
    I was always overweight - even as a child. And I've only had brief periods in my life when I wasn't very overweight. But I liked how I felt when I wasn't enveloped in fat. I felt more like my authentic self. I was attacked when I was a teenager and I believe I felt that getting fatter would protect me - until I realized that old ladies get attacked, fat people, etc. It's a brutal crime and not a sex act. So that poked holes in my feeling safer, fatter. Then I found out I need joint replacements because my hip and knees are shot. I'm not that old and likely would need a replacement of my replacements in my old age, when I might not be a candidate for surgery. So I wanted to lose the weight and feel better, mentally and physically.

    I lost 90 pounds and then after a half of a year of ongoing dental/endodontic work I gaine about 30 pounds. Too much - but I was still here and I could recover my weight if I could just return to weighing, measuring and logging my food. I returned to MFP and took out my kitchen scale. I've lost about 14 pounds so I'm not far from my lowest weight in my adulthood. And I'm going to keep going for as long as my body will give up the weight. This way when/if my hip finally craps out, I'll have the best chance of recovery.

    I also have a slender husband and it feels great to feel good-looking next to him! He is blind to my weight but I'm not.
  • annewrites
    annewrites Posts: 15 Member
    When I realized I just felt bad all the time. I was stiff, sore, tired, and most importantly, I felt terrible about myself.

    I also finally admitted to myself that those feelings around my weight were stopping me from dating. Sure I was focusing on my career, but also...I didn't want anyone looking at me. That's no way to live a life.